Mantras of strength, energy and vigor

Living in a frantic city rhythm and communicating with different people, it is not surprising that you are emotionally drained. Also, a lot depends on the mental state - if a person does not accept himself, does not like life, this affects the physical body. The question becomes urgent: "How to replenish your strength and find vigor?"
In this situation, mantras of strength and vigor can help. The most powerful is the mantra of Shiva. Her regular listening or singing "dispels the clouds overhead", removes dangers and brings prosperity to all areas of life. Several mantras will be presented in the article - having chosen one of them, it must be chanted every day.
The mantra of energy and vigor is a sacred prayer in Sanskrit language, addressed to the cosmos. Regular chanting of mantras helps to correct karma. The Universe is always ready to support, you just have to ask for it, so over time, a person begins to notice positive changes in his life.

Chanting (an important rule: mantras must be chanted, not read) improves the practitioner's condition, brings his soul to harmony with nature. Often the inhabitants of India turn to such Deities: Shiva, Saraswati, Durga and Lakshmi. Each of the Gods gives something specific, often they turn to Shiva to replenish their energy - this God is able to radically rebuild the world of the reader and give him additional energy.

The peculiarities of mantras are that words have material power. Singing guides a person towards perfection, helps show him the way and has a positive effect on the subconscious. Scientists in their field have made an interesting conclusion: mantras have power, even if they are simply listened to.Of course, when a person says a prayer in Sanskrit himself, a positive result comes faster.
The mantra to restore strength and energy fills the body with vivacity. At the same time, the mind begins to work actively and look for answers in its subconscious mind to solve any problems.
Regular singing strengthens a person's energy shell - it becomes inaccessible to aggressors and negative people.

Who are they suitable for?
There are many mantras, so a beginner may get confused in choosing a text to chant. The first thing to do is decide on a goal. The goal is already there - to replenish energy and recharge with vivacity. From the abundance of mantras, you need to choose the one that is more suitable. It is very simple to do this, it is enough to pay attention to your feelings - if lightness is formed from chanting a mantra, bad thoughts leave, and a pleasant vibration is felt in the nape and neck area - this mantra is suitable.

Mantras are suitable for those who believe in positive results and are not skeptical about them. In the second case, their singing will be useless. People who sincerely want to receive something (in this case, replenish energy and recharge with vigor), and there is no anger, envy and other unpleasant feelings in their souls - they will definitely see the effect. The mantra is suitable for those practitioners who feel a surge of energy, calmness, joy.
If this does not happen, you need to choose another mantra or do other practices.

Sages believe that the spoken sounds have a positive effect on the human shell. Playing in a whisper has a positive effect on the energy field, and if mantras are periodically recited to yourself, it will bring peace of mind and clear the mind. For chanting, you need to choose only one mantra, it is recited 108 times.
Mantra of power
Text: OM
It is recommended for a beginner to start practicing with the Om mantra. This is a universal mantra from which the entire universe arose. It is often interpreted as a symbol of three deities: Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu. In Hinduism, this sound is considered the most sacred, besides the personification of the divine trinity, it is the most important mantra - the foundation. It symbolizes Brahman (the absolute beginning of being) and the Universe. The mantra "Om" makes the mind clear, purifies the aura, gives strength, opens the chakras and fills the practitioner with energy.

Mantra of Recovery and Energy
It is a powerful, restorative, replenishing and versatile mantra. In case of health problems, it is able to heal. Works at all levels: mental, spiritual, emotional - it helps to instantly replenish energy. When chanting a mantra, it is advisable to imagine an enveloping light around you, if meditation is done for health. It is sung as follows: first a breath is taken, then “RA MA DA SA” is sung, then there is a short pause, and then a continuation: “SA SEI SO HANG”. After repeating the mantra regularly, you can perk up and gain self-confidence.

Mantra to fill energy and strengthen the spirit
With the help of this mantra, you can appeal to specific divine essences. Sarasvati, Durga and Lakshmi represent the three feminine energies that are concentrated in every woman. Lakshmi gives beauty and prosperity, Sarasvati - wisdom and knowledge, Durga - promotes the collection of energy that is capable of protecting and destroying. At the same time, the energy of Durga is capable of destroying not only good, but also evil, dangerous. The mantra helps women in any mission, as well as in strengthening the strength of the spirit and replenishing energy.

A mantra that energizes
The mantra gives strength and assists in communicating with energy vampires. By chanting a mantra on a regular basis, the brain gets attuned to the task at hand. With constant repetition, the person's energy field becomes whole.These words should be pronounced with sincerity, believing in their miraculous effect. There is one rule: the practitioner must intuitively adjust the pitch of the voice, monotonous repetition is useless.

Mantra of Feminine Power
If life is at an impasse and the relationship is not working out, this mantra will help attract positive change. A woman will have a chance to improve her health, gain strength in herself, and feel confident. The lunar mantra replenishes feminine energy, cleanses the soul of negativity, thereby making room for great love. The mantra is recited at least 108 times during the full moon.

Mantra of Male Power
Every man can have personal problems. The constant chanting of the mantra allows a man to regain his former strength. He will have a great chance to improve family relationships, to find the joy of life. To regain self-confidence and strength, it is advisable to chant the mantra every day, preferably in a relaxed state. Prayer in Sanskrit is pronounced smoothly, in a chant.

Reading rules
The first rule that I want to mention right away is the choice of a mantra. As mentioned earlier, from her should be gratifying in the soul, light. If negative sensations arise, the mantra is not suitable, it must be replaced. You can never sing a mantra in a bad mood - so it will not only be useless, but can also harm.

The reading rules are as follows.
- After choosing a mantra, it should be written down on a piece of paper. After that, you need to close your eyes and repeat it three times. If she is happy, calm, you can move on to the second point.
- After chanting a mantra, it is advisable to be distracted and go about your business. The next day, you need to return to the mantra and chant it again - at least 21 times. Next, you need to listen to your feelings again, whether the mantra causes discomfort.
- The next day, the mantra must be recited again, now 108 times. If all is well, your soul is calm and easy, you can safely take this option into your arsenal.
- When finding "your" mantra, you need to focus only on it. You should not change mantras every day until you see a positive result from the one you like.
- A suitable atmosphere should be created for chanting a mantra: the body should be relaxed, the emotional state should be comfortable and favorable, there should be no strangers in the room.
- When chanting mantras, it is recommended to use aroma lamps and incense - they help to relax and tune in to the appropriate wave.
- Before playing the sound, you first need to specify the target.
Advice! To calculate the quantitative reproduction, you can use a rosary. They just contain 108 beads.

A mantra for strength and energy invigorates. Having chosen one of them, you can read it at any time: morning, afternoon or evening. Singing prayers in the morning increase activity, discipline, and set you up for fruitful work. Evenings are soothing. Regular chanting of mantras returns wasted energy, improves sleep and transforms negativity for good.
Check out Shiva's mantra for increasing energy in the video below.