Nail printer: what it is, pros and cons of technology

In search of modern and unique technologies, we sometimes look for something extraordinary. Take nail art for example: rarely a woman did not want a design to be effective and professional in a short time and without much effort. Surprisingly, the nail sphere today can offer an answer to an urgent problem, introducing its fans to a nail printer. What it is, what are the advantages and disadvantages of such a device, the material of this article will tell.
What it is?
A nail printer is a special photo printer that prints on nail plates. Basically, it is a mini inkjet printer that can be used for natural and extended nails.

This device is designed to transfer patterns to nails. From a technical point of view, varieties of this technique differ in the quality and speed of printing. In addition, they may have assistive software. For example, budget varieties are characterized by the presence of ready-made designs, while the most advanced options allow you to create a design of your own free will.
At the same time, professional models provide the ability to print not only on nails, but also on other surfaces. The unique technology allows the design to be completed in a relatively short time.

If it can take more than an hour for a professional master during manual work, then a nail printer will cope with such a task in 10 (maximum 20) minutes. At the same time, the operator has the ability to control the printing process for nails.
Depending on the cost and capabilities of the built-in catalog, it may contain about 2-3 thousand items.ready-made designs. The device supports communication with a keyboard, monitor and computer mouse. Based on the capabilities of technology, it can have not only automatic but also manual settings. At the same time, for the salon, experts are trying to buy the second varieties, while for work at home, women tend to choose the first type of device.

Advantages and disadvantages
A nail printer is a useful thing, but expensive. With its cost of about 50 thousand rubles and more, not every modern woman can afford such a purchase. Despite the fact that the device significantly saves time, it may seem expensive to some.
Among the advantages, one can note the high quality of the print. It turns out to be highly accurate, clear and bright, which is important for beautiful nail design. In practice, this is a photo design, which, although it will not compete with artistic painting, will allow you to create a rather spectacular manicure.

Other advantages of the technique include the ability to preview the image and its most accurate selection for specific nails. Considering that the device is economical in operation, it can pay off within a few months or several years. This will depend on the frequency of the manicure and the working conditions (in the salon it will be faster, at home it will be slower). The cost of such a design will be low, as well as its consumables. On average, one cartridge should be enough for about 500 designs.
As for the disadvantages, the need for the presence of an assistant can be noted. It is extremely difficult for one person to do photo printing at home. In addition, the design, depending on the features and the price, can seem limited, which is not the case for hand-painted, in which you can afford any lines and decorations. And also a disadvantage can be called the novelty of the methodology: a service using a photo printer today is not available in every city.

How does it work?
The method of performing photo design using a special printer is quite simple, although it is performed in several stages. First, the nails are prepared by performing the usual hygienic manicure with cleaning the cuticles and pterygium. Correct the shape of the edge, even out the length of the nails, striving to ensure that it looks identical on all nails. You need to act very carefully so as not to injure the skin.
After that, a special primer is applied to the prepared nails. It serves as a kind of grip that secures the design securely to the base. In addition, it will depend on this composition how long the pattern will last on the nails.

After that, a special substance with ultraviolet light is applied to the nails, since without this drug the pattern on the nails will not hold.
The fingers are fixed with special fasteners, while the photo printer automatically recognizes the dimensions of the plates themselves for adjusting the images and subsequent transfer. The hand is placed on a special stand, the design is done. Upon its completion, a conventional sealing substance (top) is applied to the surface of the marigolds. If you wish, you can decorate the design with rhinestones or other decor.

How to choose?
You need to choose an option based on your needs. If this is equipment for a nail salon, it is preferable to buy an option with the possibility of self-selection of images. This will prevent you from adjusting to basic prints. And over time, the limitedness of the device will lead to the fact that it can stand idle, thereby not justifying its price.
The goods should be purchased from manufacturers or their official suppliers. In this case, it is imperative to demand from the seller a quality certificate and related documentation.
It is important to pay attention to the existing limitations in working with specific computer equipment, so that in the future the device will work without any failures.In addition, the guarantee that the seller is obliged to give will be a useful criterion.

It is worth noting a number of important selection criteria:
- the height stand must be adjustable;
- lift adjustment must have up and down buttons;
- the distance from the cartridge head must be 3 mm;
- the stand must be included in the price of the printer;
- it is important to select models based on hp, which have been produced since 2014;
- the model must have additional galleries in Russian;
- one cannot ignore the capabilities of the software.
Please note that all manicure printers are made in China today. They are collected by hand, in addition to printing on nails, they can be useful for transferring images to flowers, various souvenirs and even mobile phones. If you want your device to be multifunctional, you need to consider the type of surfaces for which it can be used besides nails. In doing so, pay attention to the fact that the supports for each type of printing will be different. In addition, they are not always included in the package of the device.

Printed design ideas
Today, fashionable designs on nails are prints of all kinds of flowers and plants, a variety of lace and monograms. As for the clear lines and small elements typical of nail art printers, among such drawings one can distinguish photos of media personalities, celebrities and even presidents of different countries. And also patriotic designs with flags are in vogue today.
Other options include picture emoji. In creative manicure, these can be not only smilies, but even faces with different emotions. Such a design is liked by shocking personalities who prefer to stand out from the crowd at all costs and be remembered by others for a long time.

A photo printer for nails, according to some nail service masters, is considered an interesting device. They note that the printer simplifies design work and is good for express manicure where every minute of reduced technology counts. However, a full-fledged design, according to many nail art experts, can be done in the only correct way - by hand. And the professionals are sure of this.
In the next video, you will find an overview of the O'2Nails nail printer.
Of course, not all printers have a stand. I took it without a stand and only for nails. My criterion was that I would print only one nail at a time. Because when there are several, it is impossible for the client to keep all fingers immobilized.