All about the mantras of tranquility

Mantras of tranquility are designed to restore harmony in the soul and bring true peace. Even in the most difficult situation, they help to achieve peace of mind. Of course, mantras must be able to read and "enter" the correct state.

Since ancient times, many people have practiced such a powerful practice for purification and development as meditation. Over the course of several centuries, it was created and gradually developed, which can be traced back to the cultural history of various peoples. And the most interesting thing is that they were not even in contact with each other. This is evidence that people on a subconscious level strive to "touch" the great divine, to understand the origins of all that exists.
The first practices of meditation were used by monks along with the texts of prayers and rituals of a religious orientation. In many religions, it has been noticed that during the service, singing songs in a special rhythm allows you to tune in to a special state of consciousness. It also allows you to clear your mind of many thoughts. The highest development of the practice of meditation or mantra received on the territory of India. Even from the representatives of official medicine, confessions were received about the beneficial effects of mantras on the human body.
Certain word forms can be used to treat a lot of mental illnesses, to use them to better master the material while studying. Also, mantras can help concentrate for more productive work, when mastering martial arts, etc. Long-time practitioners of chants recommend using monotonous chanting of word forms every day. This will allow you to renew and increase your level of vitality.
When the mantra text is chanted at a constant rhythm, it contributes to the attainment of the state of nirvana. It is in this state that one can feel the energy of the Universe, knowing what a detachment from the material world is.

Often, mantras are used to achieve a specific goal. For example, there are texts that can help you achieve wealth, cure diseases, become more confident, and deal with conflict. Also, with the help of mantras, you can have a good rest after heavy physical exertion. Meditation is not complete without chanting mantras that tune in to restore peace of mind and help you focus.
Eastern practitioners claim that mantras are of divine origin. There is a belief that the first word forms were specially discovered by the Universe itself for sages. By doing this, she allowed humanity to touch the divine and truth. Yogis, practicing meditation, said that at a special level of enlightenment, an unknown sound frequency was revealed to them. Its superiority over other melodies created during the entire existence of mankind was obvious and indisputable.
Each mantra has its own patron deity. It is believed that God and his mantras are one. When the text is pronounced, a divine image appears in the mind of a person, symbolizing a certain energy from space. In the process of chanting, a special energy portal opens through which the necessary cosmic vibrations pass. In the human body, these vibrations are converted into vital energy.
Mantra texts are written in Sanskrit. They should be read humorously, adhering to a special rhythm. It is important that the stress is placed correctly and the pronunciation is perfected. Often, word forms are written in Russian or other languages. By practicing the mantra of tranquility, you can find balance in the soul, strengthen the nervous system, and say goodbye to anxieties and fears.
The constant chant of soothing texts also clears the mind and directs you to make the right decisions.

Operating principle
The principle of operation of mantras is based on special sound vibrations. They are able to have a positive effect on a person, both physically and psychologically. Constant singing of word forms allows you to balance the processes taking place in the human body. Mantra texts with a calming effect can be practiced as an aid to the treatment of mental illness.
Very often word forms are used before the practice of meditation. This is done to purify consciousness and as a preparatory stage before entering a trance state. The chants act on the human consciousness in a cleansing way, allowing one to escape from annoying thoughts. When the texts of the rest mantra are reproduced, the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system are stabilized. That is why there is a feeling of calmness and inner harmony. Through vibration when singing word forms, energy is transferred from a person to the space of space. A person, as it were, reveals his spiritual potential.
People who regularly practice chanting of mantras note that they feel the acquisition of harmony of the soul and body, feel the approach to the divine plan. Mantra texts allow you to work on cleansing the aura, spiritual potential, and work out karma.
In addition, the nervous system is strengthened, and the person becomes more resistant to stress.

Mantra texts
A soothing and relaxing mantra can be different for everyone. For some, a simple text "Om" is enough for harmony. Someone is interested in the protective word form "Om Namah Shivaya" in order to pacify the kaleidoscope of worries. Every person who uses mantras wants to know balance, tranquility, spiritual growth. In addition to the universal mantras, there are purposeful ones that will calm you down and achieve relaxation.
Ecumenical calm
The Mantra of Universal Peace leads to harmony and true balance. Regular chanting of the text "Om Sri Sache Maha Prabhu Ki Jay Paramatma Ki Jay Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om" restores the balance between man and the cosmic divine that is in him. The mantra is quite complex, all of its words, setting up a call to the Universe, provide an opportunity to touch the great sources. The text also conveys a person's request for a calm and harmonious life.
Besides, mantra is teaching humility and gives an opportunity to look at different things and actions in a new way. Regular chanting of this text will improve your understanding of the world around you. It is advisable to repeat the word form 27 times in a row for 40 days.

Peace and tranquility
There are situations when it seems that there is no way out of them. In this case, the healing soul mantra of peace and tranquility "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya" will help. Its simple text is very easy to remember.
The most soothing power is manifested when reciting the mantra 3, 9, 27 or 108 times.... The number of repetitions depends on how difficult the situation is. It is also recommended to use it in order to recreate a favorable atmosphere after a conflict in the family.
To calm the nerves
For the nervous system, or rather, its calming, it is advisable to use the mantra: "Tumi Phaya Re Manna." It is advisable to sing it at night, just before bedtime. It is ideal for relaxation, relieves even strong nervous tension, and improves sleep. The constant practice of this word form allows a person to wake up peaceful and perfectly rested.
Despite the simple text, the mind is cleared of thoughts, the nervous system plunges into a relaxed state, and all stress is quietly eliminated. For peace of mind, it is recommended to hum it 108 times in a row.

Depression is a serious illness that cannot always be overcome even with the use of medications and psychotherapeutic help. The mantra for depression "Wahe Guru" allows you to turn to the divine and calm down. The combination of just two words merges into vibrations that heal by redirecting the flow of energy in the human body.
As a result, the nervous system begins to work normally, peace of mind is gained, the person becomes stronger and more resistant to negativity. For spiritual growth, the text of the mantra should be recited at a slow and monotonous pace. So the sounds will, as it were, stretch and envelop the whole person.
It will be good if, while singing, one can imagine how currents of healing green energy pass through the chakras, leaving as a bright pillar straight into space.
To recuperate
After difficult trials, you can sing the restorative words "Prana Apana Sushumna Hari Hari Har Hari Har Hari Har Hari." The healing power of this text helps to purify the mind so that the practitioner can relax as much as possible. Also, the mantra is aimed at the spiritual improvement of a person, his growth.

Who is it for?
The soothing mantra texts should be primarily practiced by those whose life is filled with stress and constant fatigue. Vibrations from sounds have a positive effect on the state of mind and make the nervous system more resilient.
Also, chants of word forms of tranquility are recommended for disturbed sleep. Performing mantras regularly before bed improves nighttime rest and relieves nightmares. The mantra of Universal tranquility is simply necessary for people who have increased anxiety and lack self-confidence. Also, this text is suitable for those who regularly fail.

How to read it correctly?
Beginners may find it difficult to master the mantras on their own. Therefore, at first it is better not to sing yourself, but to listen to the recorded chanting of mantras. Currently, they are very easy to find on the Internet, and performed by both men and women. Listening is best done in the lotus position, imagining how the flowing streams of energy contribute to the cleansing of all chakras and the body shell. It is very good if you manage to mentally create an energy cocoon that will "patch" the damage in the aura that appears due to failures and various stresses.
At times, reciting mantras can cause a loss of strength, which is a normal reaction as the energy field changes. That is why it is recommended to sing them at the end of the working day, and even better at night. It is important that the practice of chanting is done alone; incense can be used to achieve greater concentration. It is good if you have the opportunity to swim and be alone with yourself before practice. It is necessary to concentrate in order to pronounce all the words from the text correctly and in a special rhythm. Also, in no case can there be any doubt about the result of the mantra. They do not tolerate the practice of chanting and excessive haste. It is best to recite mantras in full voice, but it is also allowed to pronounce their text to yourself in your free time or when you need to calm down.
In general, each yoga school has its own rules for chanting mantra texts. This is due to the fact that this science is alive and is in constant development, therefore it is difficult to systematize it. You cannot drive mantras and meditation into any specific framework. However, there are general tips to follow. For example, you should only finish reading a word form in a positive way. Each person himself senses when it is time for him to leave the state of trance into reality. At the end of the session, one should thank the Higher Forces for the influx of positive energy and pleasant cooperation. At the end of the practice, you should not immediately plunge headlong into everyday issues. For some time you need to be alone with yourself, reflect on your feelings, feelings and thoughts.
To better spread the energy of calmness throughout the body, you can do simple physical exercises.