
Mantras for sleep: features of exposure and reading rules

Mantras for sleep: features of exposure and reading rules
  1. Peculiarities
  3. Hearing and Reading Rules
  4. Impact effect

The nature of dreams was of interest to ancient philosophers, but it was only in the 19th-20th centuries that biologists began to study this topic seriously. Then it was found that sleep is the activity of the brain, which is characterized by various phases. But what dreams mean is not known for certain even today. Often they are illogical, inconsistent, incomplete, which does not bother the dreamer himself.

But no matter how interesting the sphere of dreams is, this topic becomes difficult for those who suffer from sleep disorders. And in order for this resource to become productive, you can and should work with sleep too. And mantras help in this.


According to various sources, from 50 to 80% of the world's inhabitants suffer from sleep disorders to one degree or another. Every second inhabitant of the metropolis has difficulty sleeping and falling asleep. The reason for this is a high level of speed, an abundance of information and contacts, the brain is overloaded. Sleep mantras help to cope with internal stress, to feel relaxation.

What are mantras for:

  • can become a training or part of the practice of lucid dreaming;
  • help to wake up in the morning vigorous;
  • tune in to the natural rhythms of falling asleep;
  • help decipher dreams;
  • relieve nightmares;
  • mantras-amulets will help protect personal space;
  • help you remember pleasant, inspiring dreams.

Some mantras help you sleep without monotonous, debilitating dreams. Others are designed so that for the coming night you do not want to do something active, but just sleep. The most powerful mantras help to work with the subconscious. For many people, mantras become an evening ritual along with meditation and other practices.

What kind of mantras it will be, Indian, Korean or some other unique, is not so important. The main thing is that their action is strong and safe for the practitioner.


Mantra practitioners and yoga practitioners draw this parallel. They compare a person's subconscious to a glass of dirty water that is filled with this water every day, faced with stress and trials. And to replace dirty water with clean water, you need to listen to mantras. They will displace the "dirty" component of the subconscious.

There are several types of mantras that can be used.

  • For deep sleep. Effective for problems with falling asleep. Tune the mind to tranquility. Sleep becomes calm, better quality, helps to restore strength. Effective mantras for insomnia can help solve deeper problems, because those who do not sleep enough often have to deal with various somatic pathologies. It's just that hormones are not produced properly, which can be produced precisely in a dream. Example of a mantra: OM AGASTI SHAYINAH. It works as a sleeping pill in the literal sense - the mantra is spoken into water, the water is drunk 5 minutes before bedtime.
  • Before bedtime. Such mantras do an excellent job with an evening analysis, when you want to think about what happened, what to do next, calmly assess the situation. And therefore, instead of TV or the Internet at night, it is better to listen to mantras for relaxation and clear inner analysis. Example of a mantra: RI A HUM. It also helps from insomnia, from painful thoughts. It is suggested to repeat this mantra 108 times.
  • For healing. Several mantras are used in psychological treatment. They become such a link in the therapeutic process that directs the body towards recovery. After such a mantra at night after waking up, a person feels vigorous, active. And even if the dream was not long. Example mantra: OM SUSHUPTI OM.
  • Soothing for the nervous system. These mantras can relieve nightmares, which can also help you fall asleep. They will help restful sleep, well-being upon waking up. The mantra is recited before bed. Example: OM ZAGA LI YAA SUUHA.
  • To attract realistic dreams. Such mantras are of interest to people who practice lucid dreaming. They are not so popular, but they have their own demand among people who are ready for such daring experiments. You need to read a mantra, ask an exciting question, and the answer will be found. Example: OM KIRI KIRI SWAHA. It is believed that such dreams should be “addressed” after midnight. Words will help structure dreams. Ideally, you need to sleep without clothes. Yogis are confident that a naked body will be the best conductor of energy.
  • To neutralize the dark plot. If you are plagued by doubts, tormented by expectations of not the best development of events, mantras can be useful to protect against a bad scenario. They are good for both women and men. They are not always guarantors of a quick effect, but regular practice according to all the rules will become effective. Example mantra: HRIM KSHRAUM HRIM.

Some mantras are dedicated to the Goddess Lakshmi, the patroness of the family hearth and prosperity. One of the main mantras helps to pass difficulties with dignity, to achieve progress. And some try to read it at night, before going to bed. Sound: OM HRIM SHRIM LAKSHMIBHYO NAMAHA.

There are other mantras, for example, aimed at fulfilling desires (OM NAMAH SHIVYAYA - praising Shiva), and people can also use it before going to bed.

Hearing and Reading Rules

Mantra is a practice that helps free the mind, open the inner essence. And this contact with your gut allows a person to change his life. A mantra is not a spell, that is, saying it once is not enough. The effectiveness of the phrase depends on who pronounces it, in what conditions, for what purpose. Mantra is a structured vibration.

What to do to make the mantras work:

  • repeat them for a long time and regularly;
  • combine with physical activity;
  • combine (not always) with extreme, new practices.

In the room where mantras are practiced, you need to turn off the TV and other gadgets that can break the silence. Beginners are allowed to recite mantras while lying in bed before going to bed. At the same time, the bed must be clean, otherwise the effect of the mantra will decrease.

If for some reason it is impossible to read the text aloud yourself, you need to listen to the audio recordings. In this case, it is not necessary to memorize them.

You can just put on headphones, try to relax, close your eyes. If a person falls asleep to these sounds, this is absolutely normal. It is not necessary at first to force yourself to listen to the mantra to the end.

But it's more efficient to read it yourself. Even better - with preliminary preparation.

  • Before bed, you should take a bath with relaxing aromatic oils if possible. At this time, ventilation should be organized in the bedroom. You can fumigate the room with incense if you like.
  • Before reading, you must either strip naked (ideal), or put on comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics.
  • You can recite the mantra while sitting in the lotus position, or lying on your back with your arms spread out to the sides.
  • During reading, flows of warm energy with a soft glow should be imagined, visualized. It is necessary to tune in oneself the feeling that this energy envelops the body in a soft cocoon, calms and heals.

The mantra is chanted in a low voice. Consciousness is open to counter energy currents. You can enhance the effect of the mantra by using a rosary, it is great if it is a jade rosary.

Impact effect

Vibrating words are believed to have tremendous power. Several sounds or words in Sanskrit must be pronounced accurately and clearly. The mantra should not contain an open request for the fulfillment of a desire. This is an appeal to God, his praise, and this does not apply to a religious ceremony. It's just that the mind, focused on repeating the divinely accurate, perfectly matched vibrations, itself becomes filled with divine qualities. And this also applies to mantras for sleep.

As a result, you can get a positive effect, let's take a closer look at what it is.

  • Fast, easy, natural falling asleep. Many people catch themselves feeling that they are used to falling asleep "under the TV". That you definitely need a background that will distract from your own thoughts, from dialogue with yourself. And when they try to go to bed in a ventilated room, in darkness and silence, an incomprehensible anxiety rolls over them and real insomnia begins. The mantra in this case will be a guide between the correct ritual of falling asleep and a person who cannot get used to it.
  • Smooth sleep without awakening from the slightest noise. Women are more susceptible to revivals, especially those with small children. And even if the children no longer wake up at night, they are healthy and everything is in order, my mother’s mind seems to be waiting for an alarming signal (crying, moaning, puffing), because even an accidentally opened window or a small noise behind the wall from neighbors can wake up a woman. The situation may not stabilize even when the children grow up. Mantras, on the other hand, help the brain to turn off this readiness for anxiety, to tune in to a night's rest.
  • The feeling of weakness after sleep goes away. Affects the regenerating effect of the mantra. Often people in the morning seem to be exhausted, broken, even if they slept for 7-8 hours. Some claim that the more they sleep, the worse they feel. And this is a fair observation, frequent "overshot" is really fraught with such sensations. You need to improve your sleep, fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Mantras help make this ritual work. And even if a person decided that from now on he will not get up at 7, but at 6, with the help of mantras he will ensure that this transition is productive, so that the quality of life will improve even further.
  • Fight nightmares. These are not necessarily dreams with terrible sensations and anxiety. These can be obsessive dreams that tire, upset, and repeat. For example, a dream about how a person goes somewhere for a long time and is afraid of not being in time. In the morning after such a dream there will be a feeling of heaviness, an oppressive feeling. Mantras allow the brain to calm down, stop playing the same plot at the subconscious level (that is, fear, perhaps secrets). And soon such dreams will go away.
  • Sleep is the greatest resource. Mantras will help you remember that sleep is the best rest and the best healer. It gives strength, helps to heal, fills with good emotions, restores, helps to answer important questions. Many people simply forget about such a power of sleep, they cannot use this resource in the proper amount. The mantras bring this opportunity back.

Enjoyable and rewarding experience!

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