All about Baba Nam Kevalam mantra

A mantra is a sacred text, a prayer recited in the ancient Sanskrit language. It has a resonant, psychological and spiritual effect on a person. She is credited with healing, spiritualizing, divine power. A practitioner of reading / chanting mantras can reach a special level of enlightenment, get rid of problems and achieve what he wants. Our today's article is dedicated to the universal mantra that awakens love - Baba Nam Kevalam.

What does it mean?
The text of the mantra became known when in October 1970 it was given to his disciples by guru Sri Sri Anandamurti. It is considered universal, that is, absolutely everyone can read it.
Let's try to understand the meaning of a word form by decomposing it into its components.
- The translation of the word "Baba" sounds like "beloved father", "beloved", "absolute", "higher principle". In this context, it means an appeal to your “I” at the deepest level.
- "Nam" or "Nama" is a name.
- Kevalam means only.
The literal translation of the mantra reads as follows: "Only the Name of the Supreme (father, beloved)." However, it is often translated in more understandable language so that students and practitioners can grasp its essence.
For example, the famous guru Dada Dharmavedananda offers the following interpretation: "Only the feeling of endless love."

Singing this mantra brings a person closer to the Source of Universal Love. There is a reconfiguration of all organs and systems of a person, he begins to literally exude love, joy, bliss. His whole essence "sounds in unison" with the waves, vibrations of the Great Cosmic Love, and as a result, he begins to carry it to the masses, spread around him, and attract such people and events.
This cannot but affect the daily life of the practitioner.Evil, hatred, mistrust, envy leave her. Man ascends several steps higher up the ladder of spiritual evolution.
The mantra is: Baba Nam Kevalam. There is also a variation: Baba Namo / Nama Kevalamo / Kevalama, which is basically the same thing. Choose which one you like best and start reading.

How to read?
This word form can be pronounced / sung alone or together with like-minded people. This congregational chanting is called kirtan. You can also turn on the recorded audio version of the mantra, listen to it and sing along at the same time.
A very important point: in the process of reading / singing, you must remember how this text is interpreted, what it carries in itself. Try to feel love for everything, or, for a start, at least for what you are familiar with (family, friends, pets, etc.).

Start practicing the mantra by chanting aloud. Feel the pronunciation of all its components, listen to your own voice. Sing the mantra for a few minutes (5-10). After you have successfully completed the task, you can proceed to the so-called silent meditation.
- Sit back in a comfortable position (Padmasana or Lotus position is perfect), straighten your back as much as possible. It is best to do this on the floor with a soft rug or blanket. Place your watch in front of you or set your phone to a 15-minute timer.
- Cover your eyes and start repeating to yourself: "Baba Nam Kevalam."
- If suddenly, in the process of reading, extraneous thoughts "creep in" into your head or an "internal dialogue" starts, interrupt them, try to return to the text of the mantra.
- Start your practice with 15 minutes. When you acquire a certain skill, your internal timer itself will count down the time and suggest that it is time to end your meditation.