Mantras for all occasions

The culture of India is mysterious, mysterious and amazing. That is why many people paid attention to her and joined her traditions and values. To achieve goals, succeed in business, attract good luck and change their lives for the better, many turned to mantras for help.
A mantra is a kind of prayer, in the process of reading which, a person turns to deities or higher powers. This is a specific set of words that must be pronounced in a specific sequence. Each syllable has a specific meaning, so they cannot be swapped or changed. Ancient texts have survived to our time unchanged. Their main purpose is to attract what you want (love, luck, financial well-being) or get rid of negativity (diseases, enemies, fears, disturbing thoughts, obstacles). Scriptures are special in that they can be used by anyone, regardless of religion. There are also special mantras for women and men.
Mantras for all occasions are very popular. As a rule, these are universal texts aimed at improving the physical and mental state. During the pronunciation, the human body is filled with a special vibration. Each cell is saturated with positive energy and begins to harmonize with the body and the surrounding world.
Many believe that regular reading of ancient texts has a beneficial effect on the body. If the harmony inside the body is disturbed, the person begins to lose vitality and falls ill.

During the entire existence of this practice, many options for appealing to higher powers have been compiled. Long and short texts are used in spiritual practices. Universal prayers are widely used. These texts have no specific purpose, yet they are powerful and effective enough.
An appeal to the goddess Tara
Mantra text: OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA. If you recite this text a certain number of times every day, the aura will be cleared. A person will get rid of anxiety, fears, bad thoughts and other negativity, anger and hatred will disappear. There are also positive changes in health. As an additional effect, the mantra helps to achieve the cherished goal.
Mantra to the deity
The ancient text, filled with power and strong energy, establishes a connection between a person and God. Also, prayer will save you from fear and lead your enemies away. An additional effect - the mantra calls for the help of guardian angels. It is often used to enhance the effect of other scriptures. The text is: OM MAHADEVAYA NAMAH.
Some recite this mantra before starting another spiritual practice. The minimum number of reads is 9 times per session.

A dream come true
An effective mantra that aims to fulfill desires. Reading an ancient text attracts wealth, luck, and prosperity. The text looks like this: OM LAKSHMI VIGAN SRI KAMALA DHARIGAN SVAHA. It is recommended to read the appeal for a month. The best time to pronounce is morning, lunch or evening.
Long universal mantra
This is a very long text that is difficult to read correctly the first time. It is more suitable for those who have been familiar with spiritual practices for a long time. The text is as follows: OM TRYAMBAKAM YAJAMAH SUGANDHIM PUSHTI VARDHANAM URVARUKAMIVA BANDHANAN MRITYOR MUKSHIYA MAMRITAT. The effect of it is as follows:
- appeal to divine powers will save you from disease;
- accidents will be bypassed;
- the mantra is used as a talisman against dangerous animals and natural disasters.
To enhance the effect of the ancient scripture, it is recommended to chant each syllable. This must be done with kindness in the soul and faith in the power of the mantra. Only in this case, you can count on positive changes in life. The mantra will bring prosperity, financial independence, tranquility and harmony.
Some are sure that this scripture fights cancer cells and is able to deactivate self-destruction. The main thing is to believe. The miraculous effect is observed with daily reading. If everything is done correctly, the result will definitely be noticeable.

When to read?
The ideal time to recite a mantra depends on the direction of the text. There are several rules when you should read the text for maximum efficiency and quick results.
- Many practitioners advise reading the text early in the morning, right after waking up. At this time, the human mind is unloaded and free, the body is rested and full of strength. After meditating, you can start the day and take on responsibilities.
- Some mantras can be recited exactly at noon, when the sun is at its zenith.
- Another good time is sunset, when the sun hides behind the horizon.
- Some texts ask the Moon for help. Such mantras should be recited at nightfall. The best time is midnight. In this case, one should turn to the celestial body.

Reading rules
Much influences the effectiveness of ancient texts. To get the desired effect, you must adhere to a number of rules. The most important thing is to believe in the mantra. Skeptical attitude and doubts will not give the desired result. Before starting spiritual practices, you need to be determined as decisively and seriously as possible. While reading, you should concentrate on the process. Extraneous thoughts, as well as anxiety, fears and other negativity are a serious obstacle on the way to the goal. All extraneous matters and problems should be left for later.
It is advisable to memorize the text and pronounce it from memory. This will not be easy if you choose a long mantra. Beginners are encouraged to opt for short and catchy scripts.As soon as they are quickly memorized, you can move on to other options. Mantras cannot be mixed. If you have chosen one text, it should be read a certain number of times each day until the result is achieved. Many people make the mistake of choosing multiple texts to read.
Many people argue about how to use the text correctly. Some people think that it must be said aloud. Others believe that the mantra should be recited silently. This option helps to achieve maximum concentration. Which of these options is better, you can find out only in personal practice. Relax as much as possible while reading. Free your body from clamps and tension.
The physical condition during meditation is just as important as the mental attitude. It is recommended to take a bath before the ritual.

Mantras have to be recited a certain number of times. Most of the texts are designed for 108 repetitions. If you lose track of your meditation, you will have to start over. To keep the rhythm, you can use a special rosary. In this case, an attribute with the required number of beads will do.
Correct pronunciation has three aspects:
- the words of the mantra are chanted;
- you need to pronounce the words in your mind or out loud;
- you can follow the process with a rosary or count the number of repetitions.
Newcomers unfamiliar with spiritual practices are advised to gradually join this new culture. You can sign up for a yoga section or contact a guru. Masters organize group trainings. If possible, you can use the services of a personal guru. During the sessions, spiritual guides teach how to pronounce mantras and prepare for this process.
Another unspoken rule is a healthy lifestyle. Some are sure that only those people who do not drink alcohol and have given up tobacco products have the right to read the sacred texts. Many adherents of Hinduism refuse to eat meat and junk food. It is believed that for spiritual cleansing, one must first put the body in order. Also, obscene language and rude speech are prohibited.

First of all, you need to understand how the mantras work.