Mantras for the fulfillment of desires

When a person dreams of something important and intimate, he often turns to the Universe for help. Mantras for the fulfillment of desires are one of the ways to get closer to a dream. You just need to know how to use them correctly for the best effect, and what conditions to observe.

Any mantra of the fulfillment of desires is a very powerful message to the Universe, which can bring you closer to the desired goal. But there is one very important condition: an effective mantra that removes all obstacles on the path will only help if your thoughts are pure and your desires are not capable of harming others. Let's look at a few mantras, each of which is amazing and can lead to success.
- One of the main desires of every person is to meet their soul mate. or to win the favor of a certain person. The mantra for love will help the desire to be fulfilled. Such a strong prayer helps a person to tune in to the right waves and focus on the main thing. Reason, will, desire come together. Mantras for love are also called Tara prayers. This is a goddess who is often asked for help, including in love. The text of the mantra looks like this: OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SVAHA. Such mantras must be read for at least 10 days, during which time positive changes can occur. But do not think that after this period, magic will happen, and you will achieve success. You need to be patient and pay special attention to this ritual, because it may not be possible to get the desired result right away - it takes time. A good time to appeal to the goddess Tara is the full moon. It is then that all chakras open and thoughts are most powerful.
- There is a mantra for the fulfillment of any desire. It must be performed in complete solitude at least 108 times.The desire must be able to clearly formulate, and in order to read it the required number of times, you need to acquire beads, they will help you to concentrate even better on what you have conceived. Dawn is the best time to send messages into the universe. It will be difficult for a beginner to read the mantra 108 times right away. Therefore, you can start reading from a small amount, each time increasing it. The text of the mantra is as follows: AUM HRIM STREAM HUM PHAN.
- One of the most wonderful mantras that can give what you want is the so-called Golden. It leads to happiness, joy and the fulfillment of all desires. It sounds: AUM JAYA JAYA SHRI SHIAYA SWAHA. An important condition is loneliness and the absence of extraneous things. Incense and candles will only help to focus and distract from everything superfluous and insignificant. Yantras can also help in this matter. These are images consisting of symbols that help to expand the boundaries of consciousness and look at the world in a different way. The mantra should be recited 108 times. While reading, you should fully focus on your desire. As soon as the session of communication with the Universe is over, you need to continue living an ordinary life, without getting hung up on your desire.
- No less love and happiness, a person wishes health to himself and his loved ones. And often in such situations you have to turn to higher powers. If you read the mantras of health, the body will be filled with lightness, strength, as well as pure and light energy. If you want to be healthy or get rid of diseases, a person should turn to the Sun God - Surya. Therefore, a strong mantra sounds like this: OM SURYA NAMAHA.
The most important feature of any mantra is to unconditionally believe in its power and know that it will help. If you do it for the sake of experiment, it is unlikely that there will be a positive result. There is even such a thing as a personal mantra. This will only be your personal conversation with the Universe. To do this, you need to formulate your desire in a few words. For example: "I want to find a new job" or "I want to meet my love." It is good, of course, to add specifics to these phrases, what kind of work should be, or with what person you are waiting for a meeting. And even the sounds for the mantra can be made up of your own. They should symbolize one specific desire. Otherwise, everything happens the same.
It needs solitude, nature or a clean room, and clean and kind thoughts. Only in this case the Universe will help you.

To fulfill your cherished desires, simply repeating the necessary sounds in the right order is not enough. It is very important to be well prepared for the mantra recitation process. Meditation should ideally take place in nature. It will be great if it will be a sunrise by the sea. A forest clearing surrounded by trees is also suitable. And a patio of your own house would be a good option. The main thing is that there are no people and animals around. If there is no way to meditate in the fresh air, you need to prepare the room. First of all, it must be clean, the room must first be ventilated, and it is better to leave the window open altogether. You can light scented candles and even play very quiet relaxing music. No gadgets or other distractions. If there are people at home, you should ask them not to disturb you in advance, so that no one interferes with your privacy.
To quickly achieve the goal, you need to think over your desire in advance and present it clearly and clearly in the process of reciting the mantra. To do this, you need to mentally imagine what you want for several days in a row, so that in the process of reading the mantra this happens without any tension. It is worth thinking not only about preparing the room, but also about the body. You need to be clean both in body and soul at this moment. Therefore, you should take a shower or a relaxing bath with aromatic salt. Do not go to meditation after eating. The body should be light, no heaviness or discomfort.Before starting a cycle of meditations, you need to talk to yourself, try to analyze your thoughts and actions. Maybe the reason for the failure is precisely in your wrong thoughts.
Before a session of communication with the Universe, you need to completely forget about everyday problems and any business. The head should be freed from all that is superfluous.

How to read?
Any mantra is magical, if you believe in its power, no matter what day it is read: birthday or any other. You need to recite the mantra 108 times to enhance its effect. One symbolizes a person, zero - his thought, and eight - infinity. For this reason, it is recommended to recite the mantra exactly this number of times, since just such a call to the Universe will be the most powerful. This is a purposeful and long way to achieve the goal. You need to be patient.
The mantra is chanted, without changing the key, while in each sound you need to concentrate all your will and desire. The sound is necessarily even and lingering, no discontinuity, one syllable flows smoothly and easily into another. The main syllable is OM, it is in it that the main message to the Universe is contained. And she must respond and come to the rescue. It will take hours of practice to learn how to pronounce the sounds of the mantra perfectly. Therefore, the first time it is worth just listening to the mantra, while concentrating on each sound. Over time, they will become a part of yourself, and you can move on to independent reading. Each time it will turn out better and better, which means that the conviction that the desire will certainly come true will also grow stronger.
If it is more convenient to say the mantra to music, then you need to provide yourself with musical accompaniment. By the way, it is to the music of the real masters that they pronounce it. But the melody should be only an unobtrusive background, which in no case should distract from the main thing.

Rendering rules
When reading a mantra, it is very important not only to concentrate on sounds and sensations in all details, but also to vividly and clearly represent the object at which the thought is directed, or clearly see the result of fulfilling your desire. It is very important to know exactly what you want. Blurred information in the head will delay the fulfillment of desire, or the implementation of the plan will occur in the wrong form.
If we are talking about an object of love, that is, a specific person, then you should present him so clearly that you can practically feel his presence. You can remember the last meeting, how he looked. Emotions should only be positive, even if this person has hurt. Only positive thoughts need to be sent to the Universe in order to achieve the desired result. This has to be done daily for a long time. Do not despair if there is no immediate effect. Sooner or later, the universe will still hear you.
As for the desire, then you need to imagine it already fulfilled. For example, you really want to go on a trip this year to a particular place or to the sea. Pronouncing the mantra, you should see yourself already in that desired place, but it is better to present everything in detail, right up to the flight.
You can, closing your eyes, feel yourself on the seashore, smell the sea, the sun's rays, hear the sound of waves and the cry of seagulls.

If you really want to get a specific position, and you think that you are ripe for it, you need to imagine your workplace in detail and feel in a new role. This should be done with every desire. But it is imperative to remember that no visualization will help if the fulfillment of your desire can harm another. All mantras are based on positive energy, goodness and joy.
When reading the golden mantra, in addition to visualizing your desire, you need to imagine a golden cord that goes from your hands to the sky, thereby connecting you with the Universe. You shouldn't be distracted and distracted. When chanting a mantra, you need to "hold on to the cord" and concentrate on desire.It can be difficult at first, so rosary beads are very handy to keep track of.
If the desire is associated with gaining health, you need to imagine yourself strong, healthy and joyful. You can mentally surround yourself with the sun's rays or a rainbow, making it possible for positive energy to enter the body. When reciting a mantra, you need to bathe in these rays, with each new reading feeling how strength comes and your well-being improves. The desire to be healthy is one of the most important. The Universe will definitely help with this. The main thing is to control your thoughts constantly, not to think about the bad, not to wish people evil, to learn to think differently.
If we are talking about a specific disease, you need to vividly imagine how the disease leaves you and flies into space. There is another option to imagine that this is a ball in the form of a bunch of energy, in which all the pain is concentrated. And you throw this ball as far as possible so that it does not come back. In the same way, you can recite mantras for desire and ask the Universe for loved ones to be healthy or healed from ailments.