
All about chakra mantras

All about chakra mantras
  1. What it is?
  2. Mantras for the main chakras
  3. Rules for meditation and chanting

A mantra is the sacred utterance of a word, sound or short phrase that has psychological and spiritual power. It is constantly repeated aloud or to oneself. Its main purpose is to penetrate the depths of the unconscious mind and help in achieving the connection between body and spirit. Let's consider in more detail everything about mantras for chakras.

What it is?

Meditation relaxes the mind and body and has a positive effect on health and healing. If the same is done with the repetition of the mantra, then not only relaxes the body and mind, but also nourishes the soul.

Om (Aum) is the main purifying mantra or Bija mantra. It is used to activate internal energy stores.

There are many variations, especially in Sanskrit. In order for the cleaning to take place with the desired result, you need to select sounds in accordance with the existing need. Mantras are believed to have different effects on the human body and mind. With their help, we clean both the physical shell and the spirit. Repetition of mantras gives strength to achieve goals and leads to a higher level of consciousness. Repetition and listening gives the power to heal diseases. Some mantras have powerful vibrations, their sound gives supernatural powers and brings a person into a blissful state.

There are unlimited benefits of meditation to be felt and physically experienced.

  • Calms the nervous system and boosts immunity. When we chant the mantra, the movement of the tongue in the mouth stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which regulate the communication between the nervous and endocrine systems. The latter, in turn, produces the hormones serotonin and dopamine, called "hormones of happiness." They affect mood, appetite, sleep, and so on.The mantra helps to find natural rhythms that trigger a healing response and also boost immunity.
  • Improves concentration. A lot of thoughts constantly arise in the mind, which make it difficult to perceive the situation. Chanting a mantra distracts the mind from unwanted thoughts.
  • Reduces anxiety, helps fight depression and stress. The repetition of certain sounds causes synchronization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The brain is saturated with oxygen, the heart rate decreases, and brain activity improves.

Mantras for the main chakras

There are many mantras for cleansing the aura, for pumping the spirit and body, including for the development of the mind, the disclosure of new spiritual possibilities. There is a so-called circular healing Chattr Chakkr Varti. It is aimed not only at cleaning, but also at harmonizing a person.

  • For Muladhara. In tantra, each chakra is depicted as a flower with many petals. There are many texts describing the Muladhara Chakra. The most prominent of these is the Shad of Chuck Nirupana, which was translated into English by Sir John Woodruff in Serpent Power. The Muladhara Chakra is described as a flower with 4 petals. The petals are crimson. They have the letters Vam, Sham, Shham and Sam written in gold. In the center or perianth of the flower there is a yellow square. The square symbolizes Bhumi-Tattva or the element of the earth, it is surrounded by 8 spears. Seed Mantras or Bija Mantras are one-letter syllabic sounds with hidden power. The mantra for the mooladhara chakra is 7 Lamas. In addition, the chakra petals also have seed letters associated with it.
  • For Svadhisthana... To open the chakra, you should use sound. The mantra for Svadhisthana is associated with orange and is four fingers below the belly. It is designed to control a person's sexual pleasure and fantasies.
  • For Manipura... The consonance of Ra is used. The location point is the solar plexus. Yellow color. Such a mantra is designed to strengthen the person's personality. It is ideal for the first meditation. Very strong and powerful.
  • For Anahata. In the region of the heart is the Anahata chakra. To unfold, one must repeat Yam. This meditation helps restore the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The main color is green. It is advised to work with the mantra especially carefully, without disturbing the heart rate. After reading the body is filled with strength.
  • For Vishuddhi... Each part of the spirit and body has its own mantra. If you want to develop creativity, then it is better to use the Tibetan harmony of Ham. To fill the body with the necessary energy, the sound must be throaty, deep.
  • For Ajna. Opening the third eye between the eyebrows is possible by reciting the powerful mantra Om. Meditation with such subtle sounds is beneficial for agya and helps to develop intuition. Regular exercise helps the person begin to control their emotions.
  • For Sahasrara... Aum is the final mantra. It is purple and the crown of the head.

If you reach such a height with the help of meditation, you can develop superpowers, feel the hidden capabilities of the human brain. This is the very state of nirvana.

Rules for meditation and chanting

Every person has their own reason for meditation, from health benefits to reaching a spiritual connection. The meditation is then considered successful, when the chanting of sounds is correctly performed by a person. Shri Mataji described how to sing in order to achieve maximum results. According to the Big Bang theory, Om was the cosmic sound that initiated the creation of the universe. It produces sound and vibration that makes you feel at one with nature. Chanting a mantra repeatedly awakens spiritual vitality and stimulates the chakras. We can say that the mantra is the living force of God.

The earliest were written in Sanskrit. Their age is 3000 years.Now mantras are used in various schools of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Similar chants are found in Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Christianity. Each mantra has its own vibration. It should be chosen in accordance with the needs, desires and requirements of a person and his body. Repetition helps to disconnect from any thoughts that arise during meditation. The best time is early morning or late evening. To do this, it is advised to choose a quiet and comfortable place to study.

They begin to recite the mantra in the background, adhering to the following algorithm:

  • sit comfortably on the floor with crossed legs or on a chair with a straight back and close their eyes;
  • put their hands next to the navel;
  • relax the body and muscles;
  • take a few deep breaths slowly;
  • the main thing is to focus on breathing so that you feel most comfortable; you should not follow every inhalation and exhalation, you just need to experience every inhalation;
  • it is important to feel how the stomach rises and falls;
  • repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

One should enjoy rest and relaxation. When the necessary state has been achieved, it is time to repeat the chosen mantra. Do this slowly with a deep breath. When exhaling, try to maintain a slow pace. The sound should come out of the mouth soft or strong. It needs to be pronounced correctly, but not dwell on it.

While chanting, it is important to feel the vibrations that the mantra gives. They start from the lower abdomen and run through the body all the way to the brain while reading. They repeat it slowly (not very loudly) or silently, silently, but with feeling. You need to feel how unwanted thoughts, pain, stress leave the body with each new repetition. Each mantra produces a unique sound and vibration as it is chanted and stimulates different areas of the brain for the beneficial effects of desired relaxation and natural healing.

Can be repeated focusing on a specific part of the body that needs healing. Likewise, spiritual mantras help create a positive attitude and empower a person. If everything is done correctly, soon the person will feel calm and blissful. All unnecessary bad thoughts will go away. The influx of energy is well felt.

Repeat the sound as much as necessary to obtain the desired result. More often the lesson is held within 15–20 minutes.

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