
Stylish coats

Stylish coats
  1. What it is?
  2. Models
  3. Material
  4. Selection Tips
  5. Color solutions
  6. What to wear with?
  7. Spectacular images

Nothing adorns a woman like furs. Even decorations are not as effective here. And it is not necessary to buy a fur coat, you can opt for a coat that looks no worse, and sometimes even an order of magnitude better.

What it is?

A cloak is a fairly spacious outerwear that can be created from fabric, but furs are more often chosen. The design of such clothing does not provide for a through fastener. Initially, the mantle was presented in the form of a cape, a cloak in which there were no sleeves, or a royal mantle. This coat had the shape of a circle / semicircle, and the sleeves were like a bell.

The cloak was constantly changing until it came down to us in the form for which we loved it.

It is wrong to consider a coat as a full-fledged fur coat, since it is one of the varieties of a fur product. A coat can be recognized by some of the features that invariably accompany this type of outerwear:

  • lack of through fasteners with buttons;
  • flared silhouette;
  • trapezoid shape.
A modern coat can be used instead of a warm sweater, if you put on a light, shortened product. The coat can be replaced with an elongated coat, and a fur coat as a long or elongated coat is a great option for winter.


There are several models of coats that are of the greatest interest in fashion circles and are the object of desire for many women.

Shortened models can be used for casual looks that can be complemented with your favorite dresses, comfortable jeans, office skirts and trousers.

Elegant coat models are not suitable for everyday looks, but next to a wedding dress or evening dress, the presence of such an element is mandatory.
Classic model the coat does not rise above the middle of the shin, but designers are actively creating shortened models that give more freedom of movement and open up great opportunities for the selection of various clothes.

In the process of forming an office style, it is good to use cloak... For lovers of bright images in experimenters in clothes, designers offer a large number of coats, painted in a variety of colors.

A coat can have various options for sleeves: they can be wide or completely absent.

Buying a coat should be conscious and deliberate, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what images such clothes will be used for. A coat requires a careful attitude and careful selection of accompanying clothing.


Diamonds may be a woman's best friend, but furs are the best adornment. No one will undertake to argue with this. But what kind of furs is better to choose?

Mink is worn for a very long time and tolerates the vagaries of the weather well. This fur looks especially luxurious, it sparkles and shimmers. It is especially pleasant to hide in a fluffy collar when frosty weather reigns outside. Such a pleasure is not cheap, especially if the coat was sewn from a whole mink, and not from rags.

Arctic fox, fox and raccoon - all of this applies to long fur. A coat made of such fur is good to wear in very cold regions with heavy snowfalls. Of these three options, the arctic fox is the most beautiful, but it is also capricious and fragile. This is especially true of white fur, which over time acquires a yellowish tint. On a veiled polar fox coat, such negative changes will not be so obvious.

Fox fur is extravagant, looks expensive, wears well. Such a coat will always be warm and cozy.

More and more often you can find a manteau from possum, who somehow miraculously made his way into the ranks of the elite 'Mechs. It is better not to take a cloak from such fur, since its age is even shorter than that of a polar fox.

Karakul coat mistakenly overlooked, believing that such a product is suitable only for mature women. Everything has changed, because now new fittings, cut and finish are used. Thanks to all this, the karakul has become significantly younger, and it does not differ in capriciousness.

Nutria fur, especially overseas, will not stick around, upset with its rudeness and lack of charm, as many think of it. Modern coats of nutria are soft to the touch, have a silky feel and are embodied in wonderful styles. This fur is not afraid of moisture, exposure to water and time.

With proper care and careful wearing, a nutria coat can easily serve for more than ten years.

Selection Tips

Choosing a coat that is good in all respects is difficult, but doable. There can be no room for haste, negligence and naivety. A cloak is not the cheapest thing and for your money you should get a high quality product that will bring joy and pleasure, not disappointment and depression.

The coat model should be selected depending on the purpose of its use. If the cloak will be used daily in the cold season, then it makes sense to choose a model of medium length or a slightly shortened version. For the formation of exclusively solemn images and the use of a coat in exceptional cases, you can spend money on a stylish, truly chic model.
If everything is more or less clear with the models, then real difficulties begin with the choice of fur. For several seasons in a row, minks have not lost their popularity. It is quite difficult to find a natural sable or chinchilla coat, and it is prohibitively expensive. Fox and beaver fur is more readily available and less rare.
If a coat is chosen according to its ability to keep warm, then it is worth knowing that it will be best to warm a coat made of sable, fox and muton, followed by a polar fox and a beaver, and only then you can put a mink in this row.
When choosing a coat, be sure to take into account the features of your figure. For short women, a large collection of cropped models and medium-length coats has been created. In the presence of excess fullness, it is better to choose a coat made of short fur, straight cut and simple design. You can choose any coat for the ideal figure.

Color solutions

When choosing any clothes, color matters, and the coat is no exception. The color of the coat must be chosen in accordance with your color type (skin tone and hair color). There are a few rules here:

  • The coat should not be the same color as the hair or be the complete opposite of it;
  • Fur that suits everyone, without exception, regardless of the color type - sable, astrakhan fur and broadtail;
  • Blondes should focus on light-colored coats - for their ideal options are pearl and pastel minks, brown fox and lynx;
  • A black coat can only be allowed to be worn by owners of a platinum shade of hair;
  • Dark-skinned green-eyed brunettes can choose between brown and light furs.
The fashion for the color of the coat is stable and constancy. As before, white, black and natural fur colors remain popular. Some designers, having plucked up the courage, offered women of fashion terracotta, light lilac and pale pink fur coats. Although all these shades look beautiful and unusual, the fashion for them is fickle, and if the purchase of a coat is not an annual one, then it is better to stay on the classics.

What to wear with?

This question should not be overlooked in any case, because it is no less important than everything that has already been discussed above. A coat can easily be ruined by improperly selected things that can look good individually, but not together with this luxurious fur product.

An elongated coat can be combined with turtlenecks and golfs made in the same color. For the bottom, it is better to choose skinny pants that match the coat, but with a difference of several shades. Such an image can be considered basic and universal.

In the case of cropped coats, it is permissible to choose wide-leg trousers that will create contrast. Dresses can also make a decent match for a fur garment, but they should be bright and be just below the knee length.

But what really should not be done is to wear long dresses and skirts with a voluminous cut along with a coat. In this case, even a perfect figure will look unwieldy.

Most often, the sleeves of the coat are either absent altogether, or have a length of three quarters. Therefore, there is a need for long gloves that will warm the hands and complete the look.

Spectacular images

See how color can change the character of the same model. Three colors, but exactly the same styles, lines and texture. With classic colors (white and black), everything is clear: behind a simple and familiar look, there is royal luxury, restrained nobility and gentle femininity. The burgundy coat looks completely different - rich, elegant; it is the basis for creating the image of the femme fatale. Still, the color does its job, especially if you want to choose a fur product.
A good example of a light, elongated coat is shown in the following model. The horizontal arrangement of the skins gives this coat a special chic. The absence of any additional elements on the soft material, which shimmers with every movement, gives the coat a discreet, but this makes it especially chic. Pay attention to the type of model, to which the black color of the coat is ideal.

The brides deservedly took the white color. And although now there are no strict restrictions on the choice of color for a dress and additional elements, you must agree that the bride looks most beautiful in white. Especially when the image contains a snow-white, fluffy coat, which, like a cloud, envelops the bride.

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