Spa manicure: what is it and how is it done?

We live in an era where imperfections have no place. Therefore, any modern woman tries to use the best methods for caring for her skin and nails. One of the most interesting treatments today is spa manicure. The material of this article will tell you what it is, what are the main stages of implementation and how to make such a manicure yourself at home.
What it is?
Spa manicure is a complex method of caring for nails and hand skin, which involves the use of natural cosmetics and essential oils. In fact, this is an aromatherapy procedure with massage or a complete hand care system in which they soften and moisturize the skin of the hands, filling it with useful substances.
The relaxing system provides for peeling and allows you not only to bring your hands into perfect shape, but also to get a considerable portion of bliss.

To date, there is no rigid spa manicure scheme, which is why it would be wrong to call one technique the only correct one. As for the salon procedure, in each case the scheme of complex manipulations will be different, since each master, in most cases, has his own technique with mandatory sequential steps. However, in general, the care will be aimed at improving the condition of the nails and hands.
During the complex relaxing treatment, the master removes hand fatigue and by enriching the skin with the necessary substances, it gives them a well-groomed look. Today spa manicure has come to be called healing. It does not require rush, does not injure the skin, does not irritate it.A distinctive feature of this care is its duration: it takes more time than visiting a salon for a regular decoration with staining and design.

Spa manicure can be different. Today experts identify several versions of it: Japanese, hot, almond. Each type has its own characteristics. For example, the Japanese technique involves the use of exclusively natural products. This is mainly beeswax and suede, which is replaced by nail files. The technique is unique in that it has a gentle effect on nails and skin.

This comprehensive care depends on the condition of the skin and is aimed at getting rid of it even from microcracks on the nail plates. At the request of the client, a mineral composition or aromatic oil is applied to the nails, they are moistened with a special serum. Strengthening is performed in three stages: with a mineral mixture, a paste of pearl chips and calcium, and a composition with silicon. The plates are polished with a file made of calf leather.
Massage in this technique is performed not with hands, but with a special bag in which hot sand, medicinal herbs and oils are placed. Brushes are treated with medicinal ointments. If desired, the massage can be hot or cold. As for the hot spa manicure, it is cheaper than the Japanese technique and takes less time. A feature of this technology is the use of warm lotion. It is heated to 40 degrees and fingers are soaked in it.
Otherwise, the technique does not differ from the standard one, which is performed in the salon. The almond variant is more focused on aromatherapy than others. At the same time, not one, but several preparations with almonds can be used in care. Basically, this is a standard technique for soaking your fingers in a bath of almond milk. The duration of the technique depends on the set of procedures.

How is it done in the salon?
When contacting a beauty salon, the master examines the hands and selects a set of necessary measures. Since the woman's hands should look perfect and healthy at the exit, the specialist will pay special attention to the nails.
Preparing nails
The beginning of the comprehensive care will be to wash your hands and remove the old coating (if any). After that, the master will necessarily disinfect the skin, and the nail plates themselves with an antiseptic. At the same time, he will not pour a lot of funds on the skin and especially nails, because any antiseptic contains moisturizing components, and they can weaken the adhesion to decorative varnish, which is usually used for spa manicure.

Having processed the hands, the master proceeds to give the nails an identical shape and length, relying on the client's desire and the individual characteristics of the nail bed. For example, an experienced specialist will always suggest the shape of the overgrown edge, which is a mirror image of the nail hole, which will balance the shape and relieve the nails of visual heaviness. Also, the master can advise the client on one of the fashionable shapes and choose the optimal length, which today is no more than 7 mm of the overgrown edge. The specialist uses files with different abrasives, not forgetting to correct the edge with a fine nail file.

Softening the cuticle
After shaping, they begin to remove the cuticle. A special gel is applied to the skin around the nail to remove the overgrown skin. This drug is distinguished by the ability to instantly soften the skin, due to which it is often used for express manicure. This product quickly softens the skin and prepares it for painless removal. Usually, a drug based on lactic or fruit acid is used in the salon.

After applying the gel, hands are steamed in water with the addition of sea salt and essential oils. Use warm water not lower than 35 degrees. After 4–5 minutes have passed, they dry their hands and proceed to scrubbing using an orange stick.The cuticle is pushed back, the dead skin is removed on each nail. Especially "terry" places are corrected with scissors.

After that, a scrub is applied to the skin, the task of which is to remove dead skin cells from the hands. It is rubbed in with delicate movements, while performing a light hand massage. Usually, this procedure is performed until the composition is completely absorbed; it is this procedure that ensures the maximum visual effect of skin rejuvenation. In addition to cleansing the cells, massage helps to improve blood circulation.

Decorative coating
The final stage of care is the application of a transparent or flesh-colored coating to the nails. This step will give your nails a healthier look.

Other procedures
In addition to basic procedures, masters can offer clients an additional wrap or even paraffin baths for hands. Also, complex care may include a variety of nutritional masks or herbal infusions.

Features of home care
Seemingly simple manipulations can be mastered by every woman. However, you need to know the nuances of specialized drugs. For example, a gel for removing cuticles differs in the type of action on the skin. Regardless of the manufacturer's advertising, such a composition should not be overexposed for more than the prescribed time, since this can provoke skin irritation, and even burns. Otherwise, you can repeat the standard technique that is used in the salon.
You can do this or that procedure at home using natural preparations made from fresh products. This will allow you to save on expensive cosmetic products without losing the quality of the used product. Along the way, you can use masks for the face or hair, which is also convenient and helps out with a lack of free time. Of course, the first times may seem difficult, because you have to master the rules for high-quality nail processing. But later, a woman will be able to be proud of the final result.
As for the type of spa manicure, each of us can independently decide what exactly she likes. If you wish, you can buy a ready-made complex care kit or pick up the tools separately. For example, today you can find suede and calfskin files on sale. You can perform both edged and unedged (European) manicure.

An important condition is massage and softening not only of the hands. The massage is performed to the elbow, trying to nourish the skin with useful substances as best as possible. If you wish, you can use the massage technique using warm stones of a flat and blunt shape.
If a cuticle remover (remover) is used in the care process, it is important to completely get rid of its remnants after cleansing the keratinized skin. Only then can a nourishing or soothing cream be applied.
Finally, it is worth noting that in order to apply a decorative coating, you will have to get rid of excess fat on the nails and the skin around them. Otherwise, not a single coating will last for a day. A dehydrator can be used to eliminate grease. However, if there is too much cream on your nails, you will have to wash your hands with soap. As for the application of the hybrid varnish, after careful care, it is better to let the skin rest for at least a day. Gel polish does not hold on soaked and oiled nails.
How to conduct a beauty ritual for caring for your hands at home, see the video below.