
Tibetan mantras: types and rules of use

Tibetan mantras: types and rules of use
  1. Peculiarities
  3. How to listen and read correctly?
  4. Recommendations

Tibetan medicine is known all over the world, but Tibetan mantras, unfortunately, do not have such popularity. Although fans say that their strength is truly unique. What mantras are, what they are and how to use them correctly, we will tell you in detail in this article.


The mantra of the monks of Tibet is a powerful prayer, the power of which lies in faith in it itself. That is, the more a person believes in the spoken words and the more confident he is of a successful outcome, the more likely it is that everything will come true. And this is precisely where the main feature lies. A mantra is a powerful prayer, or rather a prayer. For each occasion of life there is its own song, namely the song. This is the second feature - the mantras are not just spoken, they are chanted. The third feature lies in the fact that, unlike the mantras of other religions, these must be uttered in an undertone.

At the same time, only a quiet pronunciation in combination with a high degree of concentration is the main guarantee of the success of the recitation of the mantra as a whole.

There are three more features of the Tibetan mantras.

  • Each prayer has its own strict purpose. If it is used for some other purpose, then there will be no success. Among them there are those that are read in strict solitude, and there are those that must be pronounced simultaneously with several people at once. Usually their number is strictly regulated.
  • Each prayer is said a certain number of times. Depending on the species - from 7 to several thousand. At the same time, it is believed that the more times a mantra is uttered, the more powerful its effect becomes.
  • Some of these Tibetan prayers do not need to be recited. - they must be listened to carefully and best of all during the meditation period.

There is another interesting feature - the Tibetan monks themselves sincerely believe that if a mantra is recited on a rosary, then its effectiveness increases. In this case, the best option is if the numerical repetitions of the prayer are multiples of 7. It is these secrets of mantras that should be taken into account by those who decide to resort to their help and improve their lives.

However, it is worth remembering that mantras are not a 100% effective way to solve all problems. Even the full implementation of all the recommendations does not guarantee the fulfillment of the plan. Here is the best proverb that says that everything will be as you believe in it.


There are currently over 100 different Tibetan prayers. Among them there are those that are suitable exclusively for choral singing, for example, a hundred-voiced mantra or exclusively male or female chants. However, among all this abundance, there are those mantras that are most popular.

  • To strengthen and bless the rosary for which the following mantras will be chanted - om rutsira mani parvataya hum.
  • To open the third eye and strengthen your connection with the Buddha, it is necessary to recite the Prajnaparamita mantra.
  • Liberation of consciousness and deliverance from negativity is achieved by repeating the prayers of Buddha Amitabha and Buddha Amitayus.
  • There are special words for water - a mantra aimed at healing, getting rid of negativity and improving well-being. It is read over water, which is then drunk and washed. The following words are pronounced - teyata om beganze maha beganze ranza samutgate sokha. The same words can be said over medications.
  • To attract prosperity into your life, as well as to receive powerful divine protection, the mantra of Great Knowledge is ideal - gate gate para gate para som gate bodhi svaha.
  • For dental treatment, they say water, which is then caressed with the mouth - om ati nag on soda.
  • But for rejuvenation and eternal beauty of the body, it is necessary to pronounce the following words 108 times in the morning - om nama bhagavate rukmini valabhaya vaha. If there is not enough time, then the mantra is repeated 18 times 10 times a day. This prayer is also called the mantra of youth, because many Tibetan monks are associated with healthy and eternally young people.
  • Especially popular is the special Tibetan prayer for weight loss, which is read before meals - san si chii nah pan tun dou.
  • This cleansing mantra is a kind of prayer for weight loss. But only here, weight loss occurs due to cleansing the body, and not burning fat - this san uii nah pay tun.
  • There are several types of mantras for money. Prayers for debt repayment and general enrichment are especially popular. It is a set of numbers, the combination of which the monks consider sacred - seven seven five three one nine one.
  • For those who suffer from insomnia and eternal anxiety, especially at night, prayer for sleep will help. Her words are as follows - om agasi shayinah.
  • The Dzambala mantra is a prayer for enrichment and solution of financial problems. Her words are as follows - om dzambala zalentae sokha.
  • The Vajrasattva prayer is the most common hundred-syllable mantra. It is used to fulfill desires, purify karma and in general to improve the standard of living both on a physical and mental level.

Also, mantras are very popular, allowing you to get yourself or ask someone for forgiveness. It's called Reiki. Tibetan monks recommend listening to it and visualizing an object that should ask for forgiveness or from whom it is worth asking.

However, it should be understood that mantras are not just magic words, the pronunciation of which can solve all problems. Their use requires compliance with certain rules and recommendations.

How to listen and read correctly?

Mantras, as already mentioned, have many varieties - some are read aloud alone, some only need to be listened to, and there are those that require joint pronunciation. But in all these cases, it must be throaty. And in order for such singing to be correct, practice is needed. Both listening and reading the prayers of Tibetan monks, unless otherwise suggested by the mantra, is necessary in solitude and silence. At the same time, it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible and delve into the meaning of each word. Visualization also has a great influence on the final result of the impact of Tibetan prayer.

There are a few basic rules that are considered to be followed.

  • It is best to recite mantras in the early morning or before bedtime.
  • Before singing, you need to meditate.
  • The best reading posture is considered to be lotus or strings lying down.
  • The minimum number of repetitions of the mantra is 7. But the more, the better.
  • It is necessary to carry out the ritual only in a calm mood and regularly.

Without following these basic guidelines, chanting mantras will not bring any results at best. At worst, according to the masters, health damage can be caused, and the mantra will have the opposite effect.


In addition to the mandatory rules, there are a number of additional ones. Their fulfillment is highly recommended by the followers of Tibetan monks and Buddhists in general. They say that such advice strengthens and accelerates the action of the mantra and generally helps to improve life.

  • It is best to start throat singing of Tibetan prayers on the new moon and on the growing moon. An exception is prayers aimed at getting rid of diseases and excess weight - it is better to say them on a full moon and on a waning month.
  • An ascetic lifestyle, especially restrictions on food, only help to activate the mantra faster and strengthen it. That is why Tibetan monks tend to lead a very ascetic lifestyle.
  • In the words spoken and the effectiveness of their impact on your life, you must believe unconditionally.

It is important to note that the Tibetan mantras, according to the reviews, have helped many people. However, followers of monks and ordinary Buddhists say that reciting mantras is only a small step.

In general, you need to change your worldview, lifestyle and style of thinking. Only then will Tibetan prayers be effective and safe.

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