All about the mantra Mars

When everything collapses and it seems that there is no strength to walk towards a new day and generally wake up in the morning, you should stabilize your condition and start changing something in your life. It is not always possible to do this on your own. Sometimes you have to turn to higher powers. Mantras can be of great help in this. The mantra Mars will help to overcome self-doubt, to get closer to the cherished goal, so you need to learn everything about it.

The mantra for Mars is not just a beautiful combination of sounds and a pleasant pastime. Reading a mantra changes the direction of thoughts, activates vital energy, gives strength to start actions. And the energy sent by the Universe itself helps to realize our plans, to which we turn for help in difficult moments.
The combination of sounds in Sanskrit has a powerful energy that can awaken it in a person who will have the strength to act, strive for a goal and achieve it. The energy of sacred prayers is directed to the main elements that make up the Universe. These include earth, fire, metal, water, air.
This knowledge was used by sages when creating mantras.

The mantra works in such a way that not only clears the mind of all rubbish and negativity, but also contributes to the healing of the physical shell. Each organ has its own sound, which is present in the mantra. The vibrations that arise when singing help each cell of our body to tune in to the right wave and start working harmoniously. In this case, not only diseases disappear, but the body as a whole rejuvenates.
Practice starts on Tuesday. And you will have to be patient - it will take 20 days to turn to Mars, doing 4–5 circles daily. In general, it should appear at least 10,000 times over the entire time.Only then can we say that you have done everything for the Universe to hear you.
Singing rules
The mantra begins with the most important syllable OM. This sound must be sung, that is, pull with one intonation. Doing this, a person turns to the Universe and asks for help. The repetition of the mantra repeatedly affects the mind, the emotional state, all this allows you to come to balance and again feel the harmony that was violated for any reason.

Ancient prayer has great power that can change our lives for the better and protect us from negative energy. Pronouncing these syllables in a chant, it should be understood that without our emotional support and purity of thoughts, these sounds will not give anything. And besides, thoughts must be pure. No aggressive moments should be present, even if it seems that a specific person is to blame for the troubles and misfortunes - the reasons should be sought only in oneself.
If translated into Russian the words of the mantra, they will mean something like the following: "I treat you with great respect, great and powerful Narasimha-devaya, you bestow piety, protect from all troubles and protect from any dangers."
By uttering the sounds in which this meaning is hidden, a person puts a powerful defense and helps himself to move towards the goal.
If for some reason it is not possible to read the mantra on your own, you can listen to it. But you shouldn't constantly practice this option. It is better to gradually move on to your own work - the effect of such treatment will be stronger.

The practice begins on Tuesday, because Mars patronizes this day. The number of repetitions (108 times) was not invented by chance. This is how many energy channels are in the human body. And they should all be open and directed towards the same goal. A rosary consisting of one hundred and eight beads will help in the process of meditation. You need to tune in to a long work on yourself and a dialogue with the Universe, because you have to turn to Mars for 20 days in a row. The mantra should, of course, be remembered. Sight-reading is possible in the early days. Memorizing a few words is not that difficult. Moreover, they should be pronounced meaningfully and come from the depths of the soul.

There are also a number of recommendations that need to be taken into account.
- To recite mantras, you need to choose a suitable place. The success of the entire procedure largely depends on this. If there is no way to stay alone with nature (for example, in a forest or on the banks of a river), you can do it in a room, but completely alone. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure access of clean air to the room.
- You should prepare yourself by taking a shower (if it is morning) or a relaxing bath (if it is evening). The room should be clean with no unnecessary distractions. Clothing should be comfortable and loose, the presence of a red object is encouraged (specifically for reciting the mantra to Mars). You need to meditate on an empty stomach so that the presence of lightness is felt throughout the body.
- Before proceeding directly to chanting, you need to mentally clear your mind of all bad things, try to keep your head empty and your heart open to positive energy that will flow while chanting mantras.
When is it needed?
Everyone has situations when outside help is needed and it is difficult to cope with something alone. Probably, everyone makes the decision to turn to the Universe in certain cases. But you can identify general points when the mantra of Mars can come to the rescue.

- Situations often arise when determination is simply necessary in order to take some important action. There is not enough willpower or beliefs, it is required to develop endurance. In such cases, Mars is a good helper, and turning to it will bring results.
- In a depressed state, a constant feeling of anxiety and fear, the mantra Mars will help to cope with the surging bad mood and emotional exhaustion, regardless of what exactly is the cause of the ailments. Strength will be restored every day.
- Before making an important and meaningful decision, you can also turn to Mars so that everything goes well and brings a positive result.
- An important reason for turning to the mantra of Mars is when a house or its inhabitants need protection from evil people or someone's bad deeds.
- It will also be appropriate in the event of diseases that the body cannot cope with for a long time. Communication with the Universe will certainly benefit and suggest ways of healing: both physical and spiritual.