Great mantra for complete purification of the chakras

People tend to dream of miracles, everyone would like to find the means that will make life better, happier, more joyful. All this is possible, but without the development of the spiritual principle, such a task cannot be solved - this is the opinion of those who are engaged in the practice of self-improvement and development of their energy balance. The creative energy that fills the subtle bodies of a person comes from the universe, but it is possible to accept it and accumulate in the required amount only if we are ready to accept it. To ensure the smooth operation of the entire system of human energy chakras, ensuring our health, emotional and physical endurance, it is necessary not only to engage in development, but also to purify each chakra. One way to keep the chakra system clean is to recite the cleansing mantra.
About mantra
Chakras are guides that connect each of us with the subtle world. With the help of these energy centers located in the human body, energy exchange with the Universe takes place, which gives us strength, health, and influences our destiny. If the chakras work harmoniously and harmoniously, a person lives happily - he is healthy, successful in all spheres of life, financially secure. To achieve the desired harmony with the universe, the chakra system requires regular cleansing of negative energies. There is a powerful and great prayer that completely cleans the chakras and opens up new opportunities for a person - mantra OM.

The purifying mantra OM or AUM considered the progenitor of all mantras known to mankind. Despite its brevity, this is an ancient prayer that is strong and deep in meaning, in which all the foundations of the world order in the Universe are laid.Mantra is a kind of tuning fork, the sound of which purifies a person and adjusts him to a harmonious harmony in unison with all that exists.
People who have devoted their lives to spiritual practices believe that OM is inherent in everything that exists not only on our planet, but in the entire Universe.

Mantra is the most valuable vehicle through which a person receives energy flows from the Higher Forces. Saying aloud the sounds "a", "y", "m" a person begins to enter into a single stream of vibrations of the subtle world. It contains the full cycle of existence of all that exists, starting from the moment of creation, the passage of the phase of conservation and culminating destruction. In Hinduism, the OM mantra personifies the trinity of the great gods - Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu.

The OM mantra is highly respected in the Buddhist religion, as it is associated with the Buddha - his body, speech and mind. However, in this religion there is no clear definition of what the OM mantra is, it is perceived as a sacred given from above. The sound of this ancient mantra is part of the cultural heritage, for every meditating person it becomes intuitively understandable - this is the great phenomenon and the mystery of prayer.... In the process of pronouncing OM, a person enters into resonance with the subtle worlds of the Higher Forces, which affect our mental field.

Sound vibrations that arise when reciting the OM mantra have a positive effect on the mental and physical health of a person. Meditation allows you to immerse yourself in a kind of world flow of energies that purifies and harmonizes human consciousness. For those who practice yoga, the OM mantra is recited to tune the body and energy systems of a person before meditation. All bodily and spiritual practices, which are often combined with breathing exercises, begin and end with this mantra. Chanting the ancient mantra allows a person to abandon the cycle of fussy affairs, problems, negative experiences and makes it possible to focus attention within himself for a meditative conversation with the Higher Forces.
With the help of the OM mantra, one can learn to maintain inner peace and concentration by turning off the unconscious flow of thought processes that prevent a person from knowing the world order. Prayer makes it possible to open and cleanse the chakras, improve their work, increase energy exchange and the accumulation of positive vibrations.
Such a harmonizing effect occurs when reciting a mantra due to the effect on the body of vibrations of high-frequency sounds.

How to practice?
Chakras are energy centers that are located along the spinal column, but not on the physical, but on the mental level. The seven chakras are united into a single system that controls not only health, but also the entire fate of a person. Failure in these energy centers leads to problems that are expressed on the physical plane in the form of loss of health and troubles in life. For this reason, it is extremely important for each person to monitor the harmonious state of the chakras and regularly cleanse the energy system of accumulated negative vibrations.
Before embarking on the practice of cleansing the chakra system, it is necessary to prepare for the procedure. For meditation to be effective, you will need:
- ventilate the room where the reading of the mantra will take place;
- create a relaxing atmosphere with the aromatic incense of sandalwood, jasmine or incense;
- find a comfortable place to sit on the floor in the lotus position with a straight back.

The effectiveness of meditation largely depends on the inner attitude, so preparation should be taken seriously and followed by a number of rules:
- the reading of the OM mantra is carried out at sunrise or at the hour of its setting;
- you need to practice cleansing prayer on an empty stomach;
- to work with sacred prayer, they put on clothes of white or light yellow color;
- before meditation, it is necessary to eliminate all distractions - turn off the means of communication, eliminate the sounds of the TV, retire in a room so that strangers do not distract;
- before reading a mantra, it is advisable to listen to an audio recording, how to do it correctly, how it should sound, with what length, timbre.
Before starting the practice, it is necessary to practice pronouncing the prayer so that there are no distortions or deviations in its sounding - only in this case such meditation will be effective and give a cleansing result.

Although the mantra is short and simple, you need to know how to recite it correctly. For this, it is important to observe some nuances.
- Reading the sounds of the mantra should be done calmly, slowly. The sound can be anything - quiet or loud, silent reading is also allowed, but mental reading of mantras can only be afforded to insiders. Most often, the OM mantra is recited in full voice.
- The sounds of the mantra need to be pulled and interrupted only in order to inhale or exhale. The emphasis is on the last syllable or sound.
- When chanting a mantra, the sound should vibrate, for this you need to tightly squeeze your lips in the form of a tube.
- The practice of reciting the mantra should be regular. An episodic approach to prayer does not produce tangible results.
- While reading, your state should be relaxed and peaceful, there should be no extraneous thoughts at this time. Only full concentration of attention on the spoken sounds of the mantra makes reading effective.
- The reading should be at least 20 minutes long, but ideally it should be read within an hour. The number of readings should be a multiple of 3, therefore, for full-fledged meditation, the mantra is read 108 times, the countdown is performed using a rosary.
These rules are general for doing daily meditation with mantras. But it is worth noting that for other prayers there may be additional norms and rules for their reading.

Completion of the ritual
Experienced mentors and teachers believe that when reciting the cleansing mantra it is not advisable for a beginner to overload himself with a large number of readings at once. It is believed that reading can be 9 or 18 times, but it will be effective if done deliberately, with concentration. The OM mantra is the beginning and final stage in any practice of reciting ancient sacred prayers.
After finishing reading, do not rush to break down and run about your business. Sit in silence, in a relaxed state, allow your energy to tune in with the energies that you received during the practice. Realize the positive influence of the mantra, experience a feeling of gratitude to the Universe for the opportunity to contact it and purify your chakras. Having tuned in to a positive wave, the practice can be considered over.

Possible mistakes
Often, beginners may wonder whether it is possible to simply listen to them instead of reciting mantras. Experienced practitioners believe that such listening is not effective, since mantras must be read, or better, chanted. They sing mantras alone or in a group, where the leader chants the prayer first, and everyone else chants after him. Reading mantras is also ineffective, because the thought process imperceptibly takes possession of a person, and he is distracted from his intention, losing concentration.
With this practice, the mantra begins to be read mixed with one's own thoughts and no longer brings efficiency.

When reading mantras, people can make certain mistakes:
- reading occurs in parallel with mental wandering of the mind;
- mechanical repetition and disregard for the divine text;
- confused reading, poor pronunciation, unclear sound, haste.
It is customary to recite all mantras slowly, clearly articulating each sound and being aware of it. You cannot add unnecessary sounds or miss them when reading.When reciting the mantra, the volume should be moderate - not too loud and not too quiet. Extraneous conversations in the process of meditation are unacceptable, as is the mixed reading of various prayers.

It is very important to concentrate while reading and not be distracted. If, nevertheless, you happened to be distracted, then as a sign of respect for the sacred mantra and repentance for your mistake, you will need to do the following:
- if an extraneous thought suddenly occurs in your head and you are distracted from reading, the rosary is moved 1 bead back;
- if you caught yourself that you began to recite the mantra mechanically, without being involved in the process, you need to go back 2 beads on the rosary, that is, you will need to read the mantra 2 additional times;
- for coughing, sneezing, yawning, knocking or reading mistakes, the rosary is moved 3 beads back;
- for interrupting meditation, until the circle of the number of readings is over, the rosary is moved by 10 beads or the whole cycle begins anew.

In cases where, while reciting the sacred mantra, the practitioner allowed extraneous conversations or distractions, additional washing of the face, hands, feet, as well as irrigation of the mouth with water will be required.... Only after that you can start a new repeated cycle of reading the mantra.
Below is a recording of the great mantra Om.