All about the mantras of the goddess Lakshmi

The eldest wife of the god Vishnu, the radiant Lakshmi, is associated with boundless generosity, wisdom, kindness and decency. She endows the suffering people with prosperity, grace, greatness, honor, good luck and gives all those who ask for help the hope of salvation.

The word "Lakshmi" has the following meaning: "happiness", "goal". So it is translated from Sanskrit. The magnificent goddess gives well-being, prosperity and peacefulness, sends people the energy of kindness and love. As a result, the subject's spirit is freed from unnecessary experiences, the body experiences amazing pleasure. A radiant deity favors any sincere and sympathetic person with good intentions. Goddess Lakshmi motherly protects him from any adversity.
The wisest divine being is inextricably linked with the pink lotus, symbolizing perfect purity and the greatest balance. Lakshmi is the embodiment of grace. She is portrayed as a beauty with 4 or 8 arms and huge black eyes. Two hands squeeze a lotus flower, the other palms scatter gold coins. The goddess is responsible for abundance, prosperity, righteousness, wealth. Through prayer addressed to her, one can acquire certain knowledge, achieve happiness and beauty.
Mantra Lakshmi is used with the aim of attracting good fortune, wealth, success, well-being at all levels, charm and charm. Turning to the goddess opens the path to the sincere heart to reveal the secret of material prosperity and the secret of spiritual enlightenment.
This prayer is the first step in transforming destiny towards success. In the modern world, it is chanted, often accompanied by music.

Who is it for?
First of all, the goddess protects women and willingly responds to their prayers. Any lady can turn to a divine being in order to attract male attention, beauty, strong family and female happiness. Men can also recite the Lakshmi mantras for gaining wealth, luck, prosperity.
When to read?
Daily recitation of prayers intended for the gold-bearing Lakshmi is recommended to be carried out after waking up in the morning or just before going to bed. Reading sacred texts twice a day perfectly relaxes the body and relieves stress. You can practice pronouncing them while walking in the fresh air or when performing any monotonous activities.
Listening to audio recordings with sacred spells helps to memorize the text.

Basic texts
A sincere desire for positive changes in life is the reason for calling Lakshmi. In any life situation, you can use a specific prayer text. All mantras are based on Mahalakshmi. Sacred spells bring prosperity to suffering people, provide them with significant support in their activities. You can clear karma using the simplest mantra "Om Sri Lakshmiyai Namah".
Repetition of the text several times a day attracts the attention of the goddess, who helps to get rid of negativity and attract the necessary benefits. A person is gradually purified and grows spiritually. The most famous and most powerful sacred phrase "Om Shrim Mahalakshmie Namaha" has approximately the following translation: "Om! We bow to you, great goddess Lakshmi. We owe you our blessings and prosperity on earth. "
The analysis of each word of the prayer is as follows:
- Om is an all-encompassing sound that attunes to spirituality;
- Shrim means the consecration of the mantra to the great goddess, the Mother of the Kingdom of Heaven;
- "Maha" indicates the praise of an amazing great deity;
- "Namaha" is a greeting, reverence, gratitude for support and help.
There is no specific purposeful request in the text, but the expressed respect for divine power directs inexhaustible streams of money towards the meditating person, attracts the energy of love into his life.

The prayer "Om Lakshmi Vigan Shri Kamala Dharigan Svaha" leads to peace, success in any endeavors and a successful ascent to the peak of prosperity. This popular mantra must be chanted 3 times at dawn during the month. If you write the text on a piece of paper 108 times and repeat it, then all your wishes will come true. The goddess will surely bestow all spiritual benefits. Mantra Gayatri "Om Mahalakshmich Vidmahe Vishnu Patnicha Dhimahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat" promotes career growth and business prosperity. The practice of repeating a sacred phrase with a certain number of syllables and a specific rhythm helps to significantly improve the material side of life. Singing prayer gains special strength and gives support in any direction, has a great influence on the multiplication of financial resources and the acquisition of wealth.
The sacred words "Om Hrim Sri Lakshmi Bjo Namaha" endow with positive energy. Mantra helps a person to reveal their personal potential. Thanks to her, karma is cleared, family relations are improved, material wealth is accumulated in the house, and cash flows are attracted. Visualization of success is the key to gaining good luck, well-being and further prosperity. Reading the text is recommended for novice businessmen. The mantric expression "Om Hrim Klim Shrim Sri Lakshmi Nrisinhaye Namaha" cleanses the heart chakra, attracts love, helps to significantly improve partnerships and family relationships, and settle all love affairs. The subject acquires a certain spirit of foresight, the ability to deeply penetrate the essence of events.
The spell "Om Sri Mahalakshmiyai Namah" gives confidence and peace. The sacred phrase grants protection from external negative manifestations, various manipulations and accidents. Family relations are significantly improved, the home is gaining coziness.
It is recommended to read for a whole month in a row immediately after waking up. In this case, the most secret desires can come true.

Reading rules
To achieve the desired result, the mantras must be recited correctly.
- The process of reading a prayer requires a certain concentration of attention. You should focus on texts and images. No need to be mentally distracted by other matters. Vibrations of sounds fill the subtle body with cosmic energy. You can start reading after feeling a surge of free energy flow. In this case, you will feel joy and elation.
- Next, you should tune in to the desired wave and focus on visualization. It is very important to read the mantras to the goddess Lakshmi with an easy soul, good thoughts and love in her heart. Before meditation, it is necessary to purify the mind, soul and body. Bad mood, anger, anger, jealousy and other negative feelings hinder the passage of thoughts to the Mother of the Heavenly Kingdom. You should always be sincere in front of her.
- Be honest with yourself. As you focus on the energy of well-being, visualize your kindness and wisdom in your mind. Feel how you get better by the minute. In the next moment, you can tell the goddess about your dream. The wayward Lakshmi requires unconditional worship, so first you need to admire her beauty, express a feeling of love and gratitude to this goddess.
- Pronunciation of sacred texts contributes to the growth of spirituality and the divine principle. You should work well with your consciousness. It is imperative to imagine that the desired events have already come true. Attraction of cash flow must be supported by the individual's own energy. It is difficult to achieve the desired result without visualization. The vibrations of the mantra deliver the energy of the subject to the highest level, and the dream comes true.
- It is recommended to recite the strongest mantra addressed to the divine essence Lakshmi 108 times. In order not to get lost when reading, it is better to use a Buddhist rosary, numbering 108 beads. During the recitation of each mantra, you must sequentially sort out the beads. It is very important to focus well on the text. Words should be pronounced clearly, humorously and avoid creating incorrect vibrations.
- In an emergency, the number of repetitions should be nine. It is allowed to reduce the repetition circles: 3, 9, 27, 54, 81. Periodically, the process can be replaced by listening to audio recordings. Don't expect quick results. Only repeated repetition of one mantra will help you gain the favor of the goddess and the grace of heaven. When you get the desired result, you can proceed to reading the next mantra.
- Beginners are advised to start by listening to recordings that will help you better understand the structure of chants and the placement of accents in the text. First you need to take a bath with aromatic herbs. Then you should take a comfortable position, turn on audio recording. Let the sounds fill your body. Imagine how they pass through all the energy centers from the bottom up. When a special energy hits the forehead area, direct it into outer space. Visualize your desire at the same time.
At the end of your spiritual practice, rest, breathe fresh air, drink clean water.