Silk for nail repair: features and subtleties of use

A neat manicure is one of the hallmarks of a modern successful woman. Beautiful and well-groomed hands position the lady from the most positive side. The ideal shape of the nails is especially important for everyone who always has their hands in sight during the work process. If one of the nails breaks, the appearance of the manicure as a whole deteriorates. What if there is no time to wait until it grows back? Fortunately, you don't have to hide your nails for weeks from prying eyes. There is a reliable tool for repairing marigolds - reinforcing silk.

Broken marigold
If the nail has burst from the edge, then shortening it slightly is not a problem. But in most cases, cracks appear in the middle or at the base of the regrown nail. This is not only an unpleasant situation, but also a very painful one. After all, a woman has to constantly experience discomfort, constantly touching the damaged plate. Pain sensations intensify, which can lead to the development of an inflammatory process. It is necessary to fix the plate in the place of the crack and give it a little time to recover and grow back.
In case of nail repair with silk, it will appear about a week in stock, so as not to visit the salon and walk with a well-groomed manicure. If there is no desire to part with long nails, cutting them to the size of the broken one, strengthening can be repeated. Reinforcement with silk can be carried out until it becomes possible to painlessly cut it off at the place of breakdown.
Most girls use silk for the most comfortable growing process. Moreover, it is not difficult even at home. One has only to get used to and cut off the fabric in a shape that repeats the outlines of the nail.Thus, maintaining the marigold a couple of times a month, you can easily grow even marigolds that are very prone to fragility.

Material characteristic
Silk is a natural fabric woven from soft threads made from silkworm cocoon fibers, in a percentage ratio: 75% fibroin to 25% sericin. Thin soft tissue is highly durable and is considered the most suitable for repairing nails.
Silk is used in manicure if:
- damage on the free edge of the plate;
- cracks in the center of the nail bed;
- a broken piece on a free edge;
- chipping on the extended nail;
- fragility and thinning of the plates.

Lack of nutrition or overuse of extensions and shellac procedures leads to the fact that cracks appear on the nails. Weakened plates break and spoil a beautiful manicure with their appearance. To temporarily repair or strengthen them, silk is used, covering the surface of the nail with a protective layer and resisting the continuation of destruction.
Silk acts as a kind of elastic pad between the glue and the plate. If the crack is sealed only with glue, the nail will crack again soon. Although glue is a hard material, it is fragile. The same cannot be said about the qualities of silk.

How to use
Of course, any manicurist can quickly fix the problem of a cracked nail with silk. But there is not always the time and opportunity to get to the salon. The repair procedure is elementary in its simplicity, so it is very easy to learn how to do it yourself. This is especially beneficial for those whose nails are weak and brittle. In addition, the material purchased once will last for a long time. For emergencies, it is best to always be ready and have everything you need close at hand:
- special silk on a glue basis (in a roll);
- bio-based glue;
- anti-glue composition;
- manicure scissors;
- buff and nail files (120 and 220 grit);
- disinfector.

It is more convenient to purchase all this in one set, rather than buying separately. Having secured the necessary tools, you can eliminate the crack yourself at home. But you need to figure out how to act in order to properly and permanently seal the damage.
The process is carried out in the following sequence:
- treatment of a broken marigold with a disinfectant and degreaser;
- giving a piece of silk the shape of a nail;
- applying glue to the crack and placing a piece of fabric on it using a pusher;
- after the adhesive base dries, the excess glue layer is removed by filing all the resulting irregularities.
After such strengthening, the nail will remain intact in appearance up to 4-7 days. Of course, if you are careful in handling it in everyday life.

For greater strength, it is worth sticking another silk strip across the one that was applied first. After drying, the nail with patches is polished to smoothness with a nail file and a layer of fixing varnish is applied on top. To keep the nail as long as possible, it is better to glue the entire plate with silk. Additional coating with varnish, glitter or stickers can perfectly camouflage a silk patch.
If the repair of extended nails or chips on a natural nail plate is carried out, the silk is additionally strengthened with gel polish or acrylic. You should not restore the marigold with silk if there is damage to the skin and if there is a bleeding wound. This can damage the injured surface. It is better to immediately seek help from a specialist.

Why silk?
This material has obvious advantages that allow it to be used successfully for nail repair.
Silk is endowed with:
- special durability;
- perfect ability to adapt to the shape of the nail;
- minimum thickness at which no traces of repair are visible.
Nail repair silk is sold separately or as one of the components in a special kit. You can buy the product in the cosmetic departments of stores or order it on the website via the Internet.

What can replace silk?
If there is no way to get silk, you can try to strengthen the nail with fiberglass or flax. As for the fiber, it is a durable artificial fabric with moisture resistant qualities. Similar to silk, it is produced in small rolls with an adhesive base. The principle of fiber repair is similar to silk.
It is convenient to use liquid silk for temporary restoration of the plate - a special tool for prompt nail repair. It contains microfiber fibers that create a durable polymer coating to protect the nail from continued damage.
Nail repair kits may contain powder instead of cloth. It is applied directly to the adhesive to give the surface strength while maintaining its elasticity.

You can quickly patch up a marigold with an ordinary paper napkin and simple varnish. This is an emergency measure that rarely withstands more than a day of operation after repair. A layer of paper napkin in this version plays the role of a spacer - a material for fixing the layers of varnish.
Repair with silk with application of gel polish
In the event of a nail breakage in the area of the nail bed, you need to try to strengthen it for a longer period. In this case, in addition to repairing, it is better to cover the nails with gel polish. It will last up to 3 weeks, allowing the nail to grow long enough to try to shorten it without injuring it.
Having prepared everything you need for repair, including a UV lamp, you can start repairing, focusing on the step-by-step instructions:
- remove the cuticle in any way;
- to carry out a gentle treatment of nails with a buff;
- align the crack along the edges and remove the shiny layer from the natural surface;
- to give a single shape to the nails with files;
- disinfect nails and treat with primer;
- apply a base gel polish and cover the crack with a piece of silk of a suitable size;
- align it with an orange stick and dry in a UF lamp;

- sand the surface, eliminating all irregularities;
- carry out all these manipulations with the rest of the nails;
- apply color gel polish in two layers, drying them separately;
- cover with a top, and after the nails are dry in the lamp, remove the sticky layer.
Repair with silk with the addition of gel polish is performed on natural and artificial plates. The damaged marigold is repaired and the design of the manicure is updated on all fingers.
To get acquainted with the procedure for masking damage on the nail, it is advisable to watch a detailed video tutorial with a step-by-step description of what is happening.
For information on how to repair nails with silk, see the next video.