Powerful mantras for every day

Mantras are sacred Buddhist texts. Their action can be aimed at healing, seeking love, clarifying the truth, or something else. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to recite mantras every day, then they will become a really powerful life-changing tool.
The texts written in Sanskrit came from oriental practices. Mantra is an appeal to the Universe, the Higher Beginning, nature, or to certain deities. A person can ask for help, thank, receive a blessing, find a state of emotional balance.

Buddhists believe that mantras affect the chakras - the zones in which vital energy is concentrated. Reading sacred texts creates special vibrations that help cleanse the soul and mind. Often, mantras are combined with other Eastern practices - yoga and meditation. It is believed that in this way a person follows in the footsteps of the Buddha and, if he has enough fortitude, he will be able to achieve Enlightenment and know the Truth.
Modern science also does not deny the effectiveness of these verbal formulas. They can act like attitudes. From repeated repetition in the subconscious, the image of the desired is formed, the emotional mood necessary to achieve the goal is created. In addition, pronouncing rhythmic and melodious sounds has a calming effect, helps you focus on your tasks.
Even skeptical individuals can try to recite very powerful mantras every day and make sure they work.

The sacred texts can be divided into several groups.
- Bija. Consist of one or more syllables. You can use these verbal formulas every day to tune in to a positive mood.
- Name mantras. They imply an appeal to a deity. For example, the goddess Lakshmi is responsible for well-being and prosperity, and Ganesha can be asked for help with financial matters.
- Verbose mantras. Consist of many sounds. It is believed that they contain ancient secret knowledge about the world.
The best mantra is the one that suits your goals, resonates with you spiritually. It is necessary to choose a verbal formula, taking into account what charge it carries, to which deity it is addressed and what is its power.

Overview of mantras
The sacred texts can be read by all people. Mantras will help a woman to maintain youth and beauty, a man to succeed in achieving goals, and a child will be able to reveal his potential. Magic formulas can also bring good luck, healing, well-being, wisdom and fortitude.
Bija Om
The Vedic scriptures say that OM (or AUM - in Russian transcription) is the sound from which all worlds and universes arose. This is the original vibration, containing creation, preservation and destruction, therefore, its full power cannot be expressed in simple words.
Many mantras begin with the sound OM, it can also be final. Singing this syllable separately helps to achieve clarity of mind, clear consciousness, focus on your own life and live it to the fullest, increasing your perception. This mantra is suitable for daily recitation; it is also separately recommended for those who are constantly experiencing stress and nervous tension.
A verbal formula will help you calm down, look at problems from a different angle and, possibly, find a way out of a difficult situation.

Bija Hum
A monosyllabic mantra, pronounced as HUM, with the emphasis on the vowel U. This formula can be considered protective, it serves as a kind of barrier against negative influences, aggression, and human envy.
The Buddhist canons say that the element HUM is fire; by its effect, it kind of burns and destroys everything bad. Also, this syllable fills with energy in order to engage in improvement and self-knowledge, helps to see what is happening more clearly and analyze information.

Bija Aim
The mantra is associated with the goddess Sarasvasti and has the energy of the earth. It is recommended to repeat it in order to calm down, gain self-confidence, overcome fears and doubts that arise on the way. It also helps to cope with nervous disorders.
The power of this mantra helps to develop intelligence and express one's thoughts, it will be useful for those who want to learn how to speak beautifully and stop being afraid to speak in public.
AIM helps to improve memory and concentration.

Hare Krishna
It is also called the great mantra or mahamantra and contains the names of God in Sanskrit. It is interesting that the order of reading words can differ in different sources - depending on the views of a particular philosophical school.
In fact, this mantra is an appeal to God, it helps to feel the essence of the Divine Principle, to feel contact with him, to rise from the material world to the spiritual. There is also an opinion that the sacred phrase makes you feel a sense of pure and disinterested love for all living things.

One of the important mantras in Hinduism. It is believed that its regular recitation allows one to comprehend the truth, adds wisdom and ultimately leads to Enlightenment. You can recite this mantra in the morning, at sunrise, and also in the evening. The phrase itself can be understood as an appeal to God in order to touch the divine Light, so that it directs the mind in the right direction.

In another way, it is also called the mantra of universal tranquility. It includes the syllable OM, the meaning of which is given above, as well as the word SHANTI, which can be translated as a state of infinite divine peace (among Buddhists, this is called Nirvana).
Uttering this mantra helps to feel the state of inner harmony, unity with the world and nature.
Regular repetition allows you to find emotional balance and change your perception.

Before you start practicing, there are some guidelines to follow:
- study the text of the mantra, find its performance on the Internet in order to listen to the correct reading of sounds;
- you will need a secluded place, make sure that you are not interrupted during practice, it is also advisable to turn off the phone or put it on silent mode so as not to be distracted;
- use special rosary beads that will help you not to get lost during reading, they can consist of 54 or 108 beads.
To recite mantras, you do not need to get acquainted with Eastern culture, the main thing is that your desires are sincere and come from the heart. You can start practicing on your own - this is not forbidden.
However, if you want to deeper comprehend the meaning of these sacred texts, then it would be useful to find a mentor who will help you on the spiritual path.

How to read?
There is a widespread belief that one should recite mantras in the lotus position. In fact, this is not necessary, the main thing is that the back remains straight. Correct spine position helps the energy circulate in the chakras and in the body, and it will also help your voice sound deeper and fuller.
You can't rush while reading, swallow sounds. Your pronunciation should be fluent, humorous and clear. Each sound is in its place, carries a certain message, vibration, so distortion, albeit unintentional, changes the meaning of the phrase.
At the initial stage, it is better to pronounce the words quite loudly in order to fully feel the power of their sound, to remember this feeling. Then it will be possible to read in an undertone or in a whisper. Experienced practitioners can chant mantras mentally.

It is advisable to set aside time in the morning for your spiritual pursuits, in extreme cases - no later than the first half of the day. There are also mantras that are performed in the evening, at sunset or before bedtime. Some of them need to be read additionally at noon.
It is recommended to repeat the verbal formula 108 times - this number symbolizes the number of steps of the Buddha on the path to Enlightenment. But for daily mantras, any multiple of 9 is also acceptable.
It is important that you practice regularly. If you skip days, the effect of reading will weaken and disappear. You can start with short daily mantras and a few repetitions, and then move on to more complex formulas if you feel like it.