All about the mantra Adi Shakti

Every modern woman wants to acquire individuality, her own unique charm, as well as to be safe and abundant. However, in order to achieve such benefits, she needs to be very knowledgeable in all areas of life. However, men, too, always strive to achieve what they want. What do you need to do to become a successful person? For example, you can use the mantra Adi Shakti. She is the first step towards a great future. Want to see the details? Then read the following information.

Mantra Adi Shakti (Kundalini Bhakti) - it is the mantra of love and devotion. The life force associated with Kundalini is concentrated in the area of the Muladhara chakra. She is considered the mother of all energies.
The mantra in question is directly related to the Kundalini energy and is addressed to creativity and feminine energy. It is used when they want to gain self-confidence, beauty, achieve peace and destroy all troubles.

This mantra is magical. When reading it, resonant vibrations occur in space. They just have an impact on human consciousness. Thanks to this mantra, anyone can come into contact with the feminine principle in the Universe. So in this way people can cleanse themselves of bad energy and merge with the Cosmos.
Please note: the miraculous words are addressed to the goddess Shakti. She is the personification of the feminine essence of the entire Cosmos. Prayer to her has the creative and constructive power of the Universe, since Shakti, together with Shiva, are able to give birth to life. Shakti is the keeper of the family hearth.

What is the purpose of the mantra in question:
- with the help of miraculous words, you can rejuvenate and become a beautiful and individual person, increase your self-esteem;
- you can get rid of various blocks: all kinds of complexes, fears, self-distrust, etc .;
- you can simply become a spiritualized person, as well as engage in creativity and creation;
- fill your “I” with feminine energy;
- to clear the aura and neutralize the negative;
- develop intuition;
- always make the right decisions when problems arise;
- provide yourself and your loved ones with well-being;
- improve your intimate life.

The text of this mantra is able to awaken energy Kundalini. It is a very powerful and miraculous energy. With its help, any woman (and even a man) can be energized to become even stronger and more attractive.
Before you start reading the text below in earnest, you need to become familiar with it. This must be done in order to avoid mistakes when reading words.

So, consider the text itself, which has four lines:
Aadi Shakti, Namo, Namo.
Serabi Shakti, Namo, Namo.
Pritam Bhagavati, Namo, Namo.
Kundalini, Mata Shakti, Namo, Namo.

Each of these lines has a specific meaning. To understand it, you need to know the translation of these miraculous words.
I bow before the Primordial Forces. I bow before the Omnipresent Forces. I bow before the Creative Forces. I bow before the Mother Goddess.
Need to know: the text given is the oldest song that has ever existed in the eastern world. If you sing it correctly, it will sound like the most beautiful song.
Please note that this mantra is useful primarily for girls and women. It is the fair sex, reading these words, who can reach unprecedented heights in their lives.

Reading rules
If a person is viable, then he can become prosperous in all respects: to be smart, beautiful and healthy. The right creative energy fosters a variety of opportunities that enable us to solve our everyday problems.
If a person creates a source from which he receives energy for life, he can direct the transformed energy flow in the right direction.... When energy from the outside enters the body, the soul of a person strives for a specific goal. Thus, energy, motivation and purpose are combined. And this means that such a person can solve many of the tasks that life puts before him.

The Adi Shakti mantra must be read to those people who want to gain access to the creative primordial. These words invoke the protective and restorative forces that only the Mother can give. Therefore, read the mantra and do the following meditation.
- Take a shower and put on loose clothing.
- Retire in a clean and comfortable environment.
- Sit on a dedicated meditation mat in Easy Pose and straighten your back.
- Fold your hands into mudra: bend your elbows and lift your forearms up. Connect your ring and thumb by pressing on the last. In this way, you should form a ring. Point your palms forward and your fingers up. Keep the rest of your fingers straight.
- As a result, your wrists are at shoulder level. The back should be perfectly flat. It is better to install a throat lock on your neck, then your neck and throat will definitely be firmly fixed.
- Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and freely.
- Start chanting the Adi Shakti mantra for 30 minutes.
- After completing this part of the meditation, simply exhale.
- The body must remain stationary.
- Then you should move on to the second part of the meditation. In this case, in no case change the position of your body. Mudra should also not be changed by you.
- Start singing again. Now hum another word - Har. In this case, you need to pull the navel inward. To improve your technique, use the audio recording of the Har technique.
- Perform the above steps for four minutes.
- Finally, breathe in the air again. Then hold your breath for 15 seconds. Exhale air whistling through your mouth.
Repeat this breathing procedure 2 more times (there should be 3 breathing exercises in total).
- Relax your body and sit in a relaxed state until your consciousness is fully restored.