Mantras for cleansing negativity

The negative is more subjective than objective. This is a state of mind, a type of reaction to events, circumstances, actions of other people. And different people react differently to this negative. Someone is ready to fall into depression from the slightest unfair criticism in his direction, while someone knows how not to let insults and someone else's anger into themselves. And yet, there are practically no people who are never annoyed, angry, or on the verge of despair. And to cleanse themselves of this negativity, some people use special mantras.
Operating principle
Mantra is a reliable and proven instrument for harmonizing energy. The world is filled with various vibrations, the meaning and degree of influence of which not everyone guesses. Vibrations are field, mental, energy, and sound.
If we assume that negativity is an internal setting, and not an objective reaction, we can assume that there are universal methods of dealing with it. But it is not so. Someone it is enough to clearly analyze the situation, try to find advantages in it, and the negative will dissipate. But not everyone succeeds. Therefore, they use another harmonization toolkit.
Mantras help to directly influence reality and, more importantly, one's own state.

With the help of mantras, a person ceases to be dependent on someone's criticism, destructive emotions, and finally, from failures and broken plans - no one is immune from them. And it is difficult for a person to program himself for one sheer luck and good luck. But everyone can learn how to properly respond to negativity.
It works like this: negative emotions are also vibrations, in order to eliminate them the mind must return to a calm state. And the mantras do this, if not instantly, then very quickly. There is even such a science - psychoacoustics, of which sound therapy is a powerful and effective part. Scientists have found that each organ in the human body is affected by its own vibration. For example, the saxophone acts on the genitourinary system, the button accordion and accordion - on the peritoneal organs.

But even if a person has no ear for music, sound therapy can help him. Everyone can master mantras. The skull is considered the bony membrane through which sound is sent directly to the brain. Mantra restores balance to the mind, collects it, concentrates on something important. Mantras from negativity are not a special separate category, because all mantras purify space. There is simply a tradition to use certain types of mantras if it seems that clouds have thickened around a person, if you want to cleanse yourself of someone's anger, gossip, discussions, etc.
And also vibrations synchronize and rhythmize breathing, and the breathing rate is proven! - associated with the mental state. Rhythm is extremely important: when a person utters a certain phrase, he enters the rhythm, physiology and mind are tuned to the desired breathing rate. Pranayama techniques work with this very effectively, but the mantras are more accessible and understandable.

How to read?
To get away from negative emotions and experiences, you need to switch the focus of the mind to a different action. Not everyone will succeed in a strong-willed effort to simply stop thinking about the anxious. But the mantra seems to switch this toggle switch in the head.
Chanting mantras is a form of meditation. Therefore, they must be worked out according to the rules, in the atmosphere and with the mood so that it is not a formality.

Rules for reciting mantras.
- It is necessary to choose the place and the time where no one will disturb the person. It's great if it is either early in the morning or before bedtime. Over time, a person acquires the ability to recite a mantra anywhere: in a crowd or in a noise. But for beginners, peace and quiet are needed.
- You need to sit in a comfortable position, straighten your back. You can close your eyes - most beginners are embarrassed if the eyes are open, this does not always give an opportunity to concentrate.
- Clothing should be such that you can not think about it: lightweight, not restricting movement.
- For better concentration of the mind, beads are used. Traditionally, this is a rosary with 108 beads, but this is not a strict rule.
- The words of the mantra must be pronounced correctly, not deformed, not replaced.
- If the mantra is chanted, the desired meditative state will arise.
- The first time you need to spend 10-15 minutes on mantras. There is no need to artificially increase this time, it is much more important to maintain regularity. Subsequently, it will be possible to meditate for longer.

Mantra texts for purification
You can cleanse your own thoughts, room, or even your aura and karma.
The universal mantra OM (AUM). This is the initial sound of the Universe, and therefore - the oldest mantra, suitable for returning to the source. It is used for cleansing in general, for coming into harmony. And this is the bija-mantra, that is, the sound-seed, which affects both the subtle and the gross layers. Since AUM is a universal sound, this mantra is the most powerful, very powerful.
Another version of the mantra that will protect a person from negativity in thoughts is HUM. And this is also a bija mantra that removes negative vibrations at all levels.

You can also use the following word forms to clear thoughts, to protect against all bad.
- AIM - vibration that takes away sad thoughts, helps to cope with a negative psychological state, puts in order a shattered nervous system. It is needed if problems prevail and a person becomes shackled by them. Often, after the mantra, it seems that the fog in front of the eyes dissipates, and misfortunes seem not so insurmountable.
- KSHRAUM Is a powerful protective mantra that copes well with a person's fears. But fears are often thoughts that are not always built logically, often with exaggeration.But man himself believes these thoughts and turns out to be their slave. The mantra fights well with phobias, irritations, self-doubt.
- GAM - bija-mantra that copes with sad thoughts, apathy, longing. It seems to kindle a mental fire, making a person smarter and more discerning. Often this is precisely the removal of negative energy.
All mantras must be chanted according to the rules. You have to literally merge with these sounds.

Aura is a biofield that completely surrounds the human body, has an elliptical shape. It is constantly changing and absorbs third-party energy flows. You can also clear the aura with mantras, which are pronounced quietly, but clearly.
The most popular mantra for clearing the aura sounds like this: OM RAMA SHRI JAY RAMA JAY RAMA JAY JAYAM.
What this vibration helps from:
- harmonizes the aura of a person;
- also provides protection from the evil eye, damage, this is a mantra that destroys a magical curse;
- eliminates obsessive fears and doubts;
- makes a person more aware.
It not only can and should be pronounced quietly (even in a whisper), but also mentally. Pronunciation tempo is slow and rhythmic. Consciousness calms down, a person tunes in to contemplation (and internal too). This is a mantra of immense power.

If it seems that negativity has accumulated in the house, and something needs to be done about it, there are also mantras for such a request.
The most effective is the following text: OM PARABRAHAMA ANADA SATCHIT BHAGAVATI SHOI BHAGAVATI SAMETI PURUSOTAMA SRI NAMAHA. TATSAT OM HARI. The popular name of this text is also known - mula-mantra.
What effects does it give:
- cleans the space of a house, apartment at the energy level;
- attracts warmth, love, light into the house;
- frees the inner space from any negative vibrations.
This is not only a mantra cleansing from negativity, but also a protective text. It helps to strengthen the house, to make it a reliable hearth, where there is room only for bright people and good thoughts. Resentment, envy, gossip, intrigues will simply break on such a strong defense. It works against any influence of evil.
For the mantra to work, the space needs to be prepared for this. The house needs to be cleaned, thrown away all unnecessary, thoroughly ventilated. It is advisable not to keep other people's things in the house. Wash all floors in the house with clean water.

To restore the soul and purify karma, you can use the following text: OM IAJAMAHE TRYABAKAM PUSHTI VARDHANAM SUGANDHIM URVARUKAMIVA BANDHANAN MRIYTIYOR.
If you read this text on the waning moon, you can expect that diseases will go away from the body faster.
What results does the mantra help to achieve:
- will charge you for success;
- will establish relationships with close, significant people;
- will bring true joy to life, the ability to enjoy simple things, to see them;
- will provide protection from insults, misinterpretations.
Of course, only one mantra, with complete other inaction of a person, will not take effect. But it will help the one who wants to purify himself to take a different path. It should be not just a mental impulse, but a deliberate desire, an awareness of readiness for change. A person steps on a new path, refusing, for example, from bad habits, from harmful relationships, from wrong attitudes.
The mantra helps to harmonize the path from desire to action.

There is another universal and effective mantra that purifies both space and personal life, consciousness, sensations. This is the Gayantri mantra. It reads like this: OM BHUM BHAVAD SUVAHOTAT SAVITAR BHARGOD VARENYAM DEVASHYAM DHIYO NAH DHIMAHI PRACHODAYAT.
This text removes from the head the negative thoughts on which the person is fixated. It is believed that she also helps in getting rid of enemies (not physical, of course, just the enemies cease to be interested in their negativity). It adjusts the mind in the right way and harmonizes the space around the person.

The text balances, restores calmness and clarity of mind, cleans from negative programs and patterns that prevent a person from developing. "Disheveled" thoughts come in order, many things seem simpler than their reflection in the mind. Often, after regularly reading these mantras, a person catches himself thinking that he has stopped digging into himself, engaging in constant self-criticism, and reacting sharply to criticism. He learns to praise himself, highlight his strengths and work with them.
That is, mantras also help a relationship with oneself. In a sense, they form an adequate self-esteem, remove a false guilt complex, lead away from destructive thoughts.

How to consolidate the result?
A person's religious affiliation is not so important: the main thing is to believe that the spoken texts work effectively. Mantras have the power of evocation, evoking not only deep feelings, but also states of consciousness that transcend simple words and thoughts.
Before reading, it is imperative to say the intention with which the mantra is recited. All words are pronounced slowly and clearly. After finishing reading, you just need to sit in silence for 10-20 minutes. This very action can be the most amazing for a person: 20 minutes in silence is considered not only a luxury, but also an impossibility.
It is very difficult for a person to be with himself - without gadgets, without an internal dialogue or pondering some question. But that is why these minutes of purity and inner harmonization are valuable.

The sacred texts must be treated with care and respect. It is not necessary to say the phrase 108 times from the very first try, you can start with 9, this will be enough. Then focus on the number 27. The main thing is to pronounce the words correctly, concentrating on them, and to be able to throw a “bridge of silence” between the mantra and the return to the usual business.