Mantras for love and happy marriage

Mantras of love are mostly popular among the fair sex. Women who, for some reason (and there may be many of them), cannot meet their love, begin to get carried away with reading mantras, hoping that they will help. A mantra is a prayer directed to the Universe, which is ready to respond when someone really asks for something from the heart.
Translated from the Sanskrit mantra means "advice, suggestion." From the repetition of certain phrases, vibrations increase, which contributes to the acceleration of the materialization of the desired. In Buddhism, mantras are not just a collection of words. It is not only the meaning that is important, but also the repetitive rhythm, more precisely, the rhythmic repetition. In this article, you can learn more about love mantras, as well as take note of the reading texts.

Women who decide to resort to non-standard methods of finding their beloved are at first wary of Sanskrit texts. The peculiarities of mantras are that they are written in the ancient language of India - Sanskrit, and no translator can translate them. Mantras are of several types: Tantric, Vedic, and Buddhist. Beginners are advised to use Vedic mantras, because working with tantric ones can have a certain negative effect. Correct and regular pronunciation of the mantras in question helps to establish a connection with the Divine forces and, as a result, get what you want. Researchers in this field believe that when working with mantras, it is important that all sounds and intonation are transmitted correctly, since the texts contain a code.
Chanting the love mantra regularly helps to activate the heart chakra called anahata. It is she who is responsible for the feelings. Reaching out to karmic forces reduces the resistance of karma, which allows the beloved to meet. The mantras of love are even more powerful when recited on the growing moon. The greatest effect can be achieved by reciting mantras early in the morning or in the evening at sunset. The practice of using mantras for marriage and attracting a soul mate contains the number 108. This figure is repeatedly mentioned in ancient cultural, scientific and liturgical texts of past years.
In the east, this number is given a sacred meaning - by sounding the mantra 108 times, the magic of each individual number is revealed. The number 1 symbolizes the Highest energy that helps to bring desire to life, 8 is a symbol of infinity, and 0 is the perfection of everything that God has created.

How does it work
According to those who practice mantra recitation, they are capable of performing miracles. Even a single repetition of the mantra for love and happy marriage begins to influence reality, bringing positive changes to it. Being in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forgetting about things, at first it is difficult to feel their effect, but over time the force of vibration becomes more tangible and surpasses in its fluctuations the negative thoughts of a person.
On the inner plane, mantras act “like in a fairy tale,” that is, they change consciousness. The energy space around a person is also changing. It may be difficult to believe in this, but in those places where the reading of mantras takes place, development begins: construction, change. The effect of mantras does not come immediately, and it works if you put a certain potential in it. That is, it is not enough to repeat learned words - they need to be “recharged” with your energy, images of what you want, in this case about love.
Note! Mantras are to be chanted, not recited. A video can be found to see how they are sung in the original.

Mantra to attract mutual love
This mantra helps women meet their beloved man in order to successfully marry. She also helps ladies to become attractive to the stronger sex.
Text: Sat patim dehi paramesvara.
The mantra of love and marriage
The mantra has a powerful and quick effect. She is able to call a soul mate into life, help to get married and create a strong, happy family.
Text: Om hrim srim lakshmi byo namaha.
Mantra of mutual love
For a quick effect, you can recite the strongest mantra. She is able to attract bright mutual love into life or to evoke warm responses in a particular person.
Text: Om klim kama dehi svaha om mitraya om mitraya aham preima aham preima.
Mantra of love and tenderness
The strongest mantra helps to strengthen the connection with the Universe and to meet a handsome man to marry him.
Text: Ek ong kar sat nam karta purkh nirbkho nirver akal murat ajuni seibhong gurprasad jap! Hell Sach Zhdugad Sach Heybi Sach Nanak Hosi Bi Sach.
For reference! Many people wonder if there is any danger in reciting Sanskrit mantras. There is no danger, but it is worth remembering that chanting mantras is necessary in a favorable state of mind, while you need to feel how the desired is approaching (love, marriage, relationships). Negative emotions and fears prevent a person from getting what they want.

Reading rules
You can repeat the mantras as much as you want until a positive result is noticeable. The main thing is that the repetition ends with the number 108. In order not to get lost in the count, you can buy special rosary, which are called "mala", they just have 108 beads. Each mantra has its own energy. Those who are going to attract love into their lives should first choose 1 or 2 mantras, no more.
Let's list the basic rules of reading.
- In the process of reciting the mantra, one should concentrate on the heart chakra - anahata.
- The place where the mantra is recited should be quiet, and the presence of strangers should be excluded.
- The mantra should be recited for at least 21 days.Gradually, during this period, a person's life is transformed.
- Words are sometimes read on a rosary (ideally, if they are made of rose quartz - the stone attracts love).
- You cannot read several mantras at the same time. They usually proceed to work with the next prayer when the desire has been fulfilled after reading the first one.
- Before reading (about 3-4 days), it is advisable to fast. Rough food, meat and alcohol should be removed from the diet.
Reference! You can enhance the effect by buying special incense in an esoteric shop - light them every time you recite a mantra. It is worth remembering that the key to success does not lie in the automatic repetition of mantras. They need to be read with feeling, imagining what you want, in a good mood.
Mantras of love work flawlessly, because the entire Universe responds to the pleas of the reader. Make mantras a part of your life and believe in their action - the result will pleasantly surprise you!