Bright ideas for creating a manicure with sakura

Her hands can tell a lot about a girl. Both the business lady and the housewife should equally carefully monitor the condition of the skin and nails. The type of manicure a girl chooses speaks of her upbringing, internal state, mood, hobbies.
Oriental culture in our country has recently gained particular popularity. Manicure with sakura will help to create a gentle spring mood of the holiday, youth, celebration of life. Its petals have a warm color range - from deep pink to pale lilac or pale lilac. Such a manicure is very original and at the same time so simple that you can do it yourself at home. Its advantage is that cherry flowers look equally beautiful on both long and short nails. The drawing technique can be either schematic, geometric, or completely realistic, volumetric.
The combination of red and white colors is a win-win option in relation to any wardrobe item or accessory.

A bit of tradition
The most recognizable symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun is, perhaps, the blossoming sakura. Cherry blossom in Japan is a real holiday. Millions of tourists from all over the world come to this exotic country in spring to admire such a mesmerizing magical phenomenon of nature. The beginning of the flowering period is announced in advance in all local media. The thing is that the sakura flower does not live long - you can admire it for only 5-7 days, after which it falls off. Wind and bad weather can break the already delicate and fragile petals.
Since ancient times, wise Japanese have seen a deep philosophical meaning in cherry blossoms: just like sakura blossoms are short-lived, our life is also fleeting, full of vain concerns. Contemplating a short-term beautiful natural action, a person should realize the beauty of life and stop wasting time on trifles.

It is known that the cherry blossom has moisturizing properties, therefore it is used in the nail service not only as an element of the pattern on the nails, but also for the use of baths. A skilled craftsman can create both a delicate business manicure with sakura, and a bright extravagant one for themed parties in the Japanese style. The colors used to create such a manicure are most often chosen from the warm spectrum: delicate (pink, lilac, crimson, pale purple) and rich (red, crimson, fuchsia, coral).

The motive of the pattern may vary depending on the length of the nails: single flowers with large petals will look beautiful on short nails, on long ones - sakura branches with many bright flowers. Japanese motives can be complemented by hieroglyphs, but their writing should be approached competently.
You can decorate a manicure with a sakura flower either on a solid white or pink background, or dilute the usual business jacket.

Create step by step
- First of all, you need to decide on a design option, pick up several photos with the desired pattern, and also decide whether to decorate all your nails with a pattern or focus on only a few with a Japanese motif.
- Choose colors and type of coating - water-based polish for everyday manicure or gel polish, which will delight the eye for much longer.
- Equip the table in advance and prepare all the tools necessary for work. To apply a picture, you may need thin brushes or needles, sharpened wooden sticks, dots.
- Next, you need to prepare the nails for work: moisturize and remove the cuticle, give the nail plate the desired shape, degrease it. The durability of the manicure and the neat look will depend on this.

- Then we apply a base coat to protect the nail from the harmful effects of chemical elements contained in the varnish, and after it dries, we apply a base (transparent, white, light pink or pearlescent background).
- The next step depends on the chosen design. A classic white jacket can be taken as a base, and on top of it, apply black or dark brown wavy lines of branches with a thin brush. The thinner the line is applied, the more elegant the final result will look. After drying, the main pattern is applied - sakura flowers with pale pinkish petals. French can be slightly changed by using pink or lilac instead of white.
Separately, you can decorate the hole with rhinestones or sparkles, but such a solution will be appropriate only if the pattern is not applied to every nail.

Technique and tools
It should be remembered that Japanese-style manicure is created in stages. Each layer is applied on top of the previous one after complete drying, otherwise the pattern will turn out to be smeared and indistinct. Small details are drawn with a needle or a special tool - dots. To add volume to the picture, highlighting the contours with lines that differ from the main color by a couple of tones will help.

Sakura flowers on nails are very beautiful and fabulously delicate, if they are drawn with a thin needle, working with liquid varnish. When the background layer is finalized and well attached to the nails, you can draw twisting branches with a thin brush. Further, with a thick brush, four or five drops-petals are applied, located around the conditional point. Then, with a thin needle, draw a line from the outer edge of the drop along its middle to the indicated point - the center. In this way, we make out each petal.
You can change the shape and bend of the flower lines with a toothpick or a flat wooden stick. After the layer has dried, the edges of the petals are highlighted or shaded with thin lines of the same color, but in a darker shade. You can create white or light pink highlights by dots using dots. For greater realism, sakura flowers are depicted in different sizes and shapes.
When the drawing is finally completed and all the decor elements are located in the intended places, it is worth applying a fixing layer so that this spring feminine manicure will delight the eye for as long as possible.

For information on how to draw sakura on your nails, see the next video.