Review of cuticle removers

The introduction of new technologies in manicure led to the use of new products and compositions in the process of nail care, it also touched on the issue of cuticle removal, where fundamentally new products came to replace the usual tools from the manicure set, which brought a lot of positive changes.

In light of the improvement of manicure techniques, modern salons, as well as manufacturers of specialized hand care products, offer customers and consumers a variety of product options that allow you to remove cuticles without using manicure cutting tools. This type of manicure is called unedged or European. This technique is distinguished by its simplicity of execution, painlessness of the procedure, as well as the attractiveness of the result obtained. You can use cuticle removers not only in the salon, but also at home.

The emergence of non-circumcision manicure products on the market was driven by the combined property of removers that were used to remove artificial coatings such as acrylic, gel or gel polish from the nail plate.
The funds during application significantly softened the skin around the nail plate, thereby facilitating its removal. It was these formulations that became the basis for the manufacture of products that allow you to remove the cuticle without scissors and tweezers. Today, these products are offered to buyers by domestic and foreign manufacturers, in light of which it is very important to have the most complete understanding of its types.

First of all, the classification of removers is based on the consistency of the composition, on sale you can find:
- liquid products;
- cream products;
- gels.

However, the density and form of release of the composition does not affect in any way how the used composition acts on the skin. Proceeding from this, for care, you can choose a product that will be more convenient to use, taking into account personal preferences and ideas about convenience. As a rule, manufacturers offer their product in bottles, tubes or in the form of a special pencil. For convenience, some containers have a brush for application.

The first option comes in small bubbles, visually similar to nail polish. The rest of the varieties are sold poured into tubes. Removers in pencils outwardly resemble a volumetric felt-tip pen, the inside of the composition can be solid or also have a brush.
Also, removers can be divided into types, focusing on the composition. Customers can now select products from the following list.

Compositions for softening based on various acids
Products include a choice of lactic, fruit or other types of acids similar to natural substances. As a rule, abrasive particles, which instantly penetrate into the epidermis, help to remove the cuticle.

Alkali-based products
This line of products is recommended for working with rough skin areas that require more careful treatment to remove the stratum corneum.

Mineral remedies
This type of removers, unlike the previous category of formulations, is distinguished by gentle contact with the skin, in addition, it provides additional nutrition to the nail plate and skin of the hands.

Cuticle remover oil products
They are a liquid that delicately affects the area around the nail, allowing you to gently remove the stratum corneum.

The unifying quality for the last two types of care products is the ability to leave them on the skin after the cuticle removal procedure, without washing it off with a soap solution.
As for the time it will take to soften the skin, everything will depend on the level of concentration of the substances present in the composition. As a rule, for the composition to start "working" it will take from a few seconds to 2 minutes. Alkaline and acidic types of products should be used subject to individual safety measures, since careless handling can provoke burns, allergic reactions to the skin and mucous membranes, in addition, the compositions can adversely affect the condition of the nail plate itself, causing delamination and depletion of the upper layers.

Operating principle
To have an idea of how professional formulations work for the implementation of unedged manicure, it is worth understanding what the cuticle is, with which the constituent components will have to work. This part of the epidermis consists of living and keratinized cells, and the essence of the interaction of the remover with the skin is to additionally nourish the former, as well as to remove the latter. This process is completely painless, since dead cells simply dissolve under the influence of an alkaline or acidic composition, after which they are removed together with its excess.

The maximum effect, even in the case of too coarse cuticles, can be achieved with alkali-based products., since they have an elevated pH level, due to which there is a rapid destruction of the keratinized layers of the epidermis located near the nail plate. But potassium or sodium hydroxide also contributes to the fact that the skin around the nail becomes dry, therefore, after using the product, you will need to additionally moisturize your hands, and also strictly control the time of application of the composition in order to exclude the occurrence of burns.

The principle of action of acid removers is based on a similar interaction of the constituents with living and dead skin cells, but such funds can be purchased only in specialized departments, since acids have a rather aggressive effect on the skin.
Oil-based products are considered the best homemade European manicure., which are released by gentle contact with the cuticle, gently soften it with minerals or fruit components, additionally moisturizing the nail and nourishing the skin around the plate. Such a product belongs to a safe category, in addition, it rarely causes allergic reactions on the skin.

Popular brands
On the shelves of domestic stores and specialized salons, you can find a number of products presented by Russian or foreign brands. The most popular ones are presented below.

This brand offers to get rid of cuticles using an uncut method using a special cream that contains a number of nourishing oils and marine minerals. The tool quickly and effectively softens the skin, allowing you to painlessly remove the dead layer, and additionally nourishes the nail and moisturizes the living cells of the epidermis. The cream contains disinfecting components that exclude the presence of any inflammatory processes after this procedure.

Giorgio capachini
Quite a popular composition for European manicure, which stands out not only for its effectiveness, but also for its affordable cost among the line of professional tools. The scrub softens the cuticles and at the same time exfoliates dead skin particles. Before applying the product to your fingers, you should first steam the skin in a bath with soapy water. The tool can be used not only in the salon, but also at home for regular hand care.

The remover of this series is presented in the form of a gel; the products are sold together with a brush for ease of use. This product belongs to alkaline formulations for unedged manicure. The gel also contains disinfecting components and oil to moisturize the epidermis. Among the contraindications for use, a skin type that is too dry, prone to peeling, should be distinguished.

Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover
The composition belongs to the alkaline group, additionally enriched with plant-based nutrients. The gel is sold in a tube or in a bottle with a brush. After removing the cuticle, the composition must be washed off the skin with soapy water.

"Smart Enamel"
Alkaline remover of a new generation, which includes a lot of natural nutrients, including vitamins A and E necessary for the skin. The product is sold as a cream in glass bottles with a pump.

Composition for the treatment of rough and keratinized skin, copes well with removing cuticles, in addition, it moisturizes the skin. The chemical composition of the product contains wound-healing components that prevent the formation of burrs and microcracks. Remover is recommended for use no more than once every 7-10 days.

A high-performance, fast-acting formulation that can be used in the salon or at home. The express remover contains vitamins and natural extracts. The tool is sold in a tube.

Remover "Letual"
An acidic product of French production, which is sold in the form of a gel in small tubes. The tool quickly softens the cuticle, which allows you to perform a manicure as soon as possible.

A moisturizing and nourishing remover specially formulated for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. Does not contain acids, it is allowed to be used for making children's unedged manicure.For ease of use, the composition is available in bottles with a brush.

How to use it correctly?
The technology for performing European manicure assumes three options: dry, wet and hot methods. The first option does not include preliminary steaming of the skin in a bath of warm water; in the second case, this step is mandatory, since the soft cuticle becomes more pliable for contact with the components of the remover. The last type of unedged manicure is recommended for very rough and problem skin, which is in a state of neglect. As a rule, in this case, several procedures will be required to obtain a good result.

The second option is most often used in modern salons. It is also recommended to use it for self-care.
The algorithm for working with removers involves the use of the following tools:
- bath - necessary to soften the skin;
- pusher - needed to lift the skin;
- orange shelf - has a similar function to the pusher;
- selected cuticle remover.

Removal work involves the following steps.
- Optionally, you can pre-use the bath. Then apply the acquired composition to the skin around the nail plate, leave the product for the allotted time.
- Pusher to remove excess funds together with dead skin. Ideally, the area around the nail should be cuticle-free.
- Then you should arm yourself with a stick, pushing the skin away from the nail plate with the tool. This step will make the manicure complete, in addition, it will increase the size of the nail itself.
- The final step will be to apply a softening and nourishing composition to the hands, which should be rubbed into the cuticle area with massage movements.
- The application of varnish or strengthening composition is optional.

Although European manicure has not completely replaced the usual edging method of nail care, more and more masters and ordinary consumers are purchasing cuticle removers without the use of scissors and other cutting manicure tools. In light of this, the available feedback on the effectiveness of such products can be analyzed.

As for alkaline and acid removers, consumer opinions are rather ambiguous, since not all formulations can achieve the desired result immediately after the first use. As a rule, several sessions will be required for the skin to adapt to the change in the method of care.
Sally Hansen products, which you can use on your own, deserve a lot of positive reviews. The advantages of the tool also include ease of use. For professional use, special attention, according to the reviews of the masters, deserves a series of express means for unedged manicure from the Severina trademarks and the Letual remover, which moisturize the skin and also quickly cope with the task of removing very rough skin. In the course of using this product, additional softening of the skin in the bath is not required - it will be enough to slightly move the cuticle away from the nail using a wooden stick.

For information on which means is best to remove the cuticle, see the next video.