All about Japanese manicure

Hand and nail treatments are becoming more and more popular these days. Today, probably, every nail design studio offers services for the regeneration of the nail plate. One of the most demanded services in this segment is Japanese manicure. It is classified as a therapeutic procedure aimed at the regeneration of nails.

What it is?
There are many unusual and beautiful customs in Japan. As a rule, they are whole rituals that are carried out according to certain regulations. For example, when conducting a well-known tea ceremony, you need to be able to move around correctly, make tea, understand the intricacies of using different types of dishes, the nuances of serving tea depending on the time of day, and much more.
In addition, the Japanese are experiencing a real cult of beauty. They have a sense of adoration for the face and the human body. Japanese women are very fond of taking care of their appearance in every possible way, while they have many of their secrets. In the Land of the Rising Sun, the attractiveness of a girl is unthinkable without beautiful and well-groomed hands, which is why the goal of the Japanese manicure method is to create natural beauty and a real rite of reverence for nature.
Japanese hand care is more than just a cosmetic manipulation. This is, first of all, a ritual that is designed to please a woman. The Japanese believe that a favorable emotional background during the procedure contributes to greater efficiency of manipulations and the speedy restoration of the beauty of the hands.

Japanese manicure, perhaps, is a revolutionary technique, which is considered a real salvation for the fairer sex who have one or another problem with the nails and skin on the hands. The difficult environmental situation, the lack of regular competent care, the deficiency of useful vitamins and minerals, as well as the abuse of building procedures lead to the fact that the skin of the hands dries up, and the marigolds become brittle, begin to exfoliate and even often change their shape.
In all these cases, Japanese procedures can help, which bring even very unkempt hands and nails back to normal. After the first sessions, the nail plates become durable, strong, acquire a natural color and radiance, and begin to grow faster.
The fundamental difference between the Japanese technique and all other types of care procedures is that only natural materials are used for it, as well as a variety of vitamins and useful mineral components.

Japanese manicure is indicated for such problems of the marigold:
- strong fragility:
- untidy appearance;
- painful condition;
- dry skin;
- layering;
- slow growth.

It is noteworthy that this manicure is allowed to be done by expectant mothers and nursing girls, as well as old people and even children. It has no contraindications, so it will be equally useful to everyone who needs help in improving the condition of the hands and marigolds.
The effect of these procedures is noticeable almost instantly and lasts for quite a long time., but if the nails are too problematic, then a single procedure will not be enough - at least 4–6 sessions will have to be carried out in order to achieve a perfect and healthy look. In addition to effective care for the nails, such a treatment allows you to normalize the skin of the hands, making a woman look stylish, well-groomed and young.

Advantages and disadvantages
Thanks to a manicure using this technique, you can successfully cope with such a common problem as unevenness and peeling of fragments of the nail plate. In addition, the treatment can significantly strengthen the nails and significantly increase their immunity to external influences and contact with aggressive environments.
This procedure becomes a good alternative to artificial nails: after applying the technique, your native nails will become strong, shiny and quite elastic, they will receive all the micro and macro elements necessary for growth, thanks to which they will grow back rather quickly and will be shining.
An important advantage of Japanese manicure is its instant result. A similar effect is achieved due to the fact that in each specific case, the drugs are selected individually after examining the condition of the nail plates.

The naturalness of the course allows all nutrients to penetrate quite deeply into the nail plate, regenerate its structure and nourish, thanks to which the marigolds are smooth, well-groomed and acquire a pleasant pearl shade.
Japanese manicure is very comfortable for a woman: it takes about 1.5-2 hours and for the entire duration of the procedure it delivers only the most pleasant sensations.
It would seem that such an effective remedy with such a wide range of advantages should not have any drawbacks, nevertheless they do exist, and this is a high cost of the procedure. In salons, one session of such a manicure costs no less than a thousand rubles, so the service is not available to every woman.

Choosing a set for Japanese manicure
Japanese spa manicures are performed using special beauty kits to care for the nails. The most common kits are Masura and P. Shine. Each of them has its admirers and opponents, who, having chosen one type, never go "to the other side". However, when viewed in general, they are quite similar to each other.
Both sets include a special nourishing mineral paste, which completely fills the existing cracks and smooths out irregularities on the nail plate. Typically, these blends are made from beeswax and contain ingredients such as keratin, peptides, and pearl dust. They will be responsible for the nutrition of the marigolds in the next three weeks.
The kit usually includes a surface polishing block made of calfskin, eco-friendly suede files, sanding powder and wood sticks.
This is a standard basic set, but it is quite enough for creating a high-quality manicure.
Depending on the brand and cost, the amount and composition of the care products may vary.

This set belongs to the budget. In stores it can be found at a price of 2 to 4 thousand rubles.
Masura is a complex of products aimed at nail care, using natural ingredients. The set is optimal for increased fragility and delamination of marigolds, as well as immediately after extension.
The Japanese Masura technique includes several main stages:
- care of the periungual areas;
- applying a caring complex;
- hand massage.

The effectiveness of such procedures is truly impressive: nails begin to grow very quickly, become strong. However, this type of procedure can be effective only if a large number of drugs are used, as well as if the correct procedure technology is followed.
The complex includes over 20 formulations made from natural substances, the main place among which is mineral paste. It includes beeswax, as well as minerals from the Sea of Japan, pearl crumbs and ground algae.
Due to such a rich mineral composition, the components of the paste quickly enter the matrix and help to improve the nail structure. The paste contains many ceramides, as well as zinc and calcium necessary for nails. Thanks to these components, all small cracks in the plate are sealed and fed.
Pearl powder helps to smooth the plate and whiten it. This polish consists of silicon, this rubbing polishes the nail and forms a protective film.
The Masura manicure allows you to carry out complex nail care at home without any technical training.

The basic configuration of such a set includes:
- mineral paste;
- polishing powder;
- block;
- orange sticks.
Additionally, the set includes: a care product, an essential oil for quick softening of the cuticle, a coating based on ginseng extracts.

P. Shine
The brand is highly valued among nail art specialists for the exceptionally high quality of products and the effectiveness of the drugs used.
Typically, there are about 10 basic items included with P. Shinemade from 100% natural ingredients. At first glance, the choice is small, since the containers with powder contain no more than 5 mg of the main substance, but this volume is quite enough for 200 applications.
The peculiarity of the sets of this brand is that the drugs have a pronounced therapeutic effect and consist of a complex that includes traditional drugs and modern developments, due to which they solve a number of problems at once. P. Shine helps women with flaky and thin nails, soothes sore hand skin and moisturizes. P. Shine is often used as a basic prophylactic agent in the winter-spring period, when the body and nails are deficient in nutrients.

The set of this brand is considered one of the best care complexes and includes:
- mineral paste in a green jar;
- sanding powder to give nails a glossy shine in a pink container:
- diamond nail file;
- suede tanks - 2 pcs.;
- grinding pouf - 3 pcs.;
- pusher;
- lint-free napkins.
All parts are packed in a stylish case with a protective shell.

Step-by-step execution technology
Japanese care takes about 1.5 hours.The technology is generally quite lightweight, but it has a number of important nuances. The most important thing is to follow the instructions exactly, not to confuse anything and do everything correctly. Only in this case, you will receive beautiful, well-groomed nails at home, and not at an appointment with a professional master in a beauty studio.
Manicure, as a rule, begins with a thorough degreasing and disinfection of the plates, as well as processing the skin of the hands. Then you should give the free edge the desired shape, remove all detachments from the surface of the marigold with a buff. If you have chosen the P. Shine kit, then use a double-sided sanding pad with varying degrees of abrasiveness on the sides. So, pink is used to gently remove all existing detachments, and green is used to polish the edge of the nail. If you are dealing with Masura, you will need to purchase files from the same manufacturer separately.
A preparation is applied to the cuticle to soften, wait a couple of minutes, then the cuticle is pushed back and all residual oil is removed.

If you wish, you can additionally nourish the marigolds with special vitamin serums, which are widely represented in the assortment line of both brands.
After preparation, the main stage of the manicure begins. A mineral paste is applied to the dried surface of the nail plate. This can be done with a plastic pusher (if you are using P. Shine products) or with a stick (if you are using Masura).

It is very important to evenly distribute the composition over the surface with a polishing block, while the movements should be clear, one-sided (in the direction from the cuticle to the very tip). The paste fills the nails with nutrients, so that the plates are moisturized and smoothed.

At this stage, the marigolds become dense and strong, but the hand care procedures do not end there. - it is necessary to fix the effect. To do this, apply glossy dust to the nails, distribute it with a special buff with sharp movements in different directions. Such dust contains wax and effectively seals the nails for a couple of weeks. Such protection does not dissolve in hot liquid, does not lose its stability under the influence of alcohol, as well as chlorine and weak acid-base solutions.

The Japanese manicure technique involves another important step. - with a special desire, each woman can pamper the skin of her hands with an additional massage session. This final touch is designed to relax a woman and give her the most positive emotions. For this purpose, they resort to massage using cold or heated silk bags, which are called "atsui". They are filled with herbs, salts and nutritious aromatic oils. Salt impregnated with them keeps warm and cool, and herbs exude the most pleasant aromas, bringing a touch of charm and romance to the treatment.

The complex of salts, oils and minerals soothes the skin, relieves inflammation and has a general stabilizing effect on the skin of a woman's hands.
After the massage, as a rule, an exfoliating composition is applied, which removes all dead skin cells and makes the hands smoother and softer, and then a special moisturizing gel based on ylang-ylang, jasmine or rose oils is used.
The procedure takes over an hour, but the waiting time certainly pays off. As a result, you get well-groomed and gentle hands, healthy and shining nails, thanks to which you will feel more effective and attractive.
The effect of the Japanese treatment lasts for about 3 weeks, but to maintain healthy nails, professionals advise to do a manicure every 12-16 days.

Reviews of women who have resorted to Japanese manicure are the most enthusiastic. This procedure is a real action, every movement of the master during which is filled with care for the hands and nails.It's no secret that in our time, with its frantic rhythm of life, sometimes you really want to relax a little and just devote a little time to yourself, and Japanese manicure allows it.
As a result, the nails acquire a healthy glow, stop cracking, their appearance improves significantly, and most importantly, they begin to grow rapidly. The hands look amazing and the effect lasts for several weeks.
Of course, a lot depends on the competence of the master, since such a manicure requires special skills. Only professionals can perform the service with a truly high quality, therefore, nowhere, except for the salon, the work will not be done competently and meaningfully. Nevertheless, in a simplified form, a manicure can also be done at home. To do this, you should buy sets of care products, as well as special silk bags with nutritional filling. By the way, it is quite possible to sew them with your own hands and fill them with sea salt, various essential oils, vitamin concentrates and herbs. At the same time, Japanese manicure can be combined with some elements of classic manicure, for example, with marigold trays.

If desired, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the cream. By the way, you can also use this citrus for a light exfoliation: lemon slices effectively exfoliate all rough skin.
Interesting: women in Japan love to express their individuality through manicure, therefore, in addition to grooming procedures, they like to decorate their nails, and the main trend in recent years has become the technique in which each nail is decorated in its own way, so on one hand you can see a stretch, and rhinestones, and painting, and hieroglyphs, and geometric patterns. If you intend to fully immerse yourself in the Japanese style, consider the original coating of your nails with eco-polish.

And yet, in order to get real pleasure from this procedure and an effective result, it is better to visit the nail design studio, since Japanese manicure is not just a decor for nails, it is also a complete harmony of the soul, the unity of your inner self with the world around you. ...
For a master class on Japanese manicure, see the next video.