Butterfly manicure: features and design ideas

Choosing a fashionable motif for nail design, along with flowers and geometric patterns, nail art masters often give preference to insects. Among the variety of design ideas, a manicure with butterflies is especially in demand. It would seem that today hardly anyone can be surprised by this, however, given the fashionable mood, it is still possible to do something special, different from the last season. How to achieve this, what you need to consider, read on.

Design features
Fashion strives to accentuate the belonging of nail design to a specific season of the year. The theme with butterflies determines the seasonality of manicure, and therefore it cannot be called universal. Despite the fact that such a design is associated with tenderness and carelessness and can significantly diversify the design, it will not suit certain female looks and may not fit into an everyday bow. In addition, this option for decorating accent nails is incompatible with a strict dress code.
However, the design with butterflies also has many positive aspects. For example, it can be performed based on different manicure techniques. It can be classic, moonlit, regular and inverted French manicure, options "veil", "broken glass", "gradient". In each of them, it will look especially if you deliberately approach the creation of expressive accents.

Shape selection
With the new season, women have the opportunity to choose their own form. At fashion shows, one could see completely different versions of the models' manicure.Often they were decorated with short marigolds. Along with oval and straight, almond-shaped nails could be seen. However, giving preference to one form or another, you need to understand that not every length and shape as a whole will look beautiful any drawing.

If we talk about hand painting, then it is better for her that the area of the nail plates is larger. This will facilitate the work of the master, and in addition, it will allow you to draw small veins and recreate the texture of the pollen. At the same time, a sharp edge and bent nails will distort the design, and therefore it is worth sticking to the golden mean or moderation of length. As for the edges of the nails, if you wish, you can draw butterflies on both oval and round and straight nails.

Stylish color combinations
The choice of color solutions in each design will be different. As a rule, tones are selected based on the available nail products and decor. At the same time, the masters try to choose harmonious combinations of shades so that the design fits well into the summer female image. Sometimes they take into account clothes, sometimes they rely on the color of the available accessories.
You can simplify the task of selecting correct and harmonious contrasts using the advice of nail art masters.

They carry out their designs using combinations:
- turquoise, white and gold;
- pink, black and gold;
- gold, powdery and dark blue;
- lilac, blue and black;
- peach, white and black;
- blue, white and black;
- blue, creamy and blue;
- pink, light mint and black;
- coral and white;
- black with turquoise and peach;
- black and bodily;
- orange, yellow and black;
- purple, white and black.

In addition, design options with butterflies, made in pink-gray, white-green, powdery-black contrasts, look beautiful. When choosing this or that color, you need to take into account the influence of contrasts on each other. For example, light tones soften dark tones. For the design to be light, they must prevail. In this case, there should be a little dark paint, since with a small amount it makes the light tone brighter, and with a large amount it erases it, becoming a dominant.

Juicy colors are also very popular. You can combine:
- fuchsia and blue;
- bright blue with silver;
- red with nude and black;
- blue and lemon;
- crimson and white;
- marsal and pink;
- cornflower blue and yellow;
- fiery orange with yellow and black;
- rich mint with white;
- bright greens with orange and lemon;
- yellow and black.

Common mistakes
Despite the successful design idea, not every butterfly manicure looks beautiful and expressive. And the point often lies not in the lack of imagination, but in the wrong approach to design in general. Experienced nail art masters note the need to take into account some of the nuances. Knowing the main mistakes will allow you to avoid them, and this, in turn, will allow you to create a unique and best design in all respects.
Let's briefly note the main mistakes that spoil the manicure with butterflies.

These include:
- inept or sloppy drawing;
- incorrect location of the butterfly on the accent nail;
- sketching all, without exception, nails with a variety of butterflies;
- cloning of drawings selected for design;
- prints of different styles and techniques;
- several double pictures of different colors, creating the illusion of a "jolly manicurist";
- complication of manicure with layers of different patterns and stucco;
- a combination of butterflies with animal prints;
- prints that compete with the main idea of the design;
- fuzzy patterns that are lost on the main background of accent nails.

In addition, you need to understand that the time for poor drawing has passed in the summer. Today, the best design is the one that is closer to realistic. Even if you want to "plant" an ordinary butterfly on your nails, it should not look as if the master is holding a brush in his hands for the first time.The lines should be confident and precise, even and thin.
For those who are not confident in their artistic abilities, it is better to resort to alternative options for decorating accent nails with butterflies. For practice, you need to train, draw on special blanks. This will greatly help for further work and teach you how to choose the right place for the drawing. In addition, this way you can work out the confidence of the lines, the nuances of typing the right amount of paint on the right brush. Training will allow you to better see if a sparkling decor is needed on a butterfly in a particular manicure.

Drawing methods
Today, a lot of possibilities have been invented for creating a beautiful design of nails with butterflies. At the same time, basic techniques allow for a sea of variations that allow you not to limit the design even in the absence of the required material.

Art painting on your nails is a great way to create beautiful butterflies. At the same time, they can be placed on the nail plates in different ways. A butterfly can replace a French smile, a moon manicure hole, it can be used to beat a gradient, as well as techniques such as "veil" and "broken glass". Each option will allow you to reveal new possibilities of a particular technique, which significantly enriches the methods of manicure.

Butterflies are painted with special gel-based paints. In addition, manicure brushes of various lengths and thicknesses are used for drawing, as well as dots and wooden toothpicks. For paints, a palette is purchased or a temporary one is created from foil. The texture of the picture can be different, which will be determined by the gel material itself, as well as the top coating (matte or glossy).

For volumetric designs, modeling gels are used. Such drawing techniques are certainly effective, but 3D manicure cannot be called comfortable in everyday life. It clings to anything and is therefore not as durable as flat coatings based on hybrid lacquer products. Drawing techniques can also be very diverse. One of the most popular options today can rightfully be called wet painting.

Such a butterfly will differ from the traditional drawing method in its visual effect. The technique consists in the fact that the paints spread, thereby forming a smooth transition of halftones. Such a butterfly looks super beautiful, but it is more difficult to draw it than on a pigmented base dried in a lamp.
If there is no speed, you do not need to purchase special varnishes-substrates, which provide quick spreading of the drawings applied with a brush. In this case, it is sufficient not to dry the pigment before painting. This will allow the paint to flow more slowly. And although in this case it will not be possible to create a super-spreading effect, it will still look very beautiful on accent nails.

If you do not have drawing skills, you can resort to using manicure stencils. These are disposable adhesive stickers with a variety of void shapes. Their size is enough for one nail. Such patterns are usually small, but sometimes tiny fluttering butterflies look better than three-dimensional decor. They will be especially suitable for nails of short length, because due to their size they will bring balance to the design.

Stencils are not difficult to work with, but they can take some practice.
- A silicone material is applied around the nail plate, which protects the skin of the finger from the ingress of varnish.
- A stencil sticker is glued onto the painted and dried nail, trying not to press in, but fix it tightly and without defects.
- The nail on top of the stencil is covered with the selected gel polish, then the stencil is removed. The irregularities are corrected using the pattern pigment, after which the design is dried in the lamp.
- Finish the manicure by sealing the design with a top and removing residual stickiness if necessary.
Stencils are inexpensive, besides, if you wish, you can create with their help not only monochrome silhouette-type patterns.You can cover the stencil with a gradient or paint each shape with a different contrast. The master decides this on his own, as well as taking into account the preferences of the client.

Stamping refers to alternative painting, which is essentially stamping. The required design kit includes ready-made templates with an engraved pattern, a scraper to remove excess polish, and a special roller that removes the pattern from the engraving and transfers it to the accent nail. The whole set is more expensive than stickers and stencils, but it is reusable, and therefore the price justifies itself.

To get a flawless design, many people immediately replace metal scrapers with other devices, since they leave scratches on the engraving. Stamping is notable for the fact that after transferring from the template to the roller, it can be painted using different tones of hybrid varnish and a thin brush. You need to work with it carefully, so you cannot do without silicone glue, which protects the skin around the nail plate.
The disadvantage of this technique is the limited drawing: it will not be possible to diversify it with anything other than color. At best, it can be tiny rhinestones. However, if you get creative with the process, even stamping can add high status notes to the design. You can take into account the nuance that sometimes an unpainted drawing looks better than a colored stained glass version.

The line of such products for nail art includes many varieties of decor. Among them there are even three-dimensional pictures, although in everyday life, as practice shows, they do not last long. As for the best options for today, then these include decals, which need to be moistened for fixation. They are sold, as a rule, in a set of 10 nails, while the master has the opportunity to select a more accurate size for two or three accent nails. The ones that remain can be used for another client.

In operation, these elements are simple: they are first removed from the protective upper film, and then they are lowered into water for a couple of seconds. It is not necessary to keep the picture in it for a long time, since the paper backing peels off well even after being in water for two seconds.
After that, the accent is covered with a top and a sticker is placed on top of it. It is smoothed with a brush and then dried in a lamp. Such butterflies are distinguished by the accuracy and expressiveness of lines; they can be realistic or made in watercolor technique, which allows you to create the illusion of hand drawing. Moreover, if we can make a mistake when drawing, then in the design with a sticker, drawing flaws are excluded. Often, these butterflies are decorated with rhinestones or colored stones.

Manicure foil
This trend is somewhat different in work, however, tape foil has already been appreciated by masters of manicure. Working with it, you cannot do without a special glue-backing, due to which the transfer of the pattern to the accent nail plate will be ensured. It is purchased separately, it costs quite acceptable with a sufficient volume (130-180 rubles for 16 ml).
The foil itself is a tape with the same pattern along its entire length. It can have pearlescent elements and different colors. Such butterflies are usually medium-sized, but they are very spectacular and are almost always complemented by a plant background.

Working with such material consists of several sequential steps.
- After staining and drying the accent nail, an adhesive backing is applied to its surface.
- When dry, the white glue becomes transparent. It is not necessary to dry it in a lamp; this procedure does not require it.
- After the glue dries, a piece is cut off from the foil slightly larger than the size of the nail.
- The foil is applied with the non-shiny side to the nail and pressed, as if rubbing the pattern. It is impossible to press strongly on the surface through the film, so as not to spoil it.
- After printing, the foil is removed, the pattern remains on the surface.
- The nail is sealed on top with a layer of topcoat.
When working with transfer foil, an important nuance must be taken into account: the entire pattern must be printed. Where the hand does not touch it, there it will remain on a foil or film base. It will not work to correct it again by pressing. In case of unsuccessful transfer, you will have to redo it completely from scratch.

New design
The new season of nail art brought a lot of surprises to the design. For example, accentuation of the ring finger is considered a popular trend today. Moreover, the butterfly itself can have different shapes and sizes. It can fully fit on the nail or partially. Partial placement allows you to beat the French technique, such a design will look super modern and expressive.
It is mega-fashionable to carry out the design in the classic version, in which all nails, in addition to the accent, are painted in the same color over their entire area. There is no need to attach magical significance to the butterflies themselves, since they are not any amulets, nor do they carry a certain magical meaning. However, these insects are able to decorate not only daytime, but also evening looks.

You can combine designs with butterflies with themes such as geometry, graphics or floral motifs. However, when it comes to color mixes, you shouldn't create design competition: the butterfly should prevail. A flower can be shown only partially, it will better show the idea of design than a demonstration of a summer meadow. You can frame some nails, in addition to the accent, with a contour stroke, the reverse jacket will also look beautiful with the highlighting of a thin arch on several nails out of ten.
Having chosen a composition for two adjacent nails, it should be borne in mind that it should be the same, and therefore different proportions and different decor are unacceptable here. If you want tenderness in design, you can depict a butterfly on a flesh background, choosing a French manicure as a basis. Today, this design is ultra-fashionable, it looks light and airy. The design may look like this: all nails with a subtle smile, and on the nameless one there is a butterfly depicted under a diagonal jacket.

Fashion trends suggest limiting ourselves to four tones in design. At the same time, it is undesirable to sculpt sparkling decor on the nails: it looks better in a manicure when the butterfly is created with a minimum of contrasts. In this case, it is important that the contours of the butterfly, if any, are as thin and moderately even as possible. Various design techniques can be used to showcase the pollen effect. Having drawn a butterfly, you can use an overflow manicure film to demonstrate the uniqueness of its wings, which is used in the "broken glass" manicure technique. Acrylic powder on the contours of the wings will also look beautiful. You can also use gold or silver pollen and gels for design.
A butterfly wing will look super stylish and truly realistic if you use a special manicure powder for it - rub. It is now used not only as a base or background, rubbing with a finger or a special tool into an accent nail. You can decorate the part where the wings are drawn with such material. The effect will be amazing. On a light background, it can be pearls, on a dark background - from a gradient to a mirror, holography and the shell of the May beetle.

Best Nail Art Ideas
Today, the best manicure with butterflies on the nails is considered one that can fit into a different female image and will look appropriate in it, hinting at the sophistication of its owner. Often, you don't need to surround yourself with a flock of colorful butterflies: one, but gorgeous, is enough for status. Therefore, it is better to invest more time in drawing an accent than spanking clones on several or even all of the nails of a manicure.
If your nails are short, do not hang rhinestones on them: they can easily be replaced by gold or silver dots set by dots. Do not sculpt mother-of-pearl and glitter on nails that are too short: this will not bring status, but it can ruin the whole appearance. You should not blindly repeat designs for bloggers: many of these decisions do not correspond to the basic rules of manicure. Decent tutorials do not look colorful, they are done professionally and with a dose of accents. For independent execution, you can look for lessons with a step-by-step explanation of the technique.

To understand what the best butterfly design should look like, you can refer to the examples in the photo gallery.
- An example of a chic summer manicure with butterflies that will appeal to many women.
- This option is worthy to decorate the evening dress of a modern woman.

- A manicure in gentle tones is able to bring notes of romance and femininity to the onion.
- This example clearly shows what expressive design means.

- Decorating a manicure in rich tones of a color palette can decorate a calm feminine outfit.
- A beautiful solution for a young fashionista that allows you to add airiness and lightness to her image.

- A laconic solution that can adequately complete the everyday bow of a city woman.
- A bright option for a vacation in rich colors, filled with summer warmth.
- The wing design will allow you to reveal all the beauty and tenderness of the butterfly, thereby adding special notes to the style.
Each of us can decorate accent nails with beautiful butterflies. Having an idea of the different techniques and methods for creating such a print, you can choose the option that is most convenient for yourself, whether it be a drawing, sticker or stamping. The main thing is to know the sense of proportion and not to complicate the design with all the decor at once.

Butterflies are a delicate design, and therefore it is better to rely on the right color rather than glitter. Mother-of-pearl is also appropriate, but rubbing can show it better than varnish. Young people may like glow-in-the-dark butterflies, which can be done using glowing gel polishes.
In the next video, you will find the creation of a manicure with butterflies with Vizavi gel polish.