Mantra to Venus

Planets can have both positive and negative effects on people. Mantras can be used to prevent negative influences. For example, the planet Venus can lead to various problems in life if it is not located very well in the natal chart. Special chants are used to placate the planet. As a result, material wealth multiplies, spirituality develops, the perception of beauty increases, love comes into life.
Venus endows the world with harmony and beauty. The number 6 is inherent in the planet, and Friday is considered its day. It is on this day - the fifth in the week - that contemplation, justice, striving for beauty and art most clearly manifest themselves. It is worth noting that the planet responds with generosity to those who honor it. You can get mercy if you constantly use amulets with copper, diamonds or emeralds, as well as recite mantras.
Venus affects the pleasures, comfort and luxury in life, the embodiment of what was conceived in reality. To receive all this from the deity, it is important to fully concentrate while chanting.
A beautiful and successful life surrounded by art and its representatives is possible if you regularly repeat the text of the ancient mantra to Venus - "Om Shukraya Namaha".

How to improve your Venus?
When the influence of Venus is negative, a person fails both in the financial sphere and in the sphere of beauty. He seems to forget how to enjoy the beauty that is in the world around him. It is possible and necessary to improve the disposition of the planet towards oneself so that life becomes more harmonious, successful and bright.
The easiest way to propitiate a deity is to recite the mantra "Om Shukraya Namaha." The vibrations emanating from this word form have a beneficial effect on the astral body. So, “Om” opens an energy channel, “Shukraya” can be translated as Venus, and “Namaha” is an appeal to the planet as to a deity.
It is important to repeat this text many times. It is also advisable to recite mantras dedicated to Lakshmi. It is worth carrying out rituals for the deities who are considered the rulers of the planet.
To improve the influence of Venus, it is recommended to use talismans with white zirconia, diamonds or cubic zirconia, and they can be charged with mantras for a better effect.

Great favor from Venus can be gained by giving alms to those in need. It is advisable that it was clothing and various dairy products. It is also useful to fast on Fridays.
When reading the texts of the mantras of Venus, you can use special rosary beads, consisting of diamonds, sapphires or corals of white color, transparent quartz. With such an appeal to the planet, a positive result will be seen very quickly.
The mantra "Om Nami Bhagavate Parashuramaya" will be especially effective if you write it on paper and place it next to the yantra (symbol-image of divine energy). It is advisable to place the symbolism in a cozy and inconspicuous place oriented to the southeast. This text is great for balancing energy flows and eliminating the negative influence of Venus.
It is very important to believe in everything that is done and said. You should not use the method if you are skeptical about something like that. Also, you should not indulge only your curiosity.

Meaning of mantra texts
Mantras differ in meaning, therefore they are chosen depending on the ultimate goal. Of course, most word forms are aimed at expanding consciousness, becoming stronger in spirit and body, improving financial condition, relationships with people around.
The tantric mantra is one of the most difficult. This is due to the fact that it must be repeated 16,000 times throughout the day. Of course, at first the number of repetitions is arbitrary, but over time it must necessarily grow.
The text of the mantra is as follows: "Om Svaha Bhuvah Bhur Om Draum Dream Draum Sah Shukraya Namaha." There are several options for translating this word form, but all of them are aimed at achieving a single result. The mantra appeals to Venus, praises her beauty and greatness. The speaker asks to endow him with wisdom, love, harmony, beauty inherent in the planet itself.

The state in which it is recited is very important for the Puranic mantra. Words can be read while at rest. This word form is not suitable for those who are in a state of depression or are ill with something. It is worth practicing to be able to pronounce the words in one breath.
Text: "Hima Kunda Mrina Labham Daityanam Paramam Gurum Sarva Shastra Pravaktaram Bhargavam Pranamyaham." It is pronounced 15 times. In the mantra, reverence is expressed to a great and powerful deity named Bhrigu Muni, who rules the fiery planet. His beautiful face, features, age-old wisdom are praised. The song speaks of the glory of the teacher, who wrote many prayer texts.

Among the mantras of Venus, one should also single out the seed. It allows you to quickly cope with problems in the reproductive system. Also, reading this text is good for those who have diseases of the genitourinary system, infertility and various skin problems.
The word form "Aum Dram Dream Draum Sakh Shukraya Namaha" must be read at least 11 times a day. It is worth noting that it generally improves the functioning of all internal organs and allows you to quickly restore energy reserves.

How to read it correctly and how many times?
The most important rule when practicing mantras is to recite them regularly. Moreover, you can do it yourself or listen to it in the recording.Of course, it is best to record the mantra yourself on a dictaphone so that you can listen to your own voice. However, you can also use ready-made options in someone else's performance, which are easy to find on the Internet.

Practitioners with extensive experience distinguish several stages in the pronunciation of mantra texts. The main difference is with what power the word form will have an impact on a person.
The outer stage is suitable for beginners who have just started reading the texts of mantras. At this stage, the appeal to the deity occurs only when the words are spoken at the top of their voice. It is important that the vibration from sounds and chakras resonate. This helps to clear all energy channels.
The middle stage involves the pronunciation of the text in a whisper.
The inner stage is the most potent and best contributes to the correction of karma. On it, the mantra is repeated exclusively in thoughts. You will have to practice a lot in order for the mind to pronounce all the words correctly.

The chanting of mantras dedicated to the planet Venus should begin on the fifth day of the week and only on the growing moon. Ideal if the practice can be done at dawn.
You can start reciting a prayer 108 times. Gradually, the amount should be increased up to 1,080 times and even more. To achieve the desired result, the repetition of the text must be brought up to 100,000 times in 3 months.
To repeat the word form, it is worth choosing a yoga pose - lotus, which has a calming effect on the mind and body. As a result, the signal increases, which provokes the reaction of forces from outer space. Thus, the creative potential of a person will open faster. The planet will help to improve the relationship between the applicant and the people around him.
With regular reading of word forms to Venus, consciousness will change, and harmony and peace will come to the inner world. All negativity will go away along with bad thoughts. A person can become completely happy.