What mantras help you wake up in the morning and how to recite them?

The Vedas claim that morning is a special time when the Earth is in a delicate connection with outer space and in a phase of optimism. Therefore, you need to use this clock to harmonize with the world around you.
Singing for a successful start to the day is the pronunciation of sounds that will help you find an inner fulcrum, recharge with the energy of the sun and good intentions. The morning mantra will cleanse a person's aura, nourish him with a charge of vigor and health.

Hindu and Buddhist songs help to get rid of various diseases, tune in to love and prudence, prepare for solving problems for a new day. The main feature of the mantra is its power, say the preachers of Tibetan practices.
The sacred words of the morning prayer activate the energy centers (chakras) of a person. Experienced teachers will immediately determine in which of these centers a violation occurred, which entailed a negative change in the body, and will correct the state of affairs with the prayer that refers to a particular chakra.
Chakras can be identified just at the beginning of the day with the morning mantra. Sound practice can be accompanied by meditation or pranayama. The complex of these actions allows you to achieve harmony with yourself and the Universe. Buddhists believe that a person who does not maintain such a connection is like a baby without a mother. But a mantra is capable of working miracles only if it is repeated regularly over long weeks, or even years.

The Vedas allocate separate texts for the morning, and if you decide to practice some kind of morning mantra, then you do not need to pronounce others, because they cannot be mixed.
The words of the morning mantra for awakening and for a successful day are pronounced like the cry of a child who is looking for his mother. It is interpreted in this way: a person is trying to shout to the Universe in order to get a little attention, protection and love.
La Vam Ram Yam Ham Hare Krishna Hare Rama
The result is happy - the call of a person is heard, in gratitude for the prayer, the Universe reunites the child with the mother. And here is the text of another powerful mantra, which is recited in the morning: “Sarve bhavantu sukhina! Sarve santu niramaya! Sarve bhadrai! Pasyantu ma kascid dukhabhag bhavet! "
The translation into Russian is as follows: “May everyone be happy! May everyone be healthy! May luck see everyone! Let no one experience suffering! " Such a kind message to others gives a positive attitude to the applicant, to whom he returns doubly, or even tripled, all that good that he wished to others.
Each morning mantra is unique, with specific prayers for women and men. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity say morning prayers for a good day, but at the same time they ask for health, strength for love and charm of men.

Om Kurkulle Hum Hrih Matchmaker
This is an appeal to Tara the Red - a goddess who can help attract the stronger sex. A translated into Russian, these words sing of themselves beloved and beautiful, because a woman was created for light, for energy, thanks to which she is able to charge a man.
Regular reading of such a morning prayer gives a woman confidence, she feels loved and happy, she will be in a good mood throughout the day, which means that harmony and peace will reign in the family.

Let's move on to men's prayers that are said in the morning. Upon awakening, the men recite the mantra for a productive day: "Om Shanti Shanti Shanti." These sacred sounds help to maintain a pleasant sensation in the body after resting all day long and fill the speaker's chakras with calmness.
But when a man wants to improve his health, attract benefits to the family, cleanse his chakras, he hums the following sounds: "Om Mani Padme Hum." This is a special type of meditation that helps the stronger sex in his affairs.

But basically, Hinduism does not divide mantras into women and men - most prayers are universal, everyone pronounces them. Everyday practice allows you to know yourself, deal with mistakes, your fears and anxieties.
But the main thing is that it helps to accept something, and to correct something, finding the right solution or an internal resource for this, clears the person's chakras, making room only for positive, love and kindness. All magic spells in the morning are an appeal to the Universe for love.
You don't have to look for a translation of Hindu prayers. Teachers of such practices say that the sound and pronunciation of the original words are important in the mantra. But these days, the morning mantra with Russian text has become very popular among ladies.

“I love myself sweet, gentle, mischievous, a little careless, I love myself different, different, even in the morning, sleepy beautiful, I love myself strong, stylish, stunning and sexy, and sometimes serious, brave, so skillful in this life, I I love myself all without a trace, I put all the words in a notebook to remind my beloved that I am a miracle on this earth, I am unique and inimitable, I feel it - it is invisible, I know it, I don’t forget and I repeat about myself endlessly: love is me, light is me. Glorious, dear, very beautiful, I am beloved, just awesome, gentle, smart and interesting, my wondrous speech is heard in a song, the glare of the sun's rays are the rays of the sun, streams whisper in an affectionate voice, my hair is wondrous, lush, long, my waist is thin, just aspen, the thread is torn with past thoughts, how can you not love yourself! "
This text is pronounced to your favorite melody or accompanied by any rhythm. To quickly memorize the words, the first time it is recommended to listen to the audio version of this prayer. Although whether it can already be called a mantra, does it not go beyond the practice of the Vedas - the question, you see, is debatable.
However, if you follow Eastern philosophy and believe (as its founding fathers call us) in the power of the word, pronounce from the heart and often practice such listening or reading, then, probably, the effect will be as a result, because mood and concentration are important.

Reading rules
The practice should be carried out on an empty stomach, while there is nothing in the stomach - it will be easier to sing. If you are in the mood to read and meditate indoors, it should be well ventilated before doing so. You need to take a comfortable position and relax, clear your thoughts and tune in to reading.
Ideally, the morning mantra is chanted 108 times - this is the number of beads in the rosary, which is often used in this practice. This cycle is japa. But so many repetitions cannot be mastered at once, especially for a beginner. Then you can say the prayer at least 10 times. And over time, increase the number of readings to one japa.
Beginners can start by listening to the recorded mantras and then gradually move on to chanting. First, you need to pay attention to the pronunciation of sounds and remember the sequence of words. The text consists of such phrases to get the right sound - this is what gives the main effect, works for the result. Well, do not forget about the regularity of singing - the work of prayer and the earliest possible receipt of what you want also depend on this.

The Vedas talk not only about keeping the body in order - the emphasis is also on consciousness. It needs to be cleansed, get rid of negative thoughts - however, for this, it is recommended to recite mantras in the morning.
Listen to the mantra for easy awakening in the next video.