Features of Buddhist mantras

In the modern world, there is a great interest in the Eastern religion, called Buddhism, which originated in India in the 6th century BC. NS. and quickly spread to Asian countries. To achieve a person's harmonious spiritual and physical balance, adherents of Buddhism practice reciting the most ancient sacred prayers called mantras.
What it is?
Mantra is a sacred prayer and an ancient formula that combines harmony and energetic message. In Sanskrit, the word "mantra" means the combination of consciousness and the instrument of liberation. Buddhists practice throat chanting while reciting mantras. Today, the reading of sacred phrases is one of the most effective forms of meditation, deep knowledge and understanding of these words belongs to Buddhist monks. Adherents of Buddhism believe that the use of mantras allows you to cleanse the soul and mind of dirty energies and negative thoughts, thereby contributing to the spiritual development of a person.
Any sacred mantra in Buddhism has its own purpose and contains a deep meaning, which is not given to everyone to understand. To penetrate the spiritual essence of the mantra, you need to know the ancient language of Sanskrit and receive spiritual help from an experienced mentor-guru, this practice is adopted in every Buddhist monastery. The word "mantra" is associated with the ignorant people with a magical means with which you can easily and simply fulfill any desire.
In addition, some people believe that chanting mantras is nothing more than an expression of worship of Buddhism, which is not at all true.With the help of mantras, you can not only improve your life, but also grow spiritually.

How do they work?
Anyone can practice the reading of sacred prayers, performing these actions in their everyday life. Mantras can be recited aloud, chanted or recited to oneself. With their help, you can come to an even state of mind, make your mind deeper, find a positive attitude towards life. The effectiveness of mantras depends on the person reading them, his awareness, the ability to turn off the wandering of thoughts, be mentally active and concentrated.
By mastering the technique of reading mantras, a person gets the opportunity to harmoniously build his life, put his physical body in order and grow spiritually. Pronouncing the ancient Sanskrit syllables out loud, a person connects his breathing to this process, which from the point of view of Buddhism is assessed as an impact on the energy of the mental body. Buddhists believe that even the inner silent recitation of a mantra brings great positive changes in a person's life. Mixing with the breath and energy of a person, the sounds of the mantra help to cleanse the soul and consciousness, eliminate obsessive soaps, improve life and the events taking place in it.
Varieties and rules for reading them
Mantras can be used for many different purposes. Buddhist monks use sacred texts for the purpose of spiritual growth and development, while ordinary people use them to fulfill desires and improve their lives... Ancient mantras are read in the Sanskrit language, because in Russian it is not always possible to reproduce the exact translation of the sounds pronounced in prayer.
The translation of some mantras can only be understood on an intuitive level. For example, the most powerful mantra used to cleanse the chakras is read as OM, and this combination of sounds is interpreted as a kind of divine untranslatable. The use of mantras is multifaceted, they are effective in various cases and life situations.

To fulfill desires
Everyone has their own dreams and innermost desires. The ancient mantras, written in Sanskrit, have a unique and very strong energy that allows you to create life events and prerequisites in such a way that a person achieves the desired results. Sacred prayers for the fulfillment of desire are a powerful stimulus that can change life and the whole reality that exists around a person. But this happens only if a person's karma is pure and he deserves the attention of the Higher Forces. The mantra of the fulfillment of desires is capable of changing a person's life in such a way that, as a result of spiritual development, his internal attitudes change and hidden reserves, powers and capabilities are activated. One of these powerful mantras is the Gayatri prayer, which has 24 syllables.
The beginning of the mantra is addressed to the earthly, middle and heavenly worlds, where the Higher powers live. The text of the prayer is essentially a glorification of the gods, meditation and prayer. Turning to the universe with this mantra, a person asks the Higher Forces to receive a gift of talents and strengths necessary to fulfill their dreams.
Gayatri is an ancient Buddhist prayer with quick results and is loved for its versatility and ease of use. This prayer can be used in such cases:
- to fulfill desires;
- improving general well-being;
- normalization of sleep;
- protection of the soul.
The Gayatri mantra has a tremendous purifying power, with the help of which one can even correct heavy karma and rid the mind of negative attitudes.

For cleansing
Another powerful and well-known mantra used to cleanse chakras and karma is the Green Tara prayer. With the help of this prayer, the mind is purified and the mental field is saturated with divine pure energy. While reading the sacred words, a person imagines this energy in the form of an emerald green stream, which is a symbol of the goddess Tara.So that the purest energy can freely circulate through all seven chakras, the practice of reciting the mantra is carried out in a sitting position, with a straight back and legs extended forward.
When turning to the deity, it is necessary to remember that the appeal will be heard only if the thoughts of a person are pure, and the mind and spirit are open towards the pure energies of the universe. The mantra cannot be used if you are irritated, or with the aim of revenge, in which case reading a prayer will become a serious burden of karma. The Goddess Green Tara, like any deity, requires respect and reverence, therefore, before reading the mantra, you will need to mentally or aloud praise the goddess and renounce extraneous thoughts. The text of the prayer is read 108 times, experienced practitioners believe that the goddess Green Tara is omnipresent and will definitely hear requests addressed to her.

From heartache
Modern life is filled not only with joyful moments, but also with negativity that accumulates in the soul and complicates a person's life. Listening to and reciting the mantra called Hare Krishna helps to resolve difficult situations and alleviate mental problems. The same mantra is also called the Maha-mantra, but this name is less common and little known to a wide circle of ordinary people. It is worth noting that the Hare Krishna mantra is not a Hare Krishna hymn, on the contrary, the essence of this prayer is to alleviate mental suffering. The ancient sounds of the words of the sacred mantra are practiced in India and Asian countries. You too can feel its impact if you use this text.
If you read the Hare Krishna mantra every day according to all the rules, soon a person begins to feel the effect manifested in the form of peace and a sense of peace in the soul. The power of the mantra lies in the cleansing powerful energy that removes negativity from the mental field of a person, filling it with divine positive vibrations. Through meditation, the practitioner changes as follows:
- loses interest in addictions and passions;
- restores relationships with loved ones;
- finds understanding from relatives and strangers.

For prosperity
To achieve wealth and prosperity, it is necessary to recite the Dzambala mantra, which is a prayer of monetary wealth. Buddhist monks consider this deity to be the kindest, most generous and wise. In Tibet, it is believed that the Buddha bestows any spiritual and material benefits to every devoted monk, and the rest of the people will need to practice daily mantra recitation. According to ancient Indian legend, Dzambala was not a deity, but was appointed by the god Brahma, the keeper of divine treasures that are the personification of the stability and wealth of the universe. If you want to get financial stability and prosperity from life, you need to practice regularly reciting sacred prayers to the Yellow Deity.
In Buddhism, there are 5 gods of Dzambala, which differ from each other in color, character and attitude towards people. There is Black, Yellow, White, Red and Green Dzambala, but it is customary to turn to the Yellow deity for prosperity and wealth.
Dzambala, which helps to gain stability, is depicted sitting on a lotus flower, which is the personification of purity and wisdom.

In Buddhism, there is a Vajrasattva mantra, which is also called a hundred-syllable. This mantra is miraculous, and its power was used by monks in ancient times in those cases when they needed cleansing in violation of this vow. The hundred-syllable mantra is the personification of the variety of forms of how energy can manifest itself on the spiritual and physical plane. The power of the Vajrasattva mantra is so high that it is compared to a lightning strike; it is able to reveal even very strong karmic blocks, cleansing a person's soul of negativity and sins.The immutable law of karmic retribution never fails, just like that karmic dirt does not disappear, moreover, it can also get worse. A person is not sinless, over time mental dirt accumulates in his subtle bodies and complicates life, to one degree or another.
To purify yourself and change your life for the better, you must recite the hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva. The text of the Buddhist hundred-syllable mantra Vajrasattva is difficult to read, for this reason, many practitioners choose audio listening, but the most effective and real results are obtained by singing these sacred syllables.
The effort expended in the daily practice of this ancient prayer can dramatically change life for the better.