All about the mantra Mercury

Mercury is responsible for the intellectual sphere, the ability to find contacts with people, to defend their own opinion. With the help of the mantra Mercury, you can not only strengthen these qualities, but also strengthen them. The planet patronizes writers, teachers, students, astrologers and merchants.
What does the mantra give?
The mantra will be useful not only for those who have these qualities weakened or have problems, but also for those who were already born under the auspices of Mercury. The planet will strengthen abilities, open up new opportunities.
In addition to positive qualities such as sociability, intelligence, oratory and mobility, Mercury also has a dark side. Negative qualities include cunning, manipulation, a tendency to lie and neuroses. Reading mantras will allow you to neutralize the negative influence of the planet.

The mantra for Mercury has the following effects:
- improves the assimilation of information;
- allows you to quickly master new skills;
- provokes a craving for new knowledge;
- encourages self-improvement;
- enhances public speaking skills;
- helps to find contacts with people and make new useful acquaintances.
Traders can rely on lucrative contracts, and people who find themselves in a difficult life situation - on unexpected ideas to resolve it.
Regular repetition of the mantra develops mental and oratory skills, communication skills, analytical and logical thinking, attracts good luck in commercial affairs.

What days should you read?
It is better to read the mantra Mercury on Wednesday. It is on this day that the influence of the planet is most powerful. On other days of the week, it is blocked by other planets, and the mantra will not give the expected effect.
You can start reciting the mantra from Tuesday midnight until Wednesday evening.It is best to recite the mantra in the morning to replenish energy before the start of the working day, or at lunchtime. After six in the evening, it is no longer recommended to read prayers.
The greatest effect will be given by reciting the mantra in full in 21 days. Better to start during the waxing moon. Then the mantra is recited every Wednesday for 21 days. At some point, laziness or rejection may attack. So the brain resists changes and removal of existing blocks, more religious people compare this with the intrigues of demons and evil spirits. It is important to continue the practice - gradually the unpleasant sensations will pass.

There are several options for the text. They all have a similar translation: appeal to Buddha (Mercury) and gratitude.
- Om Hrim Budhaya Namah.
- Om-m Budhaya Namaha.
- Om Namo Bhagavate Buddhadevaya.
- Om Namo Bhagavate Buddhadevaya!
Om Boom Buddhaya Namaha! Om Bram Brim Brom Saha Buddhaya Namaha!
The first two mantras are the simplest and are perfect for a beginner. It's important to pronounce the text correctly, so it's best to start with what's easier. Also, reading mantras can begin with listening. This will allow you to tune in and learn how to pronounce them correctly. Can be repeated along with recording.

Pronunciation rules
Mantra recitation is very important. Simple automatic repetition without concentration will not give the expected effect. Prayers should be read in a calm state. To do this, you need to create an appropriate environment: privacy, you can light candles or incense. The size and color of the candles do not matter. It helps to get the desired mood by listening to calm music or reading mantras in recording, you can do breathing exercises or do yoga. While reciting the mantra, it is allowed to close your eyes.
During the monotonous reading, one is immersed in a superficial trance. It is necessary to pronounce the text melodiously, it is desirable to feel how the sound walks through the body or passes through it. These tactile sensations enhance the beneficial effect of mantras. It is forbidden to shout mantras or recite in a loud voice, it is enough to hum quietly. The sound should be pleasing to the ear.

The minimum number of repetitions of mantras is 7, equal to the number of planets. But for the mantra to Mercury, the total number of repetitions should be a multiple of 4 (16, 40, 84, etc.), so the minimum is 8. The best number of repetitions for the mantra is 108. This number is mystical and is made up of 27 lunar constellations of Vedic astrology, each of which it consists of 4 parts (27x4 = 108 - full zodiac circle). And it is also a multiple of 4. It is also good to choose the number of repetitions in multiples of 10.
In order not to get confused and keep counting in your head, it is better to use a rosary with the required number of beads. There can be 108 or less, but multiples of 4. After each repetition, you need to move one bead and so on in a circle until you reach the main or central bead. It always differs in color or size. You can buy ready-made rosary or make yourself from any beads.
Alternatively, use ordinary matches, setting aside the required amount in advance.

You can repeat the mantra Mercury several times a day or immediately read the total. It is important not to interrupt or stop. If it is difficult to recite a mantra 108 times or more at a time, it is better to start with fewer repetitions or take breaks. But the number of repetitions at a time should always be at least 8 and a multiple of 4. It is important to note that complex and light mantras give the same result. For a beginner, attitude, engagement and correct pronunciation are important, not the number of repetitions and the complexity of the text.
After reciting the mantra, peace, calmness, a feeling of inner harmony or a surge of strength should come. This means that the ritual was performed correctly, and the planet responded to the call, all actions will be correct.
If you feel tired, angry, or annoyed, then you have received a warning about possible errors and difficulties in the near future.You should be careful in business and attentive to the environment.

Features of the ritual
This ritual is not secret. You can tell close people about him and personal practices. Moreover, you can read the mantras to Mercury collectively, for example, with your family.
Privacy is not required for this ritual. Mantras can be read in public transport on the way to work, during traffic jams, jogging or walking the dog. It is allowed to pronounce the text mentally. But there is a nuance. Immersion in a light trance state is important here, it just doesn't make sense to pronounce the text automatically. It is difficult to concentrate in transport, where people constantly seek to distract. This advice is only suitable for experienced practitioners. For beginners, it is better to organize a secluded place for reading the mantra in advance.

Thanks for the information.