Monograms on nails: types of patterns and step-by-step technology for their application

Every woman strives to look as attractive and well-groomed as possible. To create a complete image, special attention should be paid to the appearance of the nails, because often a woman is assessed precisely by their condition. Tidy up, well-groomed, with discreet gentle manicure, they can look elegant at any time of the day and in any setting. To do this, it is worth choosing the right suitable pattern, which in five minutes can be transformed from a modest daytime into a stunning evening one by adding glitter or rhinestones.

Varieties of patterns
Monograms on nails are timeless classics, the real embodiment of femininity and style. They are combined with any clothing and are appropriate even at work in a delicate and discreet design. They are able to decorate a classic jacket, give a zest to a monochrome coating, they are also combined with all kinds of techniques in the latest fashion, adding elegance to a manicure.

Not all of us can visit beauty salons. It is quite possible to learn how to make a beautiful design using a variety of monograms on your nails on your own. It takes a little patience, honing skills, and simple tools that you can do yourself.
A drawing of monograms consists of dots, commas, streaks and the thinnest lines that can form the most intricate patterns: curls, the finest bends, floral design petals, anagrams of letters and lines, bizarre oriental motifs, the Indian mehendi technique on nails, notes of a Gothic pattern, lace fabric,imitation of the most exquisite embroidery using voluminous curls.

There are different techniques for applying patterns, among which four main ones can be distinguished. They are distinguished by design features, color solutions, shape and symmetry of the pattern, and coverage area.
- Classic style. Differs in the monotony of execution. The pattern should be exactly the same on all fingers. Such a manicure is usually performed without any additions. You can decorate it with rhinestones or sparkles in the evening version. It is also good when applied over the main coating using the ombre technique. The easiest way for beginners to complete such a pattern is using stickers or a stencil. Also recently, stamping has been widely used.
- Technique modern. Provides wider scope for the author's imagination. Here, the curls should be different, without repeating on different nail plates, they are united by one style of execution. They can cover the entire nail or be present as corner, center, or edge features. This pattern is most often used in a variety of colors and in combination with different design techniques.

- French curls. They are painted on pale pink, transparent or any base in a natural shade that matches a French manicure. Monograms can be either exactly the same or different. They are drawn on the side of the nail or along the edge, covering only part of the base. Often this design is only used on accent nails. When creating an evening version based on such a manicure, it is enough to add glitter or a few rhinestones.

- Wedding style. The main tone here is set by the most delicate coating and graceful monograms. They are drawn with the lightest colors: pink, sandy, creamy, milky or pale peach. Monograms should be rounded as much as possible, emphasizing the romance of the moment and the tenderness of the bride.

What do they paint with?
For beginners or those who have decided to please themselves with a manicure with a pattern of fancy monograms, it is recommended to rehearse the pattern many times beforehand. It will take time, but as a result, already on the nails it will be possible to get the perfect pattern that will delight you for a long time.

First, the hand is usually trained on paper or special training cards, tracing the details of the drawing several times, first with a pen, and then with a tool. It is recommended to start with the simplest patterns, gradually complicating the pattern. The next stage is training on tips - false nails. Then you can already start performing manicure on your nails.

The best tool for professionals is the brush. Beginners are advised to use dots. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there is an opportunity for a start not to purchase an expensive professional tool, but to make it yourself from improvised things.

For drawing patterns, the classic and one of the main tools is a brush. Craftsmen have in their arsenal many different brushes in size and shape of the pile: with short thin bristles, medium with a sharp end, the smallest with the thinnest end, cut diagonally. At home, a couple of tools are enough, which it is advisable to choose of good quality.

When buying, the main attention should be paid to the following points:
- the brush on the base should hold firmly, not moving away along the seam and not scrolling;
- the hairs should not fall out of the brush and should be of the same length, not stick out, but keep their shape;
- the handle is better to choose from natural hardwood.

In addition, experts advise using different types of tools for drawing a variety of patterns. So, for monograms, the thinnest and most graceful brushes are chosen, the beveled bristle shape is useful for drawing curls, the smallest and shortest bristles - for drawing the smallest details.
The best reviews have the tools of professional equipment manufacturers In Garden, Global Nail. Often, the necessary tool is ordered on Chinese sites. Among oriental manufacturers, brushes MAKART, KASAKO, Monja are of good quality. However, as great as a well-known manufacturer's brush is, most professionals customize it to their liking. To do this, the hairs are carefully trimmed one at a time at the base until the desired shape and pile thickness are obtained.

Experts advise not to disdain the means at hand, especially for beginners, and experiment with their various types to create a suitable device. So, it is recommended to use brushes from old varnishes. Using a nail polish remover, they are cleaned, washed in soapy water, and then degreased with an alcohol-containing solution. Thus, you can arrange for yourself 2 convenient brushes: a thin one with long bristles and a flat one with a beveled edge. To obtain the required shape, the hairs are trimmed one at a time. Instead of a brush, by tradition, you can use an ordinary wooden toothpick or needle.

Stencils of various shapes and patterns are used by both craftsmen and beginners. They help to accurately and evenly carry out the same symmetrical pattern on all nail plates. This is important when creating a drawing from monograms, especially at first, while the hand is not yet full. The stencil helps you create a precise and accurate drawing without overflowing the edges. However, professionals do not advise those who want to learn how to perform manicure professionally to get carried away with stencils. This device is good in case of a hurry, when you want to make a beautiful and original design on your nails, but there is no time for a long drawing.

An alternative to stencil manicure can be even simpler options that do not require drawing: these are stamps and stickers. They are quite suitable for creating an original manicure for a short time. The stickers are fixed with an adhesive base directly on the base varnish and covered with a transparent fixer on top. They will last no more than 2-3 days. A more perfect option is stamping. With this type of drawing, the metal plate of the stamp is varnished, and then the pattern is imprinted on the nail. At the same time, it is necessary to collect the coloring matter on the plate in moderation so that it does not spread.

At first, many people find it difficult to draw small details clearly and professionally. The creators of manicure tools created a dots to help - this is a special small-sized tool in the form of a stick with a ball at the end, reminiscent of an ordinary writing pen. They make a tool from plastic or wood. It helps to apply small dots on the nail, to complete the smallest details of the pattern and subtle strokes. There are dots with two different sized balls located at either end of the handle.

The salons use tools of different sizes. In household use, one instrument with two small and medium-sized tips is sufficient. Dots are convenient when drawing streaks to rhinestones, small twigs, garlands, nets, lace imitation. The tool is fairly easy to use, even for beginners. The thickness of the line is controlled by the force of pressing the ball. When using dots, a significant amount of varnish or other pigment is saved. Working on smooth, continuous lines with this tool is ideal. In this case, one should only remember to periodically wipe the ball on a napkin in order to avoid drying of the paint and to remove excess.

Ideas for original design
With the help of monograms, you can create a variety of patterns: from delicate and graceful to flashy and luxurious, from classic to trendy. Monograms accompany most of the most successful looks of the last season, adding femininity and sophistication to them.This manicure looks great on nails of any length and shape.

It is now rare to see fully curled nails on all toes. More often, accents are made on two or three nails. The tendency to use such a pattern on top of other popular techniques (ombre, rubbing, kamifubuki, broken glass) is also in great demand. Thus, a harmony of opposites is created: the aggressive pattern softens, and the classic monograms get a new sound. Although in their usual performance they look very advantageous.

To get the most attractive look of manicure, you should carefully select the combination of colors of the base coat and gel or varnish for drawing. The main tone should look harmoniously with the pattern and emphasize beautiful lines and delicate curls. You can perform fabulously beautiful manicure in various styles. Professionals often use a regular brush and contrasting varnish. At the same time, during drawing, the amount of pigment on the brush should be strictly regulated.

Recently, it has been fashionable to apply a drawing with acrylic paints, gel or shellac. It is especially convenient to apply such a pigment using ready-made stencils. It will take a little longer to apply a drawing with gel polish. At the same time, you will get a more persistent and high-quality manicure, which will delight you with a rich color for a long time. Acrylic paints allow you to paint in any of the most complex shades and color transitions.
Simple and eye-catching designs are most often done with gold, black and red monograms that look good on almost any delicate or contrasting base. They can also be done with stickers, stamping. Draw simple patterns with a toothpick and a needle. Three-dimensional drawings are also popular in this technique, when a top layer of golden paint is applied over the main color of the monogram (for example, black). This pattern should be well dried and secured.

A black monogram looks most advantageous on a French manicure and all coatings of a natural shade. Red curls go well with a white and gold base. Often the drawing is done with rhinestones. The use of sparkling stones imparts luxury and grace to the manicure at the same time.
Rhinestones with a sparkling, light or contrasting, deep dark coating look most accentuated. Rhinestones can be elements of a pattern with monograms, decorate the edge or a hole at the nail base. Experts in the light of the latest trends in "nail art" recommend using sparkling accents on two or three nails. You can also decorate each finger, but with a very modest amount of decor.

Drawing with acrylic powder or special sand looks very stylish in both bright and nude designs. The drawing is performed on sticky varnish. The pattern is drawn with a fairly wide brush, sprinkled with powder or sand on top. After drying, the excess is blown away or brushed off with a thick makeup brush. The drawing turns out to be especially cozy and feminine.

Monograms, accompanied by the finest mesh or openwork lace, are one of the most complex designs in terms of execution technique. It is often made for a wedding. Stencils make it easier for beginners. But even when working with them, you need to be extremely careful and accurate. Particularly in this technique, you need to pay attention to combinations of shades of color for a more effective highlight of the most graceful curls and lines.

Monograms are now widely used in the design of accent nails, and this can be a drawing on top of another interesting effect created on the nail plate. So, monograms in combination with the "broken glass" pattern, kamifubuki, mirror manicure look quite interesting. Such different techniques set off and complement each other by combining techniques that are opposite in style.

An interesting manicure is obtained by drawing monograms on nails painted using the ombre technique.Color transitions on the base can be repeated on a pattern of monograms. A glossy finish with smooth color flows combined with a matte powdery effect of a whimsical pattern of curls looks very stylish.
Step-by-step scheme for performing a manicure
It is quite simple to make the simplest drawings from monograms on nails if desired and with sufficient accuracy. Detailed step-by-step instructions will help you to make a beautiful manicure. It can be applied to a variety of classic techniques for drawing fishnet patterns.
- We do a basic manicure. Cut and file the nails, giving them the desired shape and length. The monogram pattern looks beautiful on any type of nails. We remove the cuticle with a cutting method or push back the already softened one after a special tool.
- You can use a hand bath and apply a nourishing product to your nails. Then we dry well and degrease the nail plate.
- Choose a base tone and varnish or gel, which will be applied to the drawing. If desired, you can add glitter or rhinestones.
- We lay out on the table all the tools that may be useful when drawing.
- Apply a transparent base under the varnish on all nails and dry thoroughly for 15 minutes.

- We cover the nails with the main color of the varnish in 2 layers, each of which is allowed to dry thoroughly.
- You can start drawing. On a brush or dots, we collect a small amount of paint or varnish so that the product does not spread, and put a point. Gently draw the curl from the point with a brush or any thin tool. For a sophisticated pattern, lengthen and extend the line at the end.
- Nearby, parallel or in random order, in accordance with the idea of the drawing, we also put a point, carefully drawing out the monogram from it.
- When working with the gel, we dry each finger well separately, without waiting for the manicure on all nails to be completed.
- After drying, apply the finish. It can be both transparent and sequined.

Beautiful examples
A classic pattern with monograms on the nails is perfect for any look. In its pure form, such a pattern is already rarely found. In accordance with fashion trends, it is combined with various techniques of "nail art".
- White monograms on a burgundy background unexpectedly harmonize well with the clear geometric pattern of metal rhombuses.
- Often such a fantasy pattern is used as an accent in everyday manicure of nude tones.
- Curls can form the most bizarre floral designs.
- The timeless classic - white print on a black matte base - looks luxurious.
- The latest techniques for performing a matte sugar-coated manicure look very gentle in the daytime version with well-placed accents in the form of unobtrusive monograms.
- Cool shades are perfect for the winter season.
- The monogram decorates nails of any shape and goes well with any other manicure techniques.

Whichever pattern and type of monogram drawing you choose, be sure that you will always find yourself in trend. One has only to remember about a sense of proportion. Now stylists recommend not to fill the entire nail plate with an openwork pattern of curls, but to make appropriate accents on two or three nails.
For information on how to draw a monogram with your own hands, see the next video.