What is Kubera's mantra and how to read it?

All people want to be successful and rich. To become such, many do not spare themselves or their loved ones on the path to prosperity. Naturally, without certain labor and energy costs, nothing can come of it. However, in addition to great desire and work, a person must also attract luck to achieve the goal. Just this point can be implemented if you use the reading of the Kubere mantra.

What is it and how does it work?
The god Kubera or Vitteshvara is depicted by worshipers on a white lion with one eye and fair skin. His body has a rounded shape. There is no smile on the face, only anger. In one hand, the god holds the banner of victory, and in his other hand is a mongoose animal (personifies wealth).
In addition, the above-described god is surrounded by shells, precious stones, goldfish.
There is also the goddess Lakshmi. She is always mentioned when it comes to Kubera. You need to remember: chanting these gods brings wealth to a person. As a result of such worship, you will never part with your material values.

In addition, Kubera has a wife, Yakshini, who is associated with prosperity, and he himself rules over the following creatures.
- Yakshas are spirits. They love people.
- The Kinnaras are heavenly musicians.
- Guhyaks are the keepers of treasures hidden in secret places.
In order to win over the god Kuber, you need to use a special mantra. She opens cash flows and gives wealth.
Remember that in order to quickly attract money, you must first imagine in the mind of God Kubera, who holds a basket with precious stones in one hand (right), and in his other hand (left) there is a vessel filled with coins.

And only then start reciting the mantra Om Vaishravanaya Vidmahe. However, you can use a whole text that will definitely affect your life in a miraculous way. So, the mantra to bogu Kubera is pronounced to attract very big money:
Please note that this text and the pronunciation of the above words open up the positive vibrations inherent in cash flow. By reading these prayers, you can calm down, cleanse yourself of negativity and tune in to the result.
If you constantly use this practice, you will direct a very powerful material stream in your direction. Then you will also receive general family well-being, since the god Kubera is very supportive of alliances between a man and a woman.
Be aware: there are several text options that are geared towards Kubera. It all depends on religion.
Besides, you need to consider: mantras are not a spell that will instantly fulfill all your desires. If the Universe gives a person prosperity as it is exhausted, then Kubera pays attention only to those people who do not burn with greed. And one more thing: you need to unconditionally believe in this god in order for him to help you.
Reading rules
The first and most important rule is patience and hard work. If you do not take the practice seriously and do not put all your energy into it, you will not succeed.
The most effective way is to read the above text 108 times a day. And in order to consolidate the result, you need to repeat the mantras every day for a month (it can be longer, it all depends on the circumstances).
When reading a prayer, it is better to make intervals between readings, and, most importantly, keep within 24 hours.

And that is not all. In addition to pronouncing certain words, you will need to follow certain rules, thanks to which you will only increase the effect and be able to get benefits from Kubera. So let's get started.
- Your words will be very effective if you put all your strength and soul into reading the text. You also need to believe very strongly that you will soon get rich. Also try to amplify the vibration with your will.
- Before you start practicing, you need to turn to yourself and understand: is it worth reciting mantras or not. If you do not have the strength, or you feel unwell, are worried about something, then it is better to postpone this lesson to another time.
- The place where you will practice should be quiet. There should be no animals or strangers around. And, most importantly, completely relax.
- Poses can be different. You can lie on the floor and look directly at the sky, or you can sit in the Lotus or Half-lotus position.
- If you know how to disconnect your consciousness from the outside world and easily connect to the energy portal, then you can read mantras even on the bus or while standing at a bus stop. Usually this skill comes with time. However, all beginners need to learn to control their minds as soon as possible in order to save their precious time.
- Before starting the practice, “cleanse” your consciousness from the “husk” and negativity, and then spend it and make your innermost desire.
- Before practicing, shower and wear clean and comfortable clothes.
- Listen to your soul. This is the only way you can feel the correct vibrations and establish feedback with the energy flow.
- For practice, you need to choose a certain time - night or midnight. A full moon night is the best option, as the moon's rays will only increase your efforts.
- When doing the practice, direct your face to the north. Kubera is the deity of the north.
- For everything to work out exactly, recite the mantras for three months. You need to know the text by heart. If you get confused, then the flow will also be interrupted. Thus, you will not get the desired effect.
- You need to repeat the mantras exactly 108 times. Divide this number by 3 for convenience.This means that you will need to read them in three passes.
Money is endowed with a certain energy. If a person has a purified consciousness and a desire to have money in his arsenal, then he may well attract financial well-being. Undoubtedly, mantras attract cash flow. But the main thing is that the person himself also believes in himself.

When you start reciting mantras for money, then you must unconditionally believe in this undertaking. You also need complete concentration so that your energy is not diffused at the moment of reading. Use the following information to further enhance the effect.
- It is best to recite money-attracting mantras for warm milk. Why? Because milk is a substance that is produced by a cow, that is, a living being. This means that milk can absorb any energy and store it.
- By heating the white liquid, you can revive it even more. And then all the energy that you direct to attract cash flow will be activated.
- After you recite the mantra for the warm drink, you should drink it. It’s best if you leave a few sips of milk in order to rub it on things that help you make money. For example, a taxi driver might put a few drops on the hood of a car. Then there will be no end to his clients.
- Be sure to apply milk to your hands. Especially such a condition must be fulfilled by those people who sell goods or deal with cash. If you need to sell a product, spread it with spell milk.
- Read the Kubere mantra in the morning. Why? Because in the morning your consciousness is cleared of extraneous information, and your brain is rested. As a result of these factors, your energetic strength is at its highest point.
- Please note: the mantra to bogu Kubera can be recited on warm water as well. This is an equally effective method, since water also has the ability to absorb living energy. However, in this case, there is one condition. It consists in the following: water must be drawn from a clean source.