All about the Shanti mantra

A mantra is a sacred text recited repeatedly in Sanskrit, which has a resonant, psychological and spiritual impact. He is credited with healing, spiritualizing, divine power. With the help of reading (chanting) a mantra, a person can reach a special level of enlightenment, get rid of life's troubles and achieve what he wants. Today we will talk about one very popular mantra called Om Shanti.
Each mantra is unique in its own way. Om Shanti is no exception. But it is important to understand what are its features. This word form is often sung at the beginning and at the end of yogic rituals to improve mental concentration and eliminate external distractions.
The threefold pronunciation of the word "Shanti" is understandable. The fact is that the meaning of this mantra lies in the request for the granting of peace and quiet. According to one version of the interpretation, a person, at the first pronunciation of such a word, cleans the physical body, at the second - the mind, at the third - the soul. Another version says that the three times pronounced "Shanti" asks for peace for itself, for loved ones and for all that exists in the Universe.
Regular recitation (chanting) of the Om Shanti mantra bestows serenity and peace in the soul and environment. A person begins to notice that stressful situations bypass him, the work of the nervous system is normalized, as if divine peace and enlightenment descend upon him.
Over time, overall health improves, both physical and mental.

This is what the text of the famous mantra looks like: “Oṃ, santiḥ, santiḥ, santiḥ”. Or in Russian transcription: "Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti." The literal translation sounds like "God, Peace, Peace, Peace." This word form, like most others like it, begins with the sound "Om (Aum)". It has no interpretation as such, being considered original, seed, universal.It is sometimes translated as "buzzing (buzzing)" or "god". The creation of all that exists began with its sound, reality is held on it. Om is often thought of as white light, including all the colors of the rainbow spectrum.
The word "shanti" means "peace, rest." In the mantra Om Shanti, it is used to ask the Universe for the bestowal of all benefits and at the same time to praise the goddess Shanti, revered by both Buddhists and Hindus. It is this deity that is considered to be the guide to achieving the state of Nirvana, upon approaching which a person begins to experience an incredible spiritual uplift. In addition, he realizes his unity with the divine, new knowledge is revealed to him.

How to read?
Of course, to achieve the desired result, it is not enough just to read the above text and wait for insight. It is required to create special conditions and adhere to the established rules:
- retire, remove any annoying factors;
- take a comfortable posture, Padmasana or the Lotus position is best for meditation;
- light a candle and concentrate on contemplating a burning fire, or just close your eyes;
- even out breathing;
- clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, stop "internal dialogue", linger on the moment "here and now";
- start chanting.
After the first "entry" you can feel an unprecedented lightness, as if all the negativity and disturbing thoughts have disappeared somewhere. Daily practice in reading this mantra will completely get rid of all the bad things in life. Correct pronunciation of words is very important. Mantra is not a Christian prayer, it is forbidden to say something "from oneself", to replace or omit words.
The sound "Om" is sung like "Aa-uuu-mmm", that is, you need to literally feel its vibration in your throat. In the word "Shanti" the second syllable "ti" is extended - in the end something like "Shanti" should be obtained. You need to pronounce it on a long exhalation, three times: "Aa-uuu-mmm, Shan-tii, Shan-tii, Shan-tii."
And you should also follow a few more recommendations.
- For the first time, it is necessary to sing the mantra in almost full voice, to call on all the power of the universe to help. It is believed that in this way they affect the forces of Nature, pacify her anger and negative manifestations (bad weather, cataclysms).
- The second chant should be quieter. Its meaning is a call to all living beings to be calmer, kinder, more balanced.
- The third time, the mantra is recited in a very quiet voice, almost in a whisper. This is how they turn to themselves, their inner being, calling him to pacification, leading to balance.
Advanced practitioners say that the Om Shanti mantra must be recited daily, and twice a day - after waking up in the morning and before going to bed. The optimal number of repetitions is 108 times.
