Devices and tools for manicure

Instructions for the use of "Alaminol" for manicure tools

Instructions for the use of Alaminol for manicure tools
  1. Properties
  2. Breeding rules
  3. How to use?
  4. Precautionary measures
  5. Reviews

The handling of the instruments used for the manicure is very important. The toolkit can be processed by different means. This article will tell you more about how to use the drug "Alaminol" for this purpose.


"Alaminol" contains components that can have a negative effect on pathogenic viruses and bacteria. It also has a tuberculocidal effect. The manufacturers of this product note that it also has a detergent and fungicidal effect. This drug has a liquid consistency. The color of the liquid can be different - with a bluish or greenish tint. The drug also has a smell, but not very irritating. Many people note that the product in a diluted state smells like a cosmetic perfume to them.

Due to its rather wide spectrum of action, it is possible to use "Alaminol" not only in manicure and beauty salons, but also in medical institutions and even in public catering enterprises. Treatment of instruments with this drug helps to significantly reduce the risk of infection of people with disease-causing microbes. It is worth noting that this remedy is quite effective in helping against various fungal infections.

It can be used not only for processing tools, but also for processing working surfaces. This treatment helps protect items from mold growth.

Breeding rules

This product should be diluted according to the instructions for use. It must be attached to the preparation.It is important to note that if the recommended dilution dosages are not followed, this may lead to a decrease in the effect. To reduce the risk of skin damage, the dilution of the drug should be carried out with protective gloves. The disinfectant solution is mixed with ordinary water before use.

It is very important to mix the ingredients with each other carefully, not allowing the mixture to get on the mucous membranes of the eyes or on the hands.

This will help lead to chemical damage and adverse symptoms.

This product can be applied to manicure instruments in a concentration of 1 to 10%. For example, to prepare a 7% solution, you need to dissolve 70 ml of the drug in 930 ml of water. If a solution with a concentration of 5% is required, then in this case a smaller amount of a disinfectant is dissolved in 950 ml of water - only 50 ml. Dilution of other necessary concentrations is carried out in a similar way.

The prepared solution can be stored. It is not recommended to do this for more than 10 days. Store the solution in a separate container that is tightly closed.

In this case, it is necessary to avoid getting any other components inside. This can lead to a loss of the disinfectant properties of the liquid. After using this product, hands should be washed, even though wearing protective gloves. It is best to wash them with soap and water. For owners of delicate skin, after washing the skin of their hands, it is better to lubricate them with a nourishing cream. This will help reduce the risk of possible dryness of the skin.

How to use?

It is quite simple to use "Alaminol". In a container with a concentrated disinfectant diluted to the required concentration, you should carefully transfer the used instruments and leave them there for 1 hour. After this time, they should be taken out, washed with water and dried thoroughly. And also this solution (preferably in a concentration of 1–2%) can be used for surface treatment. This will help reduce the risk of developing fungal infections and other pathologies caused by pathogenic microbes.

Surfaces should be treated with a rag that is used for this. Many manicurists note that after such treatment, a special smell appears in the office, which they associate with cleanliness.

Precautionary measures

Unfortunately, in practice it happens that even careful use of this product can lead to the appearance of various irritations on the skin. As a rule, this happens if the protective gloves are torn during the processing of various objects. In such a situation, the disinfectant can get on the skin and provoke the appearance of redness. If during the processing of items such an "abnormal" situation has occurred, then in this case it is worth taking further steps:

  • damaged gloves must first be removed from the hands;
  • then the skin must be rinsed with an abundant amount of warm water - this is necessary in order to finally wash off the remnants of the disinfectant from the skin;
  • hands should be washed for 4–6 minutes;
  • if redness appears on the skin, then it is better to treat it with a special medicinal ointment.

Important! If this damage persists within a few days, you should definitely see a doctor.

Cases of contact with the "Alaminol" solution are rare, but they do occur. If the use of the product contributed to the fact that it got on the mucous membranes of the eyes, then in this case, you need to immediately rinse the eyes. Rubbing them hard with your hands is not worth it, as this can only increase the redness. If, after washing the eyes, the adverse symptoms that have arisen do not disappear, and even visual impairments have appeared, then in this case an urgent need to consult a doctor.

The diluted solution can also get into the mouth. If such a situation occurs, then it is important to take action immediately.In this case, the intake of a sorbent is required. Activated carbon can be used as such. If, even after taking such a drug, acute abdominal pain appears, then in this case, urgent medical attention is required.

Important! With careful use of this disinfectant, the development of adverse symptoms is extremely rare.

Following the instructions for using this product and observing precautions will ensure that there will be no unforeseen negative health effects from its use.


The Alaminol solution is used in many beauty salons and nail salons for the treatment of instruments and work surfaces. Many owners of such institutions note that they like this tool, as it has a fairly affordable price and can be easily purchased. And they also note that this drug can be stored for a relatively long time already in a diluted state without losing its disinfectant properties.

There are also negative opinions about this tool. So, some manicurists note that after regular treatment of instruments with this disinfectant, they notice a change in their properties. Therefore, they prefer to use alternative disinfection options for manicure tools.

This tool is used not only in beauty salons, but also at home. Some women periodically process their personal manicure instruments in order to protect themselves from infection with dangerous microbes. They note that using this tool helps them feel more confident and not be afraid of getting germs during a manicure, even at home.

For information on how to properly disinfect manicure tools with Alaminol, see below.

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