All about the mantras of cleansing space from negativity

We live in a rather disturbing world. We have to experience a number of negative emotions: anger, irritation, resentment. Meetings with unpleasant people, gloomy life situations, of course, do not pass without consequences - everything is reflected in the human psyche.
Experienced yogis know that in order to cleanse the aura, restore calmness and acquire bright thoughts, it is advisable to read a prayer in Sanskrit, or even better to sing it. The mantras of cleansing space will help to develop a new outlook on the world - they will be discussed in the article.
Purification mantras are a method of spiritual practice that helps a person get rid of "bad" energy. It should be noted that The universe readily reacts to the desires and pleas of a person, but there is one condition - mantras work only if the practitioner is open with his heart., believes in the result and does not pursue evil intentions. It's no secret that positive thoughts contribute to creation, and negative thoughts - to destruction. The mantras of cleansing space from negativity just teach a person to generate external and internal energies for the benefit of himself. Yogis know that all aspects of life depend on this skill: health, beauty, wealth and the desire to prosper.
Mantra is a kind of "formula" that is selected depending on the specific case. So, mantras for attracting love, health, wealth and purification of space differ from each other. The mantra carries a powerful energy potential: when a practitioner reads or chants a prayer, sound vibrations overcome all blocks generated by the mind. Each mantra is recited 108 times - this number is considered sacred.In the Vaishnava religion, for example, it symbolizes the entire universe.
In order not to lose count, as a rule, they use a rosary - they can be anything, you can even make it yourself. One bead completing the count should be the largest.

What impact do they have?
Over time, a person who practices mantras changes their perception of the world: negative thoughts are replaced by light ones, which leads to positive changes in life. The mantra creates a favorable background for positive changes and purifies the energy of the practitioner. For greater effect, the mantra is recited for at least 21 days.
Besides that mantras carry a cleansing effect, they also help the human body to relax. When singing, the nervous system calms down, thoughts come in order, and the mind is able to solve more complex problems - that is, it works more productively. Purification mantras were created by Tibetan monks with the aim of getting rid of negativity in thoughts and space. It is thoughts that provoke the destruction of thin shells, and you need to work with this.
If the mantras of purification are recited according to the rules - in a suitable environment, where no one interferes, in a favorable mood - then they get rid of negative thoughts and free the soul from unnecessary torment. But most importantly, mantras have such an effect that a person's energy circulation improves both inside and outside. Purification takes place at all levels: space, karma. Tibetan mantras are divided into several types: advising, true, healing, emotional.
Mantras for cleansing space from negative influences refer to healing ones, usually they are read out with the evil eye or damage. Their regular singing frees the body from ailments, strengthens the immune system and replenishes energy.

Consciousness is a person's inner perception of himself and his life. The quality of thinking, perception of reality and mental health depend on the state of consciousness. The clearer the mind, the higher the human potential. Thanks to mantras, you can purify yourself and change your life for the better. The first step includes choosing a mantra - it must be chanted, if a surge of strength is felt from it, and the soul becomes blissful, it is worth stopping at this mantra.
Mantra that purifies the aura
Text: Chung Do Ama Rung Ning.
The mantra is designed to rid the body of negativity and life-threatening ailments. It is most useful to read it during fasting at a time when the sun has not yet risen, and at least 10 days. With the text that cleans the aura, it is possible to harmonize all the processes in the body, even if the practitioner has chronic diseases. It prevents the emergence of new diseases and protects against spoilage.
Mantra cleansing the biofield
Text: Sinhih Kanalkhih.
Often we ourselves become the reason for the pollution of our aura. This mantra helps her to cleanse her of negativity, in translation it means "I am pure." It helps only if the person himself has polluted his aura, and this is possible when he makes mistakes in his life, settling wrong attitudes in his subconscious. A mantra can have a beneficial effect even if you just listen to it. Grants enlightenment and indicates the true path.

Mantra for cleansing the house
Text: Om Satchit Ananda Parabrahama Shoi Bhagavati Sameta Purushotama Paramatma Sri Bhagavati Namaha Nari Om Tatsat.
The mantra of cleansing space from essences is capable of invoking love, light and kindness into a home. It removes the negative from the room, fills it with light. The mantra is considered the strongest mantra of Peace, Enlightenment and Liberation. In addition to purifying space, it grants spiritual growth and awareness.
Mantra for cleansing space
Text: Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat.
Regular repetition of the Gayatri Mantra brings various benefits to a person, and not only spiritual, but also material: clears the consciousness and mind from delusions, negativity, illusions, gives well-being and cleans the space of the apartment. The Gayatri Mantra helps to get rid of failures and fears, helps to overcome life's difficulties and grants desires. Belongs to the category of prayers, the recitation of which does not provide for any strict restrictions.
Mantra to cleanse the energy field
Text: Aum Apavitro Pavitro Wa Sarvavasthan Gatopiva Ya Ismared Pundarikaksho Sa Vahiya Abyantar Suchih Aum.
This mantra not only cleanses the human biofield, but also protects the hearth. The repetition of a mantra makes a person's aura renewed and pure. She transforms the negative into a light energy force. After regular listening, a person has a change in the psycho-emotional background.

Mantra of Purification
Text: Om Sri Mahalakshmiyay Namah.
The universal mantra is great for spiritual cleansing of a person, helps with overload at work and stress. In addition, it helps to overcome life difficulties and eliminate negative external influences in the human biofield. Soon, the practitioner will notice how his career will improve, things will go up the hill, and the house will be filled with prosperity.
Mantra that clears the space of negative energy
Text: Bhut Pret Pisha Chadha Yasya Smarna Matrata Dura Dev Palayante Datatreyam Namami Tam Munch Munch Hum Phat Sokha.
It happens that negativity accumulates in housing, which affects the emotional state of a person: he has a feeling of apathy, despondency, he is overcome by depressive states. Mantra is able to rid the house of negativity.
While reading, you can light an incense stick and blow on it while reading a prayer.

Pronunciation rules
For the mantra to bear fruit, general pronunciation guidelines should be followed. The rules include the following.
- Reading aloud. A prerequisite at the initial stage of mastering mantras. During the development of this level of vocal magic, an understanding of reading is laid: how to pronounce sounds, how long they last, how they sound.
- Reading in a whisper. You can go to this level only after you have passed the first - reading aloud. At this stage, the mantras are read aloud, but already in a whisper, so that it is almost inaudible.
- Reading to yourself. They proceed to this stage only after the first and second reading points have been passed.
Please note: experienced yogis recommend mantras not to read, but to sing. Chanting releases the inner energy of a person and connects it with the message of the mantra. At the initial stage, it can be difficult to understand how to pronounce a mantra - for this you need to use additional materials, where gurus talk about all the subtleties of a particular mantra. There are also videos - you can watch them and at the same time repeat the prayer.
Reading mantras is not difficult to master. For them to work, and positive changes in life are not long in coming, it is very important to observe the regularity of reading and be in a favorable mood.
Practitioners who take the process seriously note that mantras really work, the main thing is to believe in them.