All about the mantras of beauty and youth

Tibetan philosophy includes a unique prayer from the Vedas - the mantra of rejuvenation. It can have an effect not only within the framework of special ritual ceremonies, but also "earn" on its own. It is used in conspiracies of water and cosmetics. Let us dwell in detail on the nuances of this prayer (mantra).
Prayer practice in the East occupies a special place. Mantras - this is a direct appeal to various deities (ancient gods), their praise, as well as wishes, gratitude, stories about the secret, requests. Unlike Christian prayers, these prayers sound a little strange (as it may seem to the layman) and consist of a set of non-existent (unknown) words. In fact, the sounds are chosen so that a person can identify himself with a certain energy and vibration.
Everything is aimed at making a person, while reading, become consonant with the Universe, for which, as we know, everything is possible. So the practice of reading mantras leads a person to the fact that nothing is impossible for him. Translated from Sanskrit, "mantra" means "liberation of the mind", "protection".
Teachers talk about changes in the body even at the cellular level during regular listening and reciting mantras. The energy shell of a person is thin and easily influenced, and the body, as a material substance, reacts much longer. For example, a disease due to old grievances arose long ago at the subconscious level, and physically manifests itself only after years. It also takes time for the body to heal. It can resist transformation, but as a result, under the influence of practice, changes still occur. Mantras are long and short, there are those that are accompanied by special rituals and without them.
If they are recited in temples, they are read like chants and put the audience into a trance. But home practice does not imply this.

If mantras can influence the body so strongly, then the more subtle human shells are all the more beneficial.... Teachers-practitioners of Eastern philosophy argue that mantras have a healing effect on all areas of life.
So, among women, the mantra of beauty and youth with a Tibetan text is popular, which can launch a special rejuvenation program in a person. Many mantras are known in the world, but the most popular are Tibetan ones with coded words and ciphers, the sound of which helps practitioners to "catch" the desired wave and tune in to it.
The beneficial sound creates a unique vibration in the body and induces a special state for meditation. As a result, a person feels inner harmony, which brings success in healing. Concerning strengthening the health of women and starting the processes of rejuvenation in their body, this is due to the following processes:
- restoration of normal heart function and correct rhythmic breathing;
- the repetition of the sacred words "encodes" the brain to trigger certain changes in the body, in this case the process of rejuvenation;
- restoration of metabolism (metabolism), which will affect the process of cleansing the body from slagging and weight loss.
Anti-aging mantras are recommended not only for women. They are read regardless of age and gender. They help to accumulate useful energy both from the internal hidden reserves of the body and from nature around.

"Mahamrityunjaya" - this is the name of one of the most popular mantras of rejuvenation. This is a very powerful prayer for eternal youth, aimed at rejuvenating the body and transforming a woman. The following sacred phrase should be recited: "Om Yajamahe Pushtivardhanam Sugandhim Bandhanan Urvarukamiva Mukshia Mritior Mamritat."
This mantra is predominantly recited in the morning, facing east. Words are pronounced only after complete relaxation, first you need to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts. Otherwise, the effect of the mantra will be minimal. In general, the presented text will help every woman to achieve her charm, beauty, youth, recharge with feminine energy and attractiveness, and become more interesting for men.
The following text will help to achieve rejuvenation of the whole organism, smooth wrinkles, normalize the work of internal organs and body processes: "Ram Aum Shrim Aim Surva Dyayi Svaaha". This is repeated up to 108 times while holding 2 glasses of water.
After reading, water is drunk from one vessel, and frozen from another. Ice cubes are then rubbed over the areas of the body that are especially required to rejuvenate. Practitioners share what this mantra gives:
- enhances the production of hormones of happiness;
- renews various systems of the body;
- improves overall well-being and activates the processes of rejuvenation inside.
Thanks to such a prayer, not only the body is rejuvenated, but also the soul. The sacred words of the text will help you achieve peace of mind, harmony, feel your own strength and beauty.

There is a mantra for weight loss: "Gate Gate Poro Gate Poro Som Gate Bodhi Matchmaker."
For it to give a result, you need observe the following rules:
- eat a moderate amount of food;
- read these words regularly;
- believe in the power of these lines.
It is recommended that you start reading this prayer on your birthday and endure this practice for two months.
To attract men, gain slimness and femininity, women are given another mantra: "San Sia Chii Nah Pai Tun Dou." The vibrations from the spoken sounds form such a powerful aura around that cravings for junk food and the desire to overeat are repulsed.The body is being programmed to get rid of extra pounds and turn them into energy for an active lifestyle and playing sports. Peace and harmony in the soul comes very quickly, if you follow all the rules of reading.

When to read?
It is necessary to recite mantras for beauty, rejuvenation and charm several times, it is desirable that the number of readings be a multiple of three (symbolizes the unity of deities) or seven (the magic number of the Universe). But sacred phrases work best if repeated 108 times... And the best time for their action is morning and evening.
Mantras should be practiced in the morning during exercise, and in the evening before going to bed. You need to do this every day for a long time, for at least two months.
It is believed that the mantras of youth and beauty are very powerful, you just need to sincerely believe in them.

Reading rules
Choose a mantra according to your needs. It is advisable that the source from which the words will be taken is verified. It is not necessary to look for a translation; for such a prayer, the sound is important, not the meaning. Next, you need to decide on a place, it is best to retire. You can sit or lie down, relax and let go of all thoughts. Before reading, you should take three deep breaths and exhale the same number of times. You need to read or listen to mantras, repeating to yourself, at least three times, and then any number of times, which is divisible by 3, or all 108 times.
Sometimes a specific number is indicated for certain texts - then you need to follow these recommendations. Some say mantras to themselves or listen to them without being in a meditative state: in transport, on the road, in a difficult situation that has arisen and assure that there is also a result. But Tibetan practice is still based on complete relaxation and distraction from extraneous problems. Without knowing Sanskrit, you can listen to a mantra performed by someone in order to understand what accents to put. Read in that tone and as loud as you feel comfortable.
Ideally, you should hear your voice at the level of silence, but you can also say the text to yourself. Some teachers of Eastern philosophy suggest that their students read and pray to the sounds of a mantra emanating from a saintly person at the beginning of their practice. In this way, you can quickly focus, become a single whole and achieve the necessary state for pronouncing a prayer. How long to recite a mantra depends on how much it is prescribed to do it in each case, but in order to achieve the goals, do it for at least three weeks.
A good result is given by the practice of reading for 40-60 days without a break.... If even a day is missed, the countdown starts over. During such meditation, you need to have good health, mood and only positive thoughts. Leave anger, resentment, anger and irritation outside the field of practice and after that you also need to try to get rid of them.Only a positive attitude, faith in the result will change your inner world, return the harmony and beauty of the soul, and also give physical strength and contribute to your transformation.

How to enhance the action?
You can speed up the processes of rejuvenation by regular yoga classes and the Vedic practice of reading prayers.... Yoga will help to relax and contribute to a better process of penetration of the sound codes of the sacred words into a person. Spiritual self-development - this is what you need to do all the time. Try to find a useful activity (hobby) for yourself, get rid of all negative habits: overeating, smoking, alcohol, and so on. Lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough time to rest and sleep.
In the evening, the effect of the prayer will be enhanced if it is said at sunset. In general, sacred words work better if they are chanted with the face to the east. It is necessary to pronounce the letters clearly, pronounce sounds without irritation and discomfort.It is not worth adding something of your own to the sacred mantra - this can cause the opposite result.
It is useful to pronounce texts on rejuvenation and beauty with a candle flame or looking into pure spring water.