All about Gayatri mantras

The Gayatri Mantra is a unique sacred text. If you read it every day, you can quickly make your dreams come true and significantly improve your health. The sound of a prayer creates vibrations that resonate with the energy shell of a person and thereby develop him spiritually.

Gayatri is considered the consort of Brahma, she is the supreme magical being. The Gayatri mantra was first told by God to Vishwamitra. In the main book of all Hindus - the Vedas, he said that this prayer is connected to the Surya energy channel, which personifies the Sun. The light stream from the daylight fills his body and mind with energy, strength and removes obstacles on the path to spiritual perfection.
In India, it is believed that divine chants in honor of Gayatri are very powerful. They rid a person of bad energy and bad magical influences, erase all karmic traces and untie karmic knots. By regularly practicing the Gayatri mantras, one can get out of samsara. According to the teachings, when turning to Gayatri, the elimination of obstacles on the subtle plane is activated. Thanks to this, in the future, a person will no longer be able to be reborn on this Earth - he will be in better worlds, he will be able to remember all his past lives. Gayatri is omnipresent, it is endowed with three names - Gayatri, Saraswati, Savitri, they correspond to the feelings, speech and vitality of people in all times.
Merged together, they symbolize the purity of thoughts, speeches and actions. This creates a harmonious energetic space between thought, said and done.

How does a mantra work?
Turning to Gayatri contributes to the attainment of wisdom.This allows you to adapt thoughts, intentions and feelings, which are overflowing with the subtle plane, to the universal reality. The real goal of life, according to the Vedas, is the acquisition of wisdom. However, it requires the consciousness to apply certain efforts in order to master it. The accumulation of personal achievements is dispersed throughout the mental space. Practice is not seen as a gift from above. Transformation does not become the action of mysterious forces, it is formed as a result of the inner work of a person, it becomes the fruit of his spiritual growth. The mantra only reveals the true path, but does not put the practitioner on it.
Reciting the Gayatri mantra triggers 24 qualities that lead to prosperity and the achievement of goals. The worship of the goddess Gayatri helps the yogi to quickly advance in his own self-realization. As soon as the energy flow begins to move, the process of purification of consciousness, mind and will from unnecessary emotions, perverted thoughts and dark sensations is launched. The Gayatri Mantra opens the Third Eye, gives impetus to the development of intuition, allows you to understand the laws of the universe and thereby creates the prerequisites for the realization of all desires. Mantra clears the mind of illusion and negativity, endows the practitioner with superpowers.
The Gayatri Mantra reveals the very essence of spiritual development - the being of the physical world has its own personal “higher self,” and a person should strive to feel that way. Human nature is divine, but identified with the body, it is reduced to the level of an ordinary person. It is important for people to understand that each of us is, first of all, the harmony of body and mind.
The Gayatri prayer helps to improve the condition of the physical shell, relieves many ailments. Each syllable of this sacred text is associated with certain human organs. Practice allows you to:
- normalize digestion;
- improve vision;
- calm the psyche;
- eradicate depression, fears and worries;
- improve body tone.

Who is it for?
The Gayatri Mantras are very important for people who are just taking the path of spiritual self-improvement. It is practiced by yogis who set a goal to comprehend the true nature of everything. Mantra is not conducive to liberation, since it is the result of the labor of several lifetimes and is available only to the guru. It helps to eliminate one's own ignorance, which is in the illusory ideas about the world.
To see the true path and achieve the triumph of reason, complete purification is required. The practitioner must reorganize all the lower layers - the conductors of consciousness. Only in this way will he be able to obtain finer instruments for working on high planes.
Light can come only from within, and turning to Gayatri contributes to this in the best possible way. Her Divine power opens a channel for the power of the higher planes to enter human consciousness.

To understand how the mantra works, one should dwell in more detail on the words of the sacred text in Sanskrit. Please note that in order to achieve maximum effect, each syllable of an ancient prayer must be read correctly and in the original language. Below is an adapted Cyrillic version of the Gayatri Mantra:
"Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat. "
Each syllable of the text has its own symbolic designation, while the mantra itself includes three main parts. The first one begins with "Om" - this sound is a symbol of all knowledge, it is always invariably pronounced before performing any prayer, as well as after its completion.
In the words "Bhur Bhuvah Svaha", three aspects of the universe are mentioned - physical, as well as astral and heavenly. This fragment of the ancient text is designed to activate the forces of the Universe and improve the vibration of the practitioner through an appeal to the Higher Mind.The lines symbolize the practitioner's striving to establish contact with Ishvara, to become an element of universal knowledge and completely dissolve in it.
Tat - personifies the appeal to the Supreme spiritual essence of Savitur, Bhargo means "light", Varenyam Devasya means divine reality, and Dhimahi - literally translated - "meditate", this syllable of practitioners emphasizes the connection of people with the Deities through meditation. In general, the whole phrase personifies the appeal of all living entities to the Main Mind.

In the final passage of the mantras, one is fully committed to Ishwari. Dhiyo personifies the mind that helps the yogi discover the truth, then comes the connecting syllable Yo, which translates as "which". Nah means "our", and Prachodayat symbolizes the Enlightenment.
Maetra Gayatri must be chanted in Sanskrit. There are a lot of interpretations of this prayer, to understand the general meaning of prayer, we will cite one of the most common translations:
“Oh, Creator of the Universe, Giving life to all that exists, Taking away physical pain and mental suffering and Giving good! You are the Highest Light that erases unkind thoughts. We turn to You, we ask you to inspire, open the true path and lead our mind in the right direction! "
Another sacred text, the Sai Gayatri mantra, is no less widespread. It is dedicated to Sri Sathya Sai Baba - God-human essence. A person who practices this mantra addresses the universe through the avatar of our time. In this way, one can achieve the fulfillment of worldly desires, and subsequently receive complete liberation.
In Russian transliteration, the mantra reads as follows:
"Om Sayishvaraya Vidmahe
Satya Devaya Dhimahi
Tan Nah Sarvah Prachodayat. "

According to legends, Sai Baba was a sage who performed practices and rituals. Throughout his life, he preached the concept of self-restraint and lived a very ascetic life. His spiritual wisdom was passed down from generation to generation by descendants. Sai Baba passed away in 1918, but in 1940 he was reborn again in the body of the infant Satya Raja. As an adult, he devoted himself to serving humanity. Sai Baba wrote many books, made audio and video recordings of mantras, recorded lectures and speeches.
Tip: The Gayatri Mantra performed by a guru is of particular interest. Be sure to find an audio recording, it will teach you the correct pronunciation of the Vedic prayer. The mantra performed by this sage allows you to fully experience the entire sacred meaning of the powerful text.
The Gayatri Mantra is universal, it became the prototype for some other mantras. Each of them is dedicated to different Deities and is aimed at harmonizing different aspects of a person's life - improving health, achieving normalization of relations, financial prosperity or professional success.
The most common are:
- Mantra Ganesha Gayatri;
- Sri Gayatri mantra.
The first removes obstacles on the way to the intended goal, and the second relieves the body of physical pathologies and mental illnesses.

Reading rules
The Gayatri Mantra should be chanted three times a day. It is advisable to perform it before sunrise, as well as at noon and after sunset - this time is considered the most effective time for any spiritual practice. Repeated three times a day, this text increases the strength of the person. Experienced practitioners can approach Gayatri at any other time, even at night. It can be read before eating - in this case, the food is cleansed of the remnants of the unkind thoughts of the person who cooked it. The practice can be carried out before taking a shower - this is how the yogi cleanses not only his outer shell, but also the inner one.
In general, there is no set limit on the number of times the Gayatri mantra can be chanted. However, to achieve the maximum effect, you need to sing it 108 times without interruption at least once a day. This is the minimum level in order to fully use all the energy of the Higher Forces.For counting, it is better to use a rosary with 108 beads. The highest result is achieved by those who recite the mantra 1008 times. Then after 40 days they will be able to achieve enlightenment. But at the same time, it is important that the execution is not purely mechanical - the appeal to Gayatri should be extremely focused, with a powerful message of devotion, faith, sincerity and love.
To practice the mantra, it is advisable to retire in a quiet, deserted place, where no one and nothing will interfere. Take a comfortable position, relax your muscles, while keeping your back straight. It is advisable to face north or east. Visualization helps a lot. It is necessary to imagine the Sun in the middle of the chest as the main source of the blessed Light. At its very center, create a mental image of Gayatri. Only after you have absorbed this mental picture, you can proceed to reading the mantra.

The Gayatri Mantra is long, so it is difficult for beginner practitioners to keep their attention on the heart center all the time. In this case, you can try to start focusing on the meaning of the sacred text. As soon as the mantra begins to build up its power, you will definitely feel the vibrations in the region of the heart, and then they will embrace the whole body.
You can perform a sacred text loudly in a voice, in a whisper, or to yourself. It is believed that when a prayer is pronounced aloud, vibration begins to act on the physical shell, reading in a whisper - on the etheric body, and a mantra spoken to oneself has a powerful effect on the mind. Among experienced practitioners, it is the latter method that has become most widespread. For beginner yogis, as well as for people with a restless disposition, it is better to start work with a voice.
So, in conclusion, we will repeat the most basic thing you need to know about the Gayatri Mantra:
- it is a universal prayer with powerful power;
- the essence of the mantra lies in the appeal of a person to the Supreme Deity with a request for help in spiritual enlightenment;
- there are several types of the Gayatri mantra, each of which is aimed at normalizing different aspects of human life;
- practice should be carried out daily, using the basic tenets of chanting all Vedic texts;
- For beginners, it is better to read the sacred text using the records of Sai Baba, as well as such respected performers of sacred texts as Deva Primal, Hein Braat and the real guru Muji.