
Mantras for meditation: varieties and rules of reading

Mantras for meditation: varieties and rules of reading
  1. What is a mantra?
  2. Varieties
  3. How to read it correctly?
  4. The final result

There are words in the world that have a certain power. Among them there are those that cause negative, while others are capable of causing positive in the entire surrounding world. The latter include mantras. When pronouncing them, a person attracts positive energy to himself. If he further uses mantras, then this energy will penetrate into consciousness and give a healing effect. In this article, we will consider the varieties and rules for reciting mantras for meditation.

What is a mantra?

The currently existing mantras are needed for practicing meditation. Mantras are words used to focus attention during spiritual practices. And they are also needed to achieve a certain state, which the human brain enters into when using a particular technique. Mantras have a certain energy, as they are sacred. By and large, this is a set of letters that helps to overcome some obstacles when entering a trance (MAN is the mind, and TRA is contemplation). In this case, there is a kind of contemplation of the unity of the entire Universe.

You shouldn't use mantras that don't work for you. If you cannot pronounce some of them, then they are not suitable for you. From the Indian "mantra" is translated as a word. It is this word that is capable of causing vibrations that give commands to the brain to achieve nirvana. Therefore, when you meditate, your voice takes on a strong and mystical note. As a result of using mantras, a person not only utters a word, but also opens the soul in a certain way. With the help of mantras, a person can find balance and health. Sound vibrations usually consist of one or more syllables. And each set of sounds is filled with a certain meaning, for example, philosophical or religious.

It is believed that any mantra is charged with divine power that comes to a person from the depths of consciousness during meditation.


They are quite varied. People use them for both relaxation and healing. The following varieties are worth noting:

  • mantras that bring out the truth;
  • mantras with which you can get advice from the Higher powers;
  • mantras that can define and adjust the emotional state of any person;
  • healing mantras.

Important! The repetition of any mantra is called Japa. Japa must be correct. Next, let's move on to considering the main issue. Let's start with the most important mantra - the Gayatri Mantra. As it is also called, it is a universal mantra. It can be applied anywhere and everywhere. When pronouncing it, a person's karma is purified. And also it can heal from physical and psychological illnesses.

Next, consider the Binja Mantras. They consist of several syllables and are considered the strongest. Such words carry a certain meaning, therefore, the concentration of energy increases with their pronunciation. Know that God or Goddess has its own Binju. Consider the most useful mantras that affect the positive development of a person's energy field.

  • AUM. This sound is known to the entire spiritual world. The world can both abide in this sound and disappear. This sound clears the mind, clears the aura and calms.
  • RAM. This is the mantra of the element of fire. With its help, a protective light is attracted, which protects a person. In addition, God's mercy is attracted. She protects a person from astral entities.
  • Hrim. This mantra is directly related to the Mayan Goddess. It also clears the aura and soothes the person. Moreover, she is able to bestow energy on a person.
  • HUM. She is under the auspices of Lord Shiva. It helps to destroy negative emotions and can even destroy black magic.
  • SHRIM. This mantra is under the auspices of the Goddess Mahalakshmi. This is the Goddess of luxury and wealth. By chanting such a mantra, one can achieve wealth and success. In addition, this same mantra helps to increase sexual and vital energies.

How to read it correctly?

First of all, you need to believe in what you are saying. Every sound from chanting a mantra can give you strength. It always goes from the Universal thought straight into your consciousness. So, in order for the mantra to be beneficial, you need to consider a few points.

  • Choose phrases so that they are literate and correct. If you are not competent enough in this matter, choose universal sound sets. And remember that, for example, a mantra like HUM erases the mistakes of the past. It is used to start life from scratch.
  • In addition, it is necessary to remember about the correct pronunciation. To fulfill this condition, it is necessary to often listen to melodies with recordings of the correct music and correct pronunciation.
  • When pronouncing a mantra, you must also have specific goals. What do we have to do? You need to be clear about what you want to get. So when you meditate, relax first. Then begin to distribute your energy so that it spreads throughout the body. Ultimately, this energy should be concentrated in the head area. And then there will be a connection with the Cosmos.
  • Before you start reciting mantras, you must free yourself from extraneous thoughts, anxieties. And then it is imperative to concentrate on vibrations.
  • Keep track of the number of pronunciations. To fulfill this condition, use a rosary. And remember that there are some mantras that need to be repeated many times.
  • There is only one mantra to be used to be successful. So find a mantra that makes sense. There are six of these meanings: the size of the verse; Deity; Prophet (rishis); Energy and Strength; Peg or Wedge (Kilaku).

People who practice yoga mainly try to resort to drawing up sacred formulas. Thus, their consciousness develops, so their spiritual state expands. For this to work, repeat the mantras for 15–20 minutes a day.

And some more points. Mantras for meditation must be used in the correct way, so first of all, choose such mantras for pronunciation that you can easily pronounce and understand. Even at this moment, you should feel a huge surge of strength. Also, start chanting mantras only when you take a few breaths in and out. By the way, also try to adjust your breathing to the pronunciation of the mantra.

Tip: choose such combinations that your intuitive feelings suggest to you.

The final result

Mantras free the mind of a person from unnecessary and negative information. Man thus reveals his supernature. By and large, life is a game. As long as we abide by its rules, we act in a certain order. As soon as we expand the previously established framework, we begin to feel more free and can afford other actions.

This is how mantras work. Take breathing, for example. Through breathing exercises, we feel the connection of mind and body. A person is unable to feel consciousness. However, through breathing, one can influence the mind. Therefore, mantras can connect mind and body. And then, with the help of the mind, a person can compare how it was before classes and how it became after them.

However, mantras do not work like magic spells. Mantras are structured vibrations. When people start chanting mantras, they turn on a certain vibration. And since a person consists of 80% water, vibrations begin to set this water in motion.

Thus, all the liquid takes on a structured form in the form of a spoken mantra, and then the human body also begins to take the form of a spoken mantra. By and large, everything works very simply.

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