All about the mantra Durga

Durga ("invincible") is the name of one of the most popular goddesses of Hinduism in Sanskrit. According to one of the legends, this is the wife of God Shiva in her most formidable incarnation. Also, Durga is considered a certain generalized force of the divine principle, carrying the mission of achieving harmony, prosperity and well-being.

In Hinduism, the images of the goddess Durga are distinguished by the presence of 5-10 pairs of hands. She sits astride a giant Himalayan tiger, clutching the protective attributes and symbols of other Gods (Shiva's trident, Vishnu's disk and others) in her fingers woven in mudra. Durga is one of the leading and revered goddesses among those that exist in the Vedic pantheon. She personifies the energy that opposes the forces of evil that threaten the light Dharma, hindering prosperity. Also the goddess Durga is known as Shakti, Parvati, Kali, Adi, Bhairavi, Amba, Chamunda. It also manifests itself as a destructive force that liberates the Universe for a new Creation, in connection with which the cycles of the universe change.
Durga is the manifestation of shakti, the feminine divine principle. The variety of goddesses in Hinduism is a reflection of the many aspects of the power and strength of Shakti. The Goddess is characterized by decisiveness, conviction in the fulfillment of what was conceived, invincibility, an irrepressible desire to remove all opposing forces from the Path. It is contradictory, since it can destroy, along with creation, in it humility coexists with rebelliousness. Durga puts on a bright aura of good qualities, at the same time being able to induce fear and be in a rage. To restore Dharma and harmony in this world, the gods united their powers in a single divine energy of Shakti.

There are many mantras of Durga, but the most important is the sound "Dum". The divine power of Durga in the human energy system is directed to the sphere of the Anahata chakra.If it is open and purified, one can be filled with courage and fearlessness. One who is under the protection of the divine Durga feels confidence in himself, he is full of determination and far from feeling human fear, which is at the bottom of a person's energy potential.
A sense of confidence, courage and determination is characteristic of the transition to another level, close to the divine. It is important not to let close feelings of fear, leading to servility and self-destruction.
You need to fill your nature with a light aura of love energy and wisdom, attracting universal happiness.

It has long been known that what a person radiates from himself into outer space is a manifestation of his own essence. The same space will surround him. Complaining about his fate, failures in business, troubles, blaming others for all his troubles, a person spoils his energy.
Happiness is possible only with full awareness of one's responsibility for what is happening in life, after which the worldview changes and clear goals and transparency appear where before that everything was cloudy and incomprehensible. In another case, this is just a miserable vegetation for the sake of their own interests without bringing good and love to the outside world. To eradicate selfishness and direct energy to good deeds is the correct life strategy, which is within the power of everyone living on Earth.

What is it for?
The mantra Durga in Buddhist traditions attaches great importance. She is especially popular with the fair sex. They turn to the goddess with verbal praise, trusting in her protection and support. It is believed that the wife of Shiva is the guardian of the peace of all women on Earth. Durga helps to maintain composure in the most difficult moments in life, removes enemies, scares away unclean spirits.
Every woman or girl has the opportunity to use this mantric song, exceptional in terms of energy, for her own benefit and to protect herself forever from any manifestations of evil and spiritual disharmony.
All women have a special bioenergy field, which is not always activated. To reveal your energetic potential, you need to get in touch with the heavenly goddess Durga through chanting a mantra. This will remove all obstacles on the way to what you intended.

The name "Durga" consists of several parts, each of which has its own meaning:
- "DU" - overcomes all enemies and enemies. Also, the combination of these letters speaks of material independence, being a talisman against hunger and poverty.
- "R" - heals the body. Diseases have no chance to stay in the physical body. The person is recovering and getting stronger.
- "GA" - means victory over oneself, over one's own shortcomings, inner constraints, fears.
To feel the effect of the Durga mantra, women need to regularly apply it in spiritual practices. At the same time, it is important to believe in a positive result, not to doubt the help and support of the heavenly forces. The magical sounds of the divine song create vibrations in the universal space, which can be felt at the mental level. They trigger a special energetic mechanism.

With constant practice, the worldview will definitely change, the spirit will get stronger, the consciousness will be purified and the body will heal. Doubts will go away, all decisions in the future will be thought out and weighed as much as possible, and all enemies will be rewarded as they deserve.
The magic mantra to the goddess Durga is a very strong and powerful energy tool. This prayer is able to cleanse human consciousness, change the train of thought. After the first time practicing and reading a mantric text, many women feel like they are filled with inspiration. They are renewing themselves to become cleaner, better, filled with true values and important goals. Bold plans appear, fears and resentments that hold them back and restrain in place recede, frameworks and stereotypes collapse.
The mantra song sounds like this: "Om Dum Durgaye Namaha".When pronouncing these sounds for help, you need to try to let go of problems, read the text with a clarified mind, concentrating on this lesson.

A somewhat different, more detailed text of the divine mantra is often used: “Om Sharana-Gata Dinartha Pari-Trana Parayani Sarva Shakti Hare Devi Narayani Namostute Jay Ma Durga”.
If the appeal is sent down to Kali, one of the hypostases of Durga, the goddess of Eternity and global changes, it sounds like this: "Kali Durga Namo Namah."
In addition to the mantras chanted by each of the divine forms of Durga, there are those that serve to invoke the energy of the goddess, corresponding to any of her aspects:
- “Om Dum Durgaya Namaha” - is read to transform negative energies into positive and light ones;
- "Om Aim Hrim Klim Chamundaye Vicchey Namah Om" - crushes evil manifestations in their various aspects;
- "Om Sharana-Gata Dinartha Pari-Trana Parayani Sarva Shakti Hare Devi Narayani Namostute Jay Ma Durga" - protects from dark forces, various misfortunes, removes obstacles on the Path.
And this sonorous Durga mantra effectively fights negativity and helps to eliminate enemies, improving life in various areas:
«Om Sri Durga JJ Ma Jay Ma Jay Ma Namo Nama Om Sri Saraswati JJ Ma Jay Ma Jay Ma Namo Nama Om Sri Tara JJ Ma Jay Ma Jay Ma Namo Nama Om Sri Parvati JJ Ma Hey Ma Hey Ma Namo Nama Hari Om Hey, Ma Durga. "
"Om Aim Hrim Klim Chamundaye Vicchey Namah Om" - Chamunda Durga's mantra for the destruction of evil and negativity. Chamunda is the most eerie and violent manifestation of the goddess.

How to read it correctly?
Buddhist gurus advise to do this with the rising of the sun, which is very symbolic - an innocent and pure day is just beginning. With each new second, it becomes stronger and stronger. Likewise, a practicing woman gets rid of her former clothing and is reborn, filled with strength, feeling her independence. It is important to do the practices regularly and consciously.

It is recommended to be careful with the mantra of Chamunda Durga, as it can lead to a trance state, in which it is possible to decide on something that was previously not possible. To achieve enlightenment and get the desired result, the text of the mantra is recited 108 times for 3 days in a row. In order not to lose count, it is better to use a rosary. It is convenient to count 10 circles on them.
In order not to inadvertently incite divine anger on yourself and not turn the power of prayer to your detriment, you must follow the rules for performing the mantra. You cannot read the text for the sake of idle interest. These are not just words, but a veneration of divine powers, therefore, before starting meditation, you should familiarize yourself with the meaning and meaning of the sacred texts. While reading, you need to clearly pronounce all syllables, listening to sound vibrations, and breathe correctly.
Meditation is not started if urgent and important matters that require prompt resolution are burdened. This mantra, like all the others, does not tolerate any pretense and haste. With this approach, not only will there be no result, but also the connection with the Cosmos will be broken.

If you do not know at what pace and how the words of Chamunda Durga's mantra are pronounced correctly, it is better not to meditate. Shakti's prayer has a strong energy and is capable of exerting a kind of influence on the Path. Ignorance of the nuances of performing a mantra is fraught with negative consequences for the practitioner.
With a serious approach to this occupation, one can count on the favor of the divine Durga. Soon, your patience and expectations will be fully justified. In pure consciousness, those thoughts will appear that will direct you in the right direction, and everything will change for the better.
The mantra for the great goddess Durga is in the next video.
If a person needs it, he will meditate, the gods do not care, they are glad that a person is doing at least something for them. I recite mantras, even when I am in a hurry, and there are always results ... The gods take everything into account, and even my ignorance does not repulse them.
Such a great great article. I liked it, but where is the translation of the mantra?
There is a decoding of phrases under the text of the mantra.
Very strong Goddess Durga. When you turn to her, it bestows enlightenment and good luck.