Mantras for good luck and success

The word "mantra" in Sanskrit means "verse". The text, which has magical powers, was used to improve one's life. This is a kind of prayer that affects the energy of a person, attracts love, luck and success in business. In the modern world, interest in these ancient texts remains high. More and more people are introduced to Hindu culture through mantras.
How do mantras work?
If earlier interest in the culture of India and other countries of the East caused distrust and even negative, now the situation has changed dramatically. She attracts attention with mystery and charm. Modern men and women practice yoga, meditate, try various bodily and spiritual practices. The Indian worldview is popular far beyond the borders of the country.
Some use this knowledge for self-development, others are simply interested in an unusual culture that differs from the usual European way of life.

In order for the mantras to work, they must be recited regularly over a certain period of time. Each text has a special impact on a person and his life. This must be taken into account when choosing text. Sacred lyrics (songs) can help improve relationships with people, attract good luck and career success. During the reading, a person turns to the deity. The lyrics of the song pierce with positive energy. Each syllable has a specific meaning, so the text must be read in full and in a specific sequence. Otherwise, the essence of the mantra will be violated, and it will not have the desired effect.
A one-time reading will not have even the slightest effect. As a rule, the text needs to be repeated 108 times in one session, however, for some texts, about 10 times will be enough. And you also need to tune in to communicate with higher powers and create comfortable conditions. Cleansing the body and soul from negative actions and emotions is a prerequisite for reading sacred texts.
Note: in the process of pronouncing, people turn not only to deities, but also to the Universe. The energetics of space is of great importance in the process of meditation and yoga.

How to read it correctly?
The texts that have survived from ancient times require a serious approach. Before and during reading, we program ourselves for positive change. It is not recommended to start reading without preliminary preparation. Before you start reading, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of rules.
- It is necessary to pronounce the text from 6 to 10 times. Some mantras need more frequent repetitions.
- When addressing deities or space, you need to be alone.
- To achieve maximum results, you need to read the texts every day.
- The best time to pray is early in the morning, early in the morning.
- Each word must be pronounced clearly and in the affirmative. To avoid problems with this, it is worth practicing first.
- Beginners are encouraged to focus on one text. As soon as his pronunciation is brought to the ideal, you can proceed to the study of the next text.
- Don't be in a hurry. It takes time for prayer to have a definite effect. The main thing is to be patient and maintain a positive attitude.
- In order for the mantra to work, one must believe in its power and influence. A skeptical attitude will not attract well-being.
Note: listen to your feelings. While reading, you can feel a pleasant physical sensation. Some point out that ancient texts help to get rid of anxiety, fear and excitement.

Examples of powerful texts for good luck
A strong mantra can have both a directed action and a multifaceted effect: attracting joy, family happiness, prosperity, incredible luck, kindness, material well-being. With the help of sacred texts, they resort to removing obstacles and winning in business.
In love
For good luck in love, they turn to the goddess Lakshmi. In Indian culture, this deity is the personification of happiness and beauty. Lakshmi is the embodiment of Vishnu energy. Despite the patronage, the goddess has a complex character, which is why she makes high demands on those who ask. Mantras addressing her require adherence to a certain number of canons.
Most often, the goddess is asked for a happy marriage, strong marriage, beauty and health. And also Lakshmi pray for financial well-being. Previously, only the fair sex turned to the goddess. Now the mantra in her honor is recited by men who want to change their lives for the better. The stronger sex asks her for mercy and blessing. Before reading the sacred text, you need to do a few things.
- Cleanse the body. You can go to the bathhouse or get by with the usual water procedures at home.
- The second step is psychological cleansing. You need to get rid of anger, disturbing thoughts and forgive the offenders. The goddess does not help those who harbor evil in their souls.
- You should tune in the necessary mood, sincerely wish to change for the better.
- Admiring the Goddess Can Help Increase Your Chances of Success, her beauty, wisdom and grace.
Mantra text: Om-Shrim-Lakshmiyai-namah. The mantra attracts the attention of the goddess and asks her for help. This is a simple version of prayer, which is suitable for those who have just started their acquaintance with spiritual practices.

In work and business
Bija mantra Mahalakshmi will help in work and business. The mantra aims to attract cash flows. And she will also help in building a career. Some use the power of conversion to trade and succeed in other projects. The text is as follows: Om-Mahalakshmicha-Vidmahe-Vishnu-Patnicha-Dhimahi-Tanno-Lakshmi-Prachodayat. And also this version of the mantra is popular: Om-Hrim-Shrim-Lakshmi-Byo-Namaha. The appeal is aimed at improving the financial condition. However, the text can be read to build family relationships and attract love.
Another strong and effective prayer for solving money problems and business success is an appeal to the Moon. After reading it, money can come from the most unexpected sources, for example, winning the lottery. In this case, the Moon is the personification of the female energy, the Great Foremother. Turning to her helps to change life for the better. Mantra: Aim-Sri Gaya-Adi-Chandra-Ayya-Namah. It is recommended to read the ancient text exactly at midnight for at least 12 minutes. In the process, it is recommended to raise your hands to the heavenly body. The next day, positive changes should appear.
A good option is to refer to Jupiter. The fifth planet of the solar system strongly influences career and is responsible for financial well-being. With regular contact with Jupiter, you can become a financially independent person. The text is designed to open up new opportunities and material stability. Prayer text: Om-Gurave-Namaha. Regular recitation strengthens the connection with Jupiter, which increases the effectiveness of the mantra.

For success in everything
Some messages don't have a specific purpose. They are needed to bring harmony and positive energy into a person's life. Such texts are considered universal and suitable for people of any gender and age, for example, the mantra of Shiva.
Shiva is one of the gods in Hinduism. It is controversial and complex. On the one hand, it is a destroyer who clears the way for new achievements. He can be cruel, wreaking havoc, and only his wife can pacify Shiva's ardor. However, he helps people who ask him for mercy and prosperity. The main thing is to correctly address the deity. The text of the mantra is short: Om-Namah-Shivaya. This prayer is familiar to many and is considered one of the most ancient. It can be literally translated as "worship of the Good." In one appeal, 5 elements are collected: earth, fire, water, air and ether.
When reading a prayer, a person clears his path of negativity, which gives way to success, prosperity, prosperity and harmony. During meditation, the feeling of greed is pacified, anger goes away. There are no separate rules for reciting this mantra, however some rituals are permissible. It is believed that the conversion will be more effective if you eat only one rice for 18 Mondays. The deity will fulfill any desire. The positive effect is observed even if you listen to a recording with text.
Note: Shiva's mantra is an effective tool to improve social and family life.

How to enhance the effect?
Practice shows that the regular recitation of the mantra affects the voice. It becomes more melodic and pleasant. Such changes are observed if you turn to the divine forces for 14 days. These changes indicate that the message has been heard and the goal has been achieved. There are several ways to enhance the impact of prayer.
- Some people prefer to read mantras not aloud, but silently. This method helps to focus on inner feelings and enhance the effect. Others are sure that it is best to say the words out loud, clearly and loudly.
- In one session, it is necessary to pronounce the text a certain number of times. It is imperative to do reps and focus on them. Regular repetition without pauses or hesitations will greatly enhance the effect of prayer.
- When you turn to higher powers, you need to be completely focused on this process. All other cases and problems should be postponed for later. Extraneous thoughts will only hinder the achievement of the necessary success.
- Another absolutely working method is having a great mood.The disposition of the spirit plays an important role in spiritual practices. Whatever happens in life, you need to learn to drop all negativity and tune in to a positive result.
- The last way to increase efficiency is to memorize the text and read it from memory. Beginners are advised to pay attention to short texts that are quick and easy to remember.