Palm tree manicure: creative decor ideas and tips for use

If you wait a long time before the vacation, and your soul is already asking for the sea and the sun, or the weather is beautiful outside the window, and you somehow want to match it, you should definitely pay attention to a manicure with tropical palm trees. Even beginners can do such an image, but it looks extremely impressive.

Fashion trends
Palm tree nails are considered one of the more popular summer finishes. It suits both short and long nails, regardless of their shape. The image of palm trees on the nails is successfully complemented by other design elements, for example, glitter, and allows you to "play" with the background. As a result, it is possible to obtain both a minimalistic and a complex multi-piece work of art. Most often, trees are depicted on a plain background, the color of which depends on their own desires. Pink, lilac, and purple finishes look best.

Two-tone manicure is considered no less popular. Usually, in this case, palms are applied only to a couple of fingers, along with a background that differs from the rest of the plates. You can depict both the whole tree and individual leaves, complementing the overall picture with silhouettes of dolphins and seagulls. Often palm trees stand out against the background of a sunset, the sea, or some other depiction of nature. The creation of such a manicure becomes more difficult, because you have to use several colors, successfully combine them and complete the picture with such miniature elements as seagulls and the sun.
Glitter becomes a good addition to the palm technique. Combining a jacket and a tree image will turn out to be an extremely unusual idea.In this case, it is allowed to paint the holes in different colors, add sparkles and shiny stones and modify the image of the palm tree. You need to use them in moderation: shade the tips or the holes of the nails, or create an accent. The background of the picture will turn out to be beautifully decorated with the help of an ombre.
If you make it in blue tones, you will create the feeling of a bright sunny day, and in pink tones - a romantic sunset.

The creation of a palm tree manicure begins with the preparation of the nails. The plate is shaped, the cuticle is pushed back with an orange stick, the surface is degreased and covered with a base. If desired, white varnish is immediately applied - it will further add brightness to the colors. Having painted the nail in a single color or by creating a "stretch", you can proceed to the simplest image of a palm tree. A thin brush first draws a curved line depicting the trunk, and then several short ones that personify the leaves. By the way, such pictures can not be depicted on all marigolds, but only on some of them, and the remaining fingers can be decorated with a schematic designation of seagulls in the form of checkmarks.

A bright summer drawing with palm leaves at sunset can be done with the help of several varnishes, sparkles, a thin brush for Chinese painting and black acrylic paint. If you don't want to paint tropical landscapes yourself, then it makes sense to find suitable stickers. It will be enough to apply the image only on the ring fingers of the hand, and draw the rest using a gradient with glitter. First, the base is applied to the plate of the "protruding" finger - white varnish. While it dries, a gradient of three or four shades of pink is formed on a special sponge or a regular dishwashing sponge.
The resulting paint mixture is transferred to the ring finger nail with several pressing movements.

If necessary, this step can be performed twice. After drying, it is better to immediately remove excess varnish on the sides or on the cuticle with acetone. Then gold glitter is applied to the tip of the nail plate. With acrylic paint drawn with a black brush, the trunks of a palm tree are drawn, and then spreading branches with leaves. The finished drawing is covered with a colorless fixer.
By adding yellow varnish, it will turn out to create both soft and calm, and rich bright manicure. For the image on palm marigolds, a combination of yellow and orange is most suitable. Having decided to take a chance, the sunset can be made orange - you get a stylish combination that is included in the novelties of the season. Of course, various shades of pink, from neon to almost pastel, will be appropriate for this type of manicure. By painting your nails green, you will definitely be able to attract the attention of others and stand out from the crowd.

A purple palette and a bright blue will also work. In this case, it is not necessary to draw the palms with black paint - you can use dark blue or deep green. An interesting solution would be to use an azure color to cover all the marigolds and white acrylic paint to create images on some of them. Drawing on one subject of a general theme on each nail is also becoming fashionable.
Thus, a palm tree flaunts on one finger, on the other - the silhouettes of the sea and the sun, and all the rest are covered only with a background shade.

Before starting a manicure, it is recommended to draw a picture on ordinary thick paper. You will have to use the same brush that is planned for the manicure itself, or very similar to it. Next, there is a "rehearsal" on inexpensive false nails, which do not even need to be pasted on your own. Having built a suitable supply, you should form a "hand" and begin to work out the image. In a situation where the picture is not given in any way, it makes sense to look for nail stickers or sliders.It will be enough to glue them on top of the hardened varnish and fix it with a transparent fixer.

What kind of events is it suitable for?
Palm nails work best on vacation, especially at the beach. It perfectly reflects the environment, attracts attention and charges with positive. After the vacation, it will also be great to cheer you up, reminding you of a successful vacation. However, it is better to do it for informal events and avoid inappropriate surroundings, that is, requiring an official dress code. Many girls are worried about whether the use of such a design is appropriate for a pedicure. The answer is yes, but with several conditions. In general, in a pedicure there should be a slight difference in both colors and patterns.
Therefore, for toenails, you can use one of the colors used and decorate only the thumb with a pattern, for example, with the top of a palm tree or seagulls.

Successful examples
On short nails, you can make a very beautiful manicure by combining the lunar technique and the palm trees themselves. In this case, all the nails, except for the index and middle, are covered with a warm orange color, and on the remaining fingers, a moon manicure is done, combining discreet orange and yellow. Elegant palms are drawn over the base. A simple but stylish solution is to cover your nails with sparkling white varnish and apply a minimalist image to your ring fingers.

Applying ombre on the plates in shades of blue, almost disappearing into white, it will be possible to create a suitable background for palm trees. If you make a purple ombre with a landscape on the middle and ring fingers, and cover the rest of the fingers with white varnish, you get a simple but effective image. By the way, if we focus on pastel shades, then it will be possible to combine several patterns in one manicure. Alternatively, all fingers, except for the ring fingers, are covered with pale pink varnish and decorated with the image of palm trees. The rest of the fingers are painted in sky blue, after which an image of, for example, positive bananas is applied to them.

A manicure in white and orange tones is suitable for courageous people. A pair of fingers turns white, another pair turns red-orange. The remaining two or three nails are covered with orange varnish, on top of which a landscape with a couple of palm trees is depicted. You can depict several trees, schematically outline the sea and put a few checkboxes-seagulls. Even more impressive will be a mixture of French and palm manicure in bright colors with the addition of shiny pebbles. On all fingers, except for the middle and ring fingers, a jacket is made with a pastel pink base and a bright orange tip. On the remaining fingers, an ombre is formed in pink-orange shades using a sponge with three stripes of paints. The next step is to create palm trees decorated with rhinestones on the fingers. At the final stage, everything is fixed with a transparent top.

A complex but very beautiful manicure looks like a combination of several techniques. A few fingers are completely covered with special powder, a manicure is done on a couple, combining a pastel base and a gentle mint tip, and the background for palm trees is decorated with stripes of white, pink and mint colors. A combination of soft pink and blue tones will turn out to be elegant. The middle fingers of both hands are covered with pink varnish, on top of which the image of a tree is applied. The rest of the plans are painted in a pure blue tint of the sky and decorated with black rhinestones.
On some, they form a vertical strip in the middle of the nail plate, and on others, they form the socket area.

Yellow and green varnishes allow you to create a juicy and "tasty" manicure using affordable means. Some of the marigolds are colored glossy yellow, the other part - glossy green. On the two ring fingers, a horizontal ombre is created, on top of which a palm tree pattern is applied.You can do the same with the combination "orange plus yellow", only in this case, make the ombre vertical.

You will learn more about how to beautifully decorate a manicure with palm trees in the following video.