Mula Mantra

People recite mantras to achieve their own well-being. Melodic sounding allows you to stay alone with yourself and connect your consciousness with the Cosmos. In addition, such a reading and the vibrations coming from it enable a person to enter a state called meditation.
Mula Mantra - This is a very ancient combination of sounds, which is able to bring any mortal to the disclosure of his "I" and even to the discovery of the mysteries of the Universe. In addition, with the help of miraculous words, you can also touch with the help of consciousness the place where God himself is.

The meaning of the mantra
The sacred texts unambiguously have a tremendous impact on human destiny. Mula mantra (looks like a miraculous text filled with a certain power) was born in ancient times in India. This means that this textual performance is read in Sanskrit.
It is Sanskrit and its combination with other factors that create vibrations that cause a special state of mind. They just contribute to the immersion in meditation. And during meditation, the Mula mantra can significantly affect the spiritual development of any individual, as well as have a beneficial effect on improving his appearance. If a mantra contains a set of certain sounds that are called sacred, it is considered root. This is exactly what the Mula mantra is.
When pronouncing sacred sounds, vibrations arise. Mula contains just such sounds. They help a person find the way to God. It is also at this moment that the purest motives that come from the depths of the soul are revealed.
Again, if we talk about the vibrations emanating from the reading of the miraculous words, then such vibrations can contribute to a change in the fate of a person, namely, "to kill an evil fate." They can also readjust the energy for the better.

With the constant recitation of the Mula mantra, a person becomes invulnerable to evil forces. He is filled with love and joy. Simultaneously with such good changes, there is an elevation of fate, as well as a return to your true "I".
When a person reads the Mula Mantra, he begins to feel how the living God "turns" towards him. A person at this time begins to feel his protection and freedom. Therefore, various fears for himself and for his loved ones disappear from him. The patronizing God, while reciting the Mula mantra, begins to hear what he is told. Therefore, any person can “reach out to heaven” if he applies the above practice. Moreover, when pronouncing miraculous sounds, a person begins to experience a feeling of joy and love himself and the world around him.
People who adhere to certain principles and use the Kundalini practice state: reverence for the Mula mantra forms a positive consciousness in a person. The negative flow of thoughts stops. Know that Kundalini Yoga is able to lift the Kundalini energy from the base of the spine and bring it to the right points. And this is necessary to rid a person of negativity.
It is when the Kundalini energy passes through all the chakras, up to the Sahasrara, that merging with Shiva occurs. Then in human consciousness develop: instincts, intuition and reason. As a result, a person can walk his individual path with dignity, and he will also cease to be spiritually dependent on other weak people.

The Mula Mantra text is one of the most important texts that are created to awaken the Kundalini energy. This spiritual treasure was presented to humanity by Guru Nanak. This is the most influential yogi. Guru Nanak is also considered the founder of the Sikh way of life, and he is also a healer. The words donated by the great yogi contain the potential for the development of mankind and its philosophy. Please note that developmental philosophy is an essential part of Kundalini practice.
The following words and sounds are included in other mantras. It is they who give orientation to the Higher powers. During reading, the vibrations that arise enter the person into the so-called shaking. Then he begins such mental activity, which helps to connect his consciousness to the image of the Universal thought. After that, the practitioner is given the Infinite Light from above.
With the constant repetition of the mantra, this light is intensified so much that it is able to drive out all the bad from the soul. Therefore, it is believed that the Mula Mantra recognizes neither racial strife, nor religious differences, nor boundaries.
So, consider the text of the Mula Mantra: Om; Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma; Purushothama Paramathma; Sri Bhagavathi Sametha; Sri Bhagavathe Namaha.
Now let's look at how the same text should sound in Russian: Ohm; Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma; Purusutama Paramatma; Sri Bhagavati Sametha; Sri Bhagavate Namaha.

The correctness of the reading depends very much on whether the person understands the meaning of certain words. Therefore, you need to find out what the above sounds mean. Let's consider this issue in more detail.
- Sound Ohm. It marks the beginning of the recitation of the mantra and says that the mantra has been pronounced. This sound is associated with the Universe.
- The sound of Sat is the sound of emptiness with which the entire Universe is filled.
- The sound of Chit is a sign of an outlook or absolute knowledge of something.
- The sound of Ananda speaks of pleasure.
- The sound of Parabrahma indicates that there are things that are not subject to time.
- The sound of Purushottama symbolizes the Supreme Powers.
- The sound of Paramatma means the soul.
- The sound of Sri Bhagavati symbolizes women.
- Samehada sound denotes connection.
- The sound of Sri Bhagavati symbolizes masculine strength.
- The sound of Namaha means worship and praise of the Higher powers.
These words have a specific meaning. And it sounds like this.
“One, Creator, Creation; Truth, Name, Identification; Creator of everything; Fearless; No revenge, no anger; Undying (personified immortality); Unborn; Itself Shining; Gift of the Guru; Repeat; Truth in the beginning; Truth through the ages; The truth is now; Nanak (speaking) Truth will always exist. "

Reading rules
This issue has its own rules. If you follow them clearly, then the spoken words will surely reach God. Then you will get everything you wanted. And you can also change your destiny in the best way. So what are the rules?
- Read the words slowly and try to chant them, that is, as if you are singing a calm and melodic song.
- You need to recite the mantra a certain number of times. Remember that there should be exactly 108 reps.
- In no case should you say the miraculous prayer 3 times, as well as 8 times and 18 times.
- If you are going to read an ancient text, then it is permissible to pronounce it 11 times a day.
- Be sure to combine reciting prayer with doing yoga.
- Regular reading is the key to success.
- Before starting to practice, you must know the translation and the meaning of the words that you are going to pronounce.
- If you cannot exercise the attitude and do not understand the essence of the spoken words, your actions will become meaningless.
- The reading language of the Mula mantra is difficult. Therefore, people who are beginning to practice should listen to it in the recording.
- The most suitable option for you to succeed is to seek help from a specialist. If you do not have such an opportunity, then learn the text gradually, pondering over each word.
- Before you start reciting the mantra, you need to define your goal, as well as complete concentration on it.
- Use a rosary or beads with 108 elements. As a result, you will not get lost counting when reading miraculous words. In addition, such things contribute to complete concentration in practice and complete tranquility of the mind.
- In special places, the Mula mantra is chanted to music. You can also chant and enjoy this activity with other people. Common efforts make it possible to quickly connect with the Higher powers.
- It is necessary to pronounce the text only in Sanskrit. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve a certain result. This means that for the first time to practice you will need to listen to the mantra on a special electronic medium.
It is best to practice at sunrise. At this time, the whole world is awakening, and this gives an opportunity for a general awakening.