Stylish Owl Manicure Design Ideas

Owl manicure is considered a fashion trend that attracts most girls and women. Stylish design ideas are full of variety and allow you to realize any fantasies into a real work of art on the nails.

An owl manicure is an original and cute idea that can be used to decorate any marigolds. Due to the small dots that are located around the birds' eyes, the owls acquire a mysterious appearance, and the sickle-shaped feathers become the main decoration in the design.

Most cultures believe that the owl is a symbol of wisdom. This opinion is not accidental, since these birds have excellent eyesight and can see everything without turning their heads. They are able to discern stationary objects even in pitch darkness. Many girls choose the design of nails, which depict owls, relying on the aesthetics of the image and the meaning of the pattern.

When choosing a manicure with owls, you should study its features:
- a similar design is suitable for nails of any shape;
- wide range of colors;
- the ability to draw any owls, from realistic birds to cartoon characters;
- owls are suitable for any look.

Styles, techniques and trends
The main "owl" trend is the combination of various techniques in one manicure. For example, you can cover the nail plate with a simple beige varnish, and paint the tips with white. Using this method, you get a popular French manicure. It is often used as a wedding or office design. However, in the classic variation, it looks a little boring. By adding a pair of owls to the nails, the familiar design gets a zest, and the owner of such a manicure will be able to stand out from the crowd.

A glossy design will look good on a matte porcelain base.You can paint owls in any color, from light beige to darker options. The choice of color scheme may depend on the season, mood and varnishes that are at hand.

Some artists like to combine graphic images of owls with cats. This uses the "cat's eye" technique. You can also choose a design in the style of "dotting", which consists in the arrangement of birds on the nail plate, paired with curly cracking. The cracking should overlap the owl image.

When choosing a design, the masters offer the following tips for color trends:
- delicate nude foundations with graphic owls;
- jacket, which depicts graphic images of birds;
- bright and shiny base paired with graphics;
- matte base paired with glossy images or rhinestones.

Most stylists advise older women to choose avant-garde styles and not be afraid of it. Let the design be bright, but the drawing with owls will symbolize wisdom and tranquility, highlight the strengths of the owner of the manicure.

For which nails is this image suitable?
An owl manicure will look beautiful on nails of any length. To give brightness to the image, nails that are too short can be extended. This style will be relevant for any shape of the nail plate.
For owners of a rectangular or oval shape, the arrangement of the pattern along the entire nail plate is suitable. You can also draw only the face of a bird with a small beak in the form of a heart or a triangle.

An owl can be denoted by several brightly colored dots. You can apply drawings not to all marigolds, but only to one.

An owl drawn on the tip will look beautiful on long nails. Some craftswomen are able to create a panoramic design that decorates all the nails on one hand. When choosing this option, you should choose only natural paintings. Animated variations in this case will be inappropriate.

Application options
There are several options for applying owls to your nails.
- A complete drawing of a bird. To create such a design requires artistic skills along with a special brush for drawing details.
- Schematic or stylized image. It is created with simple points and simple lines.
- Owls made using casting technique. This option is suitable for nail plates of any shape and length. Thanks to this design, you can achieve the effect of natural silver or gold.

- Using off-the-shelf stickers Is the easiest way to create a design.
- Some girls use stamping. The procedure consists in drawing with a stencil. The varnish of the required color is applied to it. The pattern is stamped onto the nail plate.

Original ideas
Images of owls on the nails allow you to make a manicure a real work of art. Solid nails have faded into the background, so modern girls are constantly in search of creative ideas. At the moment, images of owls, diluted with pebbles, rhinestones and other additions, are in demand.

Images of owls of different colors on each finger will look original. Marigolds will acquire a perky and playful look. When creating such a design, you should ensure that the selected colors are combined with each other.

Many designers advise using glitter. With the help of such an addition, you will get a solemn version, with which you can go to an important event or visit a disco. Sequins will give your nails an expensive and beautiful look.

A full-length owl will look beautiful on any nails. When drawing, you should depict the wings and the body itself. You can dilute the owl with additional elements: glasses, a cap, a hat or even a handbag.However, it will require artistic skills or an experienced craftsman to create such a design. Otherwise, the drawing may turn out to be sloppy.

The location on each marigold of different parts of the bird's body. For example, on one nail there will be the left side of the muzzle, on the second - the right. On the third marigold, you will need to apply a beak, on the fourth - paws. This arrangement will create a fashionable and attractive design.

The image of owls is often used when creating wedding manicure. For him, you should decide on the bride's accessories and select owls that will be in harmony with the general image of the girl.

Black and white owl manicure is a modern and trendy option that attracts many girls. Black silhouettes of owls should be placed on a white base. When creating such a design, you can use ready-made stickers or draw birds with your own hands. The use of stickers of different sizes is allowed. Some artists paint in a sketch style. Due to this technique, the drawing will not look trite.

Drawing owls in a cartoon style. You can use it as an example of heroes of Soviet cartoons or study the creativity of anime, Disney characters. The stores sell ready-made stickers, or experienced craftswomen will be able to reproduce any character on the nails. The surface of the nail plate should be multi-colored. This design is perfect for summer season, vacation or creativity.

Manicure-history on nails. Any plot can be placed on several marigolds. An experienced manicure artist will be able to capture different stories on his hand, thus creating a unique manicure. If it is not possible to consult a specialist or draw a "picture" on your own nails yourself, you can purchase ready-made pictures in stores. The design is suitable for any look: office, formal and everyday.

French technique with the image of owls. Birds should be placed on several nails. This method will dilute the standard manicure and add zest to it. Color solutions may vary. Adding rhinestones will make the design festive.

See the following video for one of the options for creating a manicure with owls on your own.