All about Vajrasattva mantra

The hundred-syllable mantra is recited to cleanse the chakras, fill a person with positive energy and achieve peace of mind. Reading this text is quite difficult, so it is allowed to listen to it, in any case, for this you need to create a special moral attitude. Today we will tell you more about the Vajrasattva mantra, introduce you to its content and tell you, since the sacred text can change the life of every person.
Buddha is called Vajrasattva in India. This deity symbolizes physical and moral purity, the absoluteness of God's love, the power of wisdom and the perseverance of convictions. The hundred-syllable sacred text is endowed with truly miraculous power. It is known that monks in Tibet used the mantra since ancient times when they asked for cleansing from sins due to violation of sacred vows. The hundred-syllable prayer symbolizes a hundred different types of manifestation of human energy. It is often called the "mantra of the diamond mind" because its name, translated from ancient Sanskrit, means "indestructible diamond creature" or "soul of a thunderstorm."
Vajrasattva is rather a collective image of several hypostases of Buddha, symbolizing the inviolability of the soul, absolute triumph in Tantra (teachings applying the mystical practices of Hinduism, Buddhism and initiation). It means the very essence of spiritual cleansing, symbolizes pacification, endurance, perseverance of the soul and wisdom.

Vajrasattva as the supreme deity in practices can visualize separately or together with his spouse.
The deity is depicted with crystal-white skin, symbolizing the crystal purity of thoughts, sincerity and light. In its hands it holds vujra and dilba - symbols of wisdom and pacification. The deity wears luxurious silk robes and a large number of ornaments made of expensive stones. In this way, it personifies the unity of the spirit of the individual and its purification. In the pictures, where Vajrasattva is depicted together with his wife Yab-Yum, he is holding a curved long knife in his hands. This is a kind of symbol of cleansing from the Three Poisons, in his other hand he has a bowl made of a human skull.
The hundred-syllable prayer is revered in Buddhism, as well as in Hinduism. It is believed that her powers are able to completely rid a person of heavy karma and spiritual filth. It is no secret that at some point in life, most of us begin to experience the adverse effects of karma - this is a law that never misfires. By itself, karmic energy does not disappear anywhere over time, it only gets worse. Throughout their lives, people accumulate sins, wrong actions, evil thoughts, delusions and other mental impurities.
This prayer is needed to relieve your condition, cleanse your soul, mind and forever get rid of verbal, as well as physical and energetic dirt.

Who is it suitable for?
The mantra addressed to Vajrasattva is rightfully considered one of the most powerful among all other practices. It is performed or listened to so that a person can cognize the divine principle. Chanting the Vajrasattva mantra allows you to achieve spiritual enlightenment and free your mind from the yoke of mistakes. The hundred-syllable sacred text allows:
- clear karma through meditation;
- realize your essence and true purpose, restore, and then strengthen the flow of mind;
- merge together with the energy of higher forces;
- achieve clarity of mind, peace of mind;
- protect yourself from adverse external influences;
- to reveal your personal potential to the maximum;
- strengthen the physical shell, improve health.
People who practice appeals to Vajrasattva, for several years, have taken the path of enlightenment of the personality and feel the touch of a divine plan. Some yogis even claim that this sacred text allows you to fully work out your karma, and then be reborn and become a renewed supreme being. The hundred-syllable mantra creates reliable protection that allows each person to adhere to the right path once and for all, regardless of all the obstacles that stand in his way. The Vajrasattva mantra is often described as a technique for protecting mental and moral purity. With the regular performance of the sacred text, a person does not have immoral thoughts, he does not do bad things, always and in any situation he acts from a sincere heart.
For ordinary people, this prayer opens up effective ways of self-improvement and knowing oneself. At the same time, he not only changes the spiritual component of a person, but also helps him to improve the "shell" - the physical body.
Turning to Vajrasattva strengthens health, fights lingering ailments and prolongs life.

When to read?
The hundred-syllable mantra should be recited when you realize that your life is at a complete dead end. Effective spiritual practice will help you quickly get rid of the difficulties that have arisen and look at the situation from the side of the body as an observer. Its action is based on the fact that excessive enthusiasm for worries and the external environment often make it difficult for a person to find a way out of this situation. In most cases, bad karma is the cause of a series of troubles.
To save yourself and your loved ones from suffering, you need to use the recitation of the Vajrasattva mantra. However, don't expect changes to start soon. While the soul is reborn in the wheel of Samsara, it is impossible to completely get rid of the negativity dragging from the past life. In spite of everything, continue to work with the mantra and remember that no one is immune from the mistakes of the past. But it is in your power to change your future.You just need to be patient and move gradually towards the goal.

In Russian, the adapted sacred prayer contains certain syllables. You can write them down and read them from the sheet. Over time, the mantra can be memorized. The structure of the mantra is dominated by abrupt short syllables and letters, which significantly complicates the translation of this sacred text. It can be very difficult for beginner practitioners to choose the right rhythm and place stress on their own, which is why most often they listen to the words of an appeal to Vajrasattva.
The approximate meaning of this text is as follows: “Vajrasattva, extend your hand to me, support me in my life situation, save my thoughts and feelings. Please be proud of me and be pleased with me. Please do not leave me, remain open to me, show your favor. Give strength to complete all tasks, help me direct my actions for good. Be there in a difficult situation because I have obligations. "
The most important thing that the hundred-syllable prayer gives you is the ability to walk the road of justice in any life situation. Pronouncing the phrase: "I have my obligations," the practitioner thus assigns to himself the full measure of responsibility for events in life and for participating in the fate of others. Behind this lies the basic concept of the mantra "Be an improved version of yourself in the name of the universe."

Reading rules
The mantra of the diamond mind is a combination of words and syllables, where each sound has its own vibration, so the text requires the most accurate reproduction. By the strength of the energetic effect, it can be compared with a spell or sacred prayer. Every mantra has its own rules for reading, the hundred-syllable differs in that it does not have to be transmitted from the guru. It is effective in itself, and anyone can read it. It is best to practice the mantra in absolute peace, solitude and deep concentration. To achieve maximum results, you need to take off all your clothes and accompany the performance with prostrations. Frequent repetition of syllables helps to clear the mind, blocks the growth of negative karma. The hundred-syllable mantra must be recited 108 times, only in this case one can expect clarification of karma. Practitioners say that when you read the appeal to Vajrasattva 1 million times, you can achieve spiritual enlightenment and transition to a higher level of personal self-development.
When reciting a mantra, you need to focus on the HUNG syllable, it is called "emitting light" and is located in the heart center of Vajrasattva. Concentrated, his energy goes through the thumb of the deity, enters the crown of a person and, like soap and water, cleans all mental impurities, heals diseases and collects bad energy. Light leaves the body through the lower chakras and is directed to the ground, where the negative is completely neutralized. The Vajrasattva prayer should be recited with sincere repentance. Otherwise, it simply won't work. A person should sincerely and with all his heart regret his unfavorable actions, bear the guilt for the echoes of past mistakes in his life and feel the horror of what he has done. The action of the mantra is inextricably linked with the purifying energy of repentance. Starting to practice, you need to decide once and for all for yourself that henceforth you will not be able to commit a single bad deed, even at the risk of your life. This will be the immutable strength of your decision.
Once you have started practicing the one hundred syllable mantra, it is not enough just to read it. You need to work on yourself every day, rebuild life in such a way as not to repeat past mistakes. Only in this way can you achieve the fulfillment of desire, feel positive results and direct life in the right direction.
The answer from the Universe can only wait for the person who with all his soul strives to become better and cleaner, as well as to help change those around him.Once having turned from the bright path that opened to him, he will no longer be able to return the favor of the deity.