All about Sarasvati mantra

A pious girl or woman must necessarily have at least some resemblance to the goddess Saraswati. This is exactly what the ancient oriental treatises say. Saraswati is one of the few goddesses who deserves special attention and worship. To find out all the details, you need to read the information below.
Goddess Saraswati, namely her name is deciphered in this way: "SA" is creation, "RA" is nutritional energy, "SVATI" is well-being. Sarasvati is the wife of the god Brahma. It is believed that it was he who created our world. It is also believed that Saraswati is responsible for education, culture and art. She is also the personification of friendliness, calmness. The goddess is distinguished by her nobility and ambition. There are many legends around this deity. For example, the Saraswati watercourse is believed to be pure and very strong. He can easily destroy mountain peaks. According to other beliefs, the goddess has a penchant for healing and healing. She also gives people eloquence, vitality, helps to find offspring, helps to become a spiritually rich person.
The deity is drawn in the form of a beautiful person with white skin and in white clothes, which sits on a lotus plant. There is a snow-white swan at her feet. The goddess has a musical instrument in one of the brushes, and clever books and a rosary in the other.
Thus, the image of the deity, as it were, narrates: when teaching a person, you first need to tune his mind, and only then try to extract "the fruits of the mind to music."
The goddess with all her appearance confirms the Eastern wisdom, which cannot be overestimated, since it says the following: "Unsettled consciousness excites the soul, and from this comes an imbalance."Through the flowers, which are distinguished by a rather intense scent, the goddess conveys her essence. Also, the essence of Saraswati is associated with silver and stones such as amethyst, mother of pearl, charoite.

In the human body, Saraswati is directly related to the Vishuddha chakra, and it also has an effect on the kidneys and on the water-salt balance. Under her control are the endocrine cells that are contained in the pancreas.
By chanting the Sarasvati mantra, one can easily achieve what he wants. For example, improve memory and thought processes. This reading makes it easy to focus your attention on the positive.
The mantra - AIM (it is the seed), which is the mantra of Saraswati, is repeated 108 times. You can wake up the Saraswati channel (located in the language zone) with the help of simple silence or a purification ritual, or reciting the Saraswati mantra.

How and when to read?
People very often put up barriers that prevent them from living due to the fact that they cannot get rid of past mistakes and painful memories. Goddess Saraswati has a relationship with rivers that only flow forward and cannot be turned back. Therefore, turning to the deity enables a person to get away from the grievances inflicted on him, memories, etc.
Also, if a person wants to get rid of painful and dark thoughts, then he can use the above method. By reciting the mantra, you can easily leave the past to start a new and unique life. Often a person is unable to get rid of negativity on his own. Then Saraswati comes to his aid. Therefore, it is necessary to ask the deity for help in time. And help will surely follow.
If you are very fond of sciences, then Saraswati will also come to your aid.
Start chanting a mantra and then you can get answers to the serious questions that life asks you. If you read the mantra correctly, your memory will develop. Then you will never forget anything.

To find charm, natural beauty and vitality, you also need to turn to the goddess. Even those who really want to lose weight can be advised to read a prayer to the goddess every day.
Now let's get acquainted with the rules of the practice:
- put on comfortable clothes and retire in a ventilated area;
- sit comfortably and evenly, open your chest, and do not cross your legs;
- close your eyes, breathe regularly and deeply.
There are 3 ways to pronounce words. Let's consider them.
- Read the mantra aloud for about 5 minutes. This will relieve stress.
- Read the mantra in a whisper for 5 minutes. This is how you will feel your body.
- Read the mantra to yourself for 5-10 minutes. So you can completely immerse yourself in the depths of your soul.
While reciting the mantra, concentrate on the point where the heart is, or on the point where Ajna is. Ponder the words. Repeat the mantra at least 108 times. Use a rosary for convenience.
Note: the mantra is best recited at dawn or before bedtime.

The word mantra consists of 2 Sanskrit compounds: "MANA" is consciousness and "TRA" is liberation. Therefore, know that by reading mantras, you can control the energy of consciousness and direct it in the right direction.
Now let's look at how the mantra of the goddess Saraswati sounds:
There is also the mantra AIM, or bija-mantra, which is the mantra of leadership, speech, etc. By and large, it contains all the power and significance of Saraswati.
Need to know: a mantra can be used when you want to direct your mental energy to any point in your body. For example, it can be directed to ensure that your wounds heal and bone fractures heal faster.
Please note: the bija-mantra, when recited, is capable of realizing the energy of the deity, since the word bija means "seed". It is this sound that is included in the above considered mantra, as well as in other, longer mantras.