All about kundalini yoga mantras

Those who practice esoteric practices have heard of kundalini yoga. She is popular among people who want to achieve spiritual perfection. With the help of kundalini yoga, you can develop self-confidence and determination. Already after 40 days, the perception of the world changes noticeably and, as a result, the life of the practitioner. In the practice of kundalini yoga, a large number of mantras are used - without them the work cannot be called complete. A mantra in Sanskrit is a kind of sound code, in Kundalini yoga you simply cannot do without it. A special combination of sounds causes vibration in the human body and acts in such a way that a person's life begins to change.
Indian mantras are practiced in combination with kundalini yoga. It connects human consciousness with the higher "I", which means the Absolute Truth. All the techniques of kundalini yoga are aimed at ensuring that a person develops his individual characteristics, so that he consciously begins to control his spiritual choice, as well as the choice in relation to habits: uplifting and degrading.
Kundalini yoga practitioners note that they begin to feel their spiritual path deeper, and high energy. Emotions become more sublime. There are many mantras that activate the kundalini energy.
As a result of activation, kundalini opens all the chakras of a person.

Any adult can practice Kundalini yoga. Usually, the practitioners do not eat 3 hours before the start of the class. Kundalini yoga should be practiced in comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. Light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics are perfect for this.
Before doing yoga, you first need to tune in, for example: chant the Adi mantra, do a warm-up or breathing exercises. This is followed by relaxation - you need to let go of all thoughts and allow yourself to relax. At the very end, kundalini with a mantra is performed. The mantra is selected depending on the goal.
Practitioners are encouraged to “stay” in their body all the time, listen to it and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts. The best results can be achieved in a relaxed state. The peculiarity of kundalini yoga is that it can be combined with various religions. The main thing is to listen to your feelings.
If yoga helps, it can be safely practiced regardless of faith.

Basic Mantra Texts
Kundalini yoga mantras are chanted during meditation. Each of them has its own characteristics that need to be considered. Next, the texts of the main mantras and their brief description will be presented.
aadi shakti namo namo
sarab shakti namo namo
prit (x) am b (x) aagavati namo namo
kundalini maataa shakti namo namo.
This mantra helps in unfavorable life situations. She appeals to the creative power inherent in each of us from the very beginning. ADI SHAKTI invokes the power of the Mother, helps the practitioner gain confidence and act in harmony with his inner aspirations.
By practicing this mantra, the past will gradually begin to disappear, prosperity will come into life, energy will begin to live, and the ego will die.

BIJA: ohm. BIJA includes prayers consisting of one or more syllables. Sages claim that the Bija mantras carry the strongest energy, the concentrated power of the Creator. Each of these mantras represents a deity and is a subtle vibration. Most often, the OM prayer is used when opening and cleansing of any of the marma points is required. OM enhances vital energy, makes the mind clear. And also the mantra is suitable for strengthening the nervous system. It is desirable to recite the mantra with other sounds of Bija texts, for example: OM GAM.

har har har
har har hari.
With the help of the HAR mantras, a person can gain wisdom, comprehend the truth. CHAR is nothing more than the creative aspect of God. Meditation on this mantra improves the heartbeat. Translated, KHAR means "infinity", this is one of the names of God. The HAR mantra is very easy to remember, but before chanting it, it is advisable to watch the video to find out how its consonants and vowels sound. The mantra must be chanted for at least 10 minutes. After a few sessions, practitioners feel the effect of it. She helps to overcome all obstacles and to rise spiritually.

ek on (g) kaar sat naam karta purak (x) nirb (x) o nirver
akaal murat adjuni seb (x) an (g) gurprasad jap
aad sac dzhugaad sac heb (x) and sac
naanak jose b (x) and sat.
In the Vedic teachings, the MUL mantra is considered the main one. It helps the practitioner to choose the right path, to find his purpose in life. Listening to her gives the practitioner peace of mind. She is very strong, gives a person happiness. At the initial stage, difficulties may arise with chanting a mantra - it's not scary, you can watch a video to remember the sound. Listening to the MUL mantra regularly, a person will feel unreasonable love for the whole world and feel unreasonable joy.

aad gurei name jugaad gurei name
sat gurei name siri guru de (y) v-hey name.
This mantra is pronounced when it is necessary to ask for protection from the Universe. It is often repeated before starting the car (in order to safely get to the desired place) or before leaving the house. According to practitioners, AD GUREI NAME is able to create a protective field around a person, in addition, it dispels all doubts and leads a person to the light, protecting him.

gobindy mukandey udarey apaarey
hariaan (g) karian (g), nirnaamey akaamei.
Very often we become victims of our past: mistakes, disappointments. The mantra GOBINDAY MUKANDAY is capable of eliminating past mistakes by clearing a person's magnetic field.In this mantra, each word carries its own meaning, if translated, it turns out the following: "Support, Liberation, Exaltation, Infinity, Destruction, Creation, Namelessness, Impassivity." Thanks to the mantra, all kinds of blocks are removed, a person becomes enlightened.

sat naam.
This mantra is most commonly used in kundalini yoga. By pronouncing it, a person connects himself with his true identification, which is his Divine Soul. SAT NAM penetrates into the subconscious and helps the practitioner tune in to the Universal sound stream, which carries them beyond the boundaries of the surrounding world. Listening to this mantra, very soon you can feel how spiritual growth has accelerated.

Reading rules
In Eastern philosophy, a mantra is not just a set of sounds, but a vibrational message from the Universe. Before chanting mantras, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules in advance - this will help to achieve results faster and protect the beginner from mistakes.
- Site preparation. Repetition of a mantra is meditation, so it is necessary to choose a place where the practitioner will not be disturbed. The room should be quiet, nothing should distract from meditation.
- Pronunciation rules. Since the mantra is planned to be read along with the kundalini yoga meditation, it is recommended to do it in full voice. The sound can be interrupted only for a short period of inhalation and exhalation; it is advisable to focus on the last syllable. On exhalation and inhalation, vibration must be produced: the lips must be closed in such a way that they are stretched out with a tube. Attention should be paid to syllables - they should sound coherent and clear.
- Regularity of classes. For the desired effect, you must devote at least 15 minutes to reciting the mantra every day. With an episodic reading, the miraculous effect is unlikely to occur.
- Emotional condition. Mantras should not be recited when you are in a bad mood or when you are unsure of the result. So they will be useless. When reading or singing a mantra, you need to relax as much as possible and be filled with bright thoughts.

Reading mantras while practicing kundalini yoga will become a habit. To begin with, it is advisable to choose a simple mantra that is easy to remember and easy to pronounce. The main thing is to focus on your feelings. If the mantra makes it easy on the soul, and it evokes bright thoughts, you can stop at it. Very soon, you will notice positive changes in your life.