All about the mantra that conquers death

The mantra that conquers Death is considered one of the most powerful sacred formulas, which has been used in Hinduism for many centuries to overcome difficult situations and fight a fatal illness. Mahamrityunjaya mantra stimulates favorable physiological processes, neutralizes pathological energy and the influence of evil forces. Regular practice sets up a powerful protective dome around the practitioner's mental and physical health.
The history of the mantra is inextricably linked with the description of the life of a young man named Markandey. As the legend says, his parents tried to conceive a child for a long time, but they were unsuccessful. Then they turned to Shiva for help. The deity offered them 2 options to choose from: a smart child who will live for 16 years, or a stupid child who has lived to a ripe old age. Father and mother chose the first option. This is how Markandey appeared.

In adolescence, the future great sage learned that he would soon leave the world. In an attempt to delay his death, he appealed to the Higher powers. Thanks to his devotion and sincere faith in the Higher Powers, the boy received the matra of immortality from Shiva - this prayer gave youth and cured ailments. With her help, he managed to drive away Death. The young man became the only one who entered the Pantheon at such an early age - only 16 years old.

Hinduism is represented by dozens of different currents and schools.
Mahamrityunjaya mantra refers to kaya kalpa, the name of which translates as "the art of immortality."
Its supporters believe that if you repeatedly read the sacred words, you can greatly extend your life. The mystical combination of syllables and sounds forms positive vibrations in the energy space, allowing the practitioner to achieve harmony with the world around him. The word form, banishing Death, launches all metabolic processes in the human body and thereby slows down its natural aging. Drawing an analogy with scientific definitions, we can conclude that the Mahamrityunjaya mantra, in fact, is a universal antioxidant that stimulates the natural immunity of the human body.

The meaning of this prayer consists of the interpretation of each component of the text separately.
- Triyambakam. The personification of the many-sided Shiva, combining the main hypostases - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva himself. After reading this combination of sounds, a person explodes to the three aspects of the main deity - omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.
- Yajamahe. Symbolizes praise to the Higher Powers, worship and veneration.
- Sugandhim. It means pleasure and absolute joy that a person finds after reaching the truth.
- Pushti Vardhanam. The personification of the progenitor of everything earthly and the keeper of the foundations of the universe.
- Urvarukamiva. Literally translated - "protracted and even fatal ailment." In Ayurveda, it symbolizes the release of the fruit from the stalk. In accordance with this analogy, the soul of each person will sooner or later break free from the karmic clutches from which it cannot find a way out.
- Bandhanan. This combination of sounds means "fusion into a single whole" ("union").
- Mritjor mukshyya. Symbolizes deliverance from death. This mantra means getting rid of early death, healing from a serious ailment. The sacred meaning of this appeal is to receive the grace of the Higher powers, the eternity of all earthly existence and the endless cycle of human rebirth.
- Mamriat. It means "liberation", and symbolizes salvation from dangerous diseases for which there is no medicine. This word sends a request from a person to transfer the healing nectar of eternal life.

Who is it for?
Mahamrityunjaya prayer is a healing mantra, but it is often used for protection as well. It is essential for all men and women who seek to liberate body and soul.
With the help of a sacred text, you can:
- increase resilience;
- create effective protection in front of a dangerous road;
- receive healing from chronic diseases;
- save your loved one from Putin's despair and prolonged depression;
- improve personal life position;
- gain control over emotions;
- learn to maintain composure;
- protect yourself from an accident;
- get rid of the horror of the unknown;
- always remain confident in any dangerous situation;
- emerge victorious from a life-threatening position

By constantly practicing the mantra of immortality, the yogi receives:
- impetus to personal self-development and spiritual growth;
- slowing down age-related changes;
- health promotion;
- rescue from accidents and death;
- liberation from delusions and illusions;
- opening of chakras to receive cosmic energy;
- the ability to concentrate on solving basic life tasks.
.The merits of the mantra include:
- the sacred text generates energy vibrations that can reflect any evil influences from the outside and create powerful protective fields;
- rejuvenation of human organs and body tissues at the cell level;
- The mantra is universal: it can be read both to a newborn on the day of his birth, and to an elder in preparation for eternal life.

A person who reads sacred words gets the opportunity to find his place in the earthly world. The universe protects him from all evil, helps to achieve peace and spiritual balance.
The words of the mantra get rid of any bad emotions, radically change the perception of the world.
Prayer harmonizes the state of mind, neutralizes hostility, including towards oneself.
When to read?
People actively use the words of the saving mantra today. They are read to the dead to facilitate the transition to another world. These words are hummed in India to a child until he reaches one year of age. Parents believe that in this way the baby receives the protection of the Higher powers and spiritual well-being.
Followers of the kaya kalpa perform the mantra that bestows immortality for spiritual development and enlightenment. They pronounce the sacred words in Sanskrit 24 times. Hindus firmly believe that if the Mahamrityunjya mantra is recited annually on your birthday, you can protect yourself from premature death at an early age. It is often recited over sick children so that the Higher Forces send them a speedy healing.
The use of this mantra can be compared with the prayer "Our Father" accepted in Orthodox religious culture.

The energy of the saving mantra is so great that it seems to open up an invisible shield, completely covering the entire space around the reader. In Sanskrit, the words of the prayer are as follows: "Aum Triyambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mritior Mukshiyya Mamriat."
Important: the sacred words given in Ayurveda can be read only in the original language.
When translated into any other dialect, they lose their healing power, without having a beneficial effect on a person's condition. That is why, to read a mantra in any other languages, including Russian, they usually use transcription - that is, they write them down in letters of those sounds that make up words.

This prayer has a very difficult translation. If you adapt it for understanding, then you can hear the following: “Oh! I bow before the Three-armed Shiva, who brings light and gives life. Breaking the bonds of a series of births and human deaths. May he free me from early death for the sake of eternal life. "
Reading rules
You can achieve the desired result only if you work with this mantra correctly.
You cannot read the Vedic text for commercial purposes or other benefits from strangers. The Universe accepts the appeal to the Higher Forces only if in return the person promises self-giving. A person turning to God must sincerely want support from above in order to allow the situation to completely take control of what is happening.
Sacred texts should be recited in maximum concentration and solitude. Nothing should interfere with full concentration on the vibrations of the mental space.
During the reading, the yogi should not experience physical discomfort: he should sit in a comfortable position, clothes do not hinder his movements.

During the performance of the mantra, discomfort may appear on the skin or in the body, and slight painful sensations are possible. They indicate that the elimination of all those blocks that previously impeded the favorable flow of energy in the energy chakras has begun. However, if the pain becomes unbearable, it is better to end the prayer by returning to it after a while.
Before starting reading, you need to forgive all insults to others, clear your mind of aggression and negativity. Otherwise, the session will not only not have the expected effect, but may even harm the practitioner.
There are three main techniques for performing the Mahamrityunja mantra.
- In a whisper. This practice directly affects the human energy field. Sacred words open the chakras, remove all negativity from the aura, free the biologically active centers of the body from blocks. This effect allows energy to circulate freely and improve the state of the physical shell.
- Into the voice. Recommended for beginner practitioners. With this execution of the text, the changes will mainly affect the physical layer. Voice vibrations will allow muscle blocks to relax and stimulate all cells in the body.The body chakras are worked out progressively, which allows the yogi to move to a new level in his personal development.
- Inwardly. This practice helps to cleanse negative blocks at a subconscious level. This mantra strengthens the mental aspect, improves mental health, removes destructive psychological programs, eliminates clamps and stereotypes. Reading the mantra to himself, a person thereby reconstructs his thinking and removes the causes that lead to the manifestations of the disease.
It is advisable to conduct classes daily, never missing them. You can choose the time for performing the mantra of immortality yourself.
However, it must be remembered that any sacred texts are read either before sunrise or in the evening after sunset.

With regular practice, you can soon feel physical relief and freedom in your actions and thoughts. This means that everything is on the right path, and the mantra that conquers Death has begun to act.
To achieve an effective result, Ayurveda recommends chanting the saving text at least 108 times. During this period, you need to try to follow a diet, give up meat foods and bad habits (especially alcohol). Reading the mantra should be accompanied by light physical activity. You should not let yourself go: it is important to monitor not only the soul, but also the state of the physical shell.
Of course, most of the advice may seem trivial to someone. However, it is from such little things that a person's attitude to life and its quality is formed. You need to drive away sad thoughts from yourself, not succumb to depression, smile at every new day, not paying attention to whether it is sunny or cloudy. Higher powers help only those who make every effort to change their lives for the better.