Manicure with leaves: design features and ideas

For some women, the leaves cause associations only with autumn, therefore, this decorative element is used very limitedly in the design of nails. In fact, there are many pretty options for what leaf nail art can look like.

Which palette should you choose?
In order for the colors to interact correctly, it is worth choosing the right palette. The base and leaves must be combined, otherwise the pattern will be out of harmony with the selected tone. What to start from in the first place? First, you should choose in what color you want to draw the leaves, what it will be:
- a sprig of rowan;
- simple maple leaf;
- several leaves of different shapes;
- leaf fall.

Green decorative elements go well with milky, blue, beige, but it all depends on the shade. Warm ones are best used with warm colors, and cold ones with cold colors. You can make the entire nail in the form of a palm branch, for this you need to paint it in a bright green shade and highlight the veins with white and black varnish.
For gold, orange, bright red and other foliage, you cannot find a better background than black, since the whole palette of red and gold is in perfect harmony with it. It is not necessary to try to recreate the foliage of a tree in detail; you can simply draw an ornament on a white background with a black ornament or on a black background with white.

Gold palette and dark green shades look good with browns. You just need to understand that such a combination is more suitable for adult women, and for girls it is better to choose something brighter.
Coral color is well associated with autumn, it amazingly emphasizes the grace of a woman's hand.But do not dwell only on the autumn design, since the leaves can be used in the design in early spring as well. These can be primroses, knocking out from a pile of snow, or young leaves of an apple tree with flowers.

Choosing the length of nails and style of decoration
It is best to use gel polish to decorate the nail plate, since it is more resistant to negative influences, it can withstand water for a longer time. A manicure with the depicted leaves can be done on both long and short nails, you just need to correctly calculate the shape and size of the decorative elements.
Long length allows you not to be afraid and experiment, use the most incredible color combinations. Bright orange or yellow leaves will look very good on a gray background. If you have the desire and experience, then you can work with a thin brush and make the drawing more detailed, draw veins. On larger nails, you can use more details like foliage and apples.

Don't think that a short nail plate offers fewer design options. Some techniques and patterns, their correct location, allow you to visually lengthen the nail. A gradient jacket will look very good in this case, but its color should be carefully selected to the decor theme. To emphasize beautiful, albeit not too long nails, you can use the variety of the palette used.
The patterns can only resemble foliage, but they will fit organically at any time of the year.

Decor options
Each girl, if she makes a little effort, will be able to make a beautiful and fashionable manicure on her own. It is best to choose a neutral color as the base color, regardless of which palette the foliage will be drawn in. It is good to have a layer of orange or golden sparkles on top of the base layer, the rubbing looks amazing. The leaves are painted with special acrylic paint, since it dries quickly and does not blur when in contact with varnish. Working with a thin brush is not easy; you can replace it with stickers. They are easier to use and take less time.
You can use a gradient as the main technique, any color scheme. The foliage is applied from the side, unevenly, slightly shifting in different directions, but at the same time leaving the center of the nail plate free. A branch of rowan or just bright green foliage of any of your favorite plants will look very colorful and unusual. You should not dwell on the design options already proposed, you can always come up with something of your own.

Next, watch a video on how to decorate your manicure with a maple leaf image.