All about mantras

In the modern world, the use of special sacred texts is widespread, with the help of which people try to free themselves from destructive attitudes and attract love, happiness, success, prosperity, and luck into their lives.

What it is?
It is believed that mantras first appeared in ancient India. The word itself is divided into 2 parts:
- "Man" translated from Sanskrit as mind, consciousness, think, think;
- "Tra" translated means freedom, liberation, protection, amulet.
There is the following definition: mantra is a special sacred phrase, consisting of a combination of specific sounds that have an unusual energy that can change the life of the subject. Magic sentences have a characteristic rhythm and structured vibrations that have a positive effect on human consciousness. A set of sounds of a certain sequence tends to penetrate at a subtle level into the brain structures of the subject, in a special way exerting a strong influence on the personality.
Spiritual energy can significantly change the worldview. Uncharted horizons open before the subject. A new perception of the world leads to an improvement in the energy space around the practicing personality. Each sound combination is filled with the deepest religious and philosophical meaning. Frequently repeated sacred phrases have a beneficial effect on a person.
Mantras help to find peace of mind. They help people eradicate negative thoughts, get rid of many problems and failures, reveal their inner potential, gain faith in themselves, and attract desired events into their own lives.

Mantras have a non-standard structure. Usually a sentence consists of several words, which are not an appeal, but a specific formula. All sacred sound combinations contain a kind of code. The more often a person repeats a sacred phrase, the more he is charged with cosmic energy. All sounds in the text are fueled by it. Each word has a specific meaning:
- Ohm - sound reflection of divine energy, a powerful amplifier of the entire sacred phrase;
- Them - protection from enemies and troubles;
- Gum - acquisition of wealth and career advancement;
- Hrim - cleansing the body;
- Hum - removal of damage;
- Shrim - development of creative abilities;
- Si - removal of mental stress and fear;
- Chen - bringing joy to life;
- Don - endowing a person with eloquence;
- Aum - an increase in vitality and energy, enlightenment of the mind.
Mantras have nothing to do with religion, but Hindu priests often resort to reading such sacred phrases. Buddhism is one of those religions that rank mantras as sacred texts that help to remove any obstacles.
Buddhist mantras are recommended to be used during meditation.

What are they for?
Mantras have a magical effect on a person. They only work with the right attitude of the practitioner. Multiple repetitions of the magic phrase free the human consciousness from negative thoughts, bring him to the next high level of spirituality. Sacred texts contribute to the stabilization of the general emotional background of the individual and the enlightenment of the mind. Mantras help to know the truth.
A well-chosen sacred phrase benefits the mind and body. It enables the individual to move to a new level of development, to make all dreams come true, to cope with any problems. Mantras rid the brain of an influx of destructive thoughts. As a result, a person experiences less stress and is exposed to stress.
The cherished phrase has a positive effect on psychosomatics. Frequent repetition of texts leads to the improvement of the whole organism.

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During the recitation of the mantra, the ancient people attached great importance to ritual actions. Mudras are still used by the modern public with the aim of attracting cosmic energy, stimulating mental activity and awakening the energy of the subtle body. Each magic phrase is associated with one of 108 names of God. The same number of times is recommended to recite the mantra. People, having come into contact with the divine principle, are freed from bad reasoning and improve their souls. Some want to get rid of the disease with the help of the mantra, others want to find family happiness, and still others dream of getting rich.
Depending on the goal, each person uses a specific sacred phrase. So, you can overcome your grievances with the help Osho mantras. And the ancient Vedic mantra of peace "Asato Ma" brings peace and tranquility to the soul. Queen of all mantras "Sri Nrisimha Kavacha" protects against any dangers encountered in everyday life. The goddess Kali is responsible for filling the body with vital energy from the time of conception to death. Mahakali is able to destroy evil and attract a lot of positiveness and strength into a person's life. A sacred phrase helps to gain pure consciousness and wisdom Om Maha Kalikayi Namah. You can grow spiritually quickly with the help of the text: Om Hrim Shrim Klim Adya Kalika Param Esvari Matchmaker.

Magic formulas reflect the basic movements of energy. There is a universal mantra, the beginning of which is "Om Namo Bhagavate ...". The additional word depends on the day of the week when the meditating person uses the spell.
- Monday is characterized by an increase in the influence of the moon, so the addition will be the word "Vasudevaya". The best mantras for this day are “Om Cham Chandraya Namaha” and “Om Shram Shrim Shrum Sa Chandraye Namaha”.The divine being Chandra soothes the human mind with clarity and wisdom.
- Tuesday is under the auspices of Mars. The main sacred word of Tuesday "Narasimhadevaya" helps to develop determination and courage, to strengthen will and endurance, to gain quick reaction and leadership qualities.
- The patron saint of the environment Mercury helps in studies and business affairs... The additional word "Buddhadevaya" contributes to the development of mental abilities, oratorical skills.
- Jupiter favors the next day of the week. Vamanadevaya should be added to the basic concept. For Thursday, the money mantra "Om Gurave Namah" is still good. It increases wealth, good luck and prosperity.
- Venus is the planet that patronizes people of creativity. The word "Parashuramaya" is suitable for Friday.
- Saturn endows people with patience, devotion, foresight. For Saturday, the addition is provided: "Kurmadevaya".
- The sun is the patron saint of Sunday. On this day, it is recommended to supplement the phrase with the word "Ramachandraya" in order to attract a stream of vital energy, health, respect for other people, and fame into your life.

There are different types of sacred texts. The transformation of all qualities of a divine being into sounds is Bija... It can consist of one or more syllables. The phrase has powerful power, so it is often added to various sacred texts to enhance the spell.
The Gayatri Mantra is considered to be the strongest in terms of energy. Magic formula "Om Bhur Bhuva Svaha Tat Savitur Vareniyam Bhargo Devasiya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat" is capable of dramatically changing the fate of a person. It completely purifies the mind, soul and body. The mantra of purification relieves of internal experiences and the negative influence of external circumstances. Repeated repetition of the sacred text leads to the acquisition of emotional comfort and material wealth. A person develops the ability to endure any life trials. Most people who have acquired faith in their own strengths begin to show supernatural abilities.
Healing mantras lead the body to healing and rejuvenation. A very powerful health formula "Om Surya Namaha" helps to cope with poor health, renew the body, restore mental and physical strength, gain longevity. The mantra "San Sia Chii Nah Pai Tun Dou" allows you to return beauty, harmony and attractiveness. The combination of reading sacred texts with a healthy lifestyle is an excellent way to rejuvenate.

The imbalance in the body can be eliminated with the help of the magic words "Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Sei So Hang". They align the spiritual, physical and psychological background. A person who has achieved a sense of peace and harmony regains strength of spirit and a wonderful state. The subject is ready for any undertakings and new achievements. The Om Chandra Namaha spell significantly improves the mental state. There are universal mantras aimed at receiving a charge of positive energy and achieving a high level of spiritual growth. An example is the famous mantra: "Om Mani Padme Hum"... With its help, you can eradicate all the mistakes made earlier, enlist additional support.
Before important moments in life, it is recommended to pronounce one more unique sacred phrase: "Om Namah Shivaya." The spell is addressed to the god Shiva. It helps to increase stress resistance, eradicate unpleasant obsessive thoughts, fears. A person gains self-confidence. Having got rid of his problems, the individual is able to reach unprecedented heights. Anyone can choose for themselves 100 suitable spells and use them depending on the inner state of the soul, the presence of desires at the moment.
The mantra "Om Kri Kirim Karim Krim" is aimed at improving memory. There are many different magic formulas aimed at healing the body, gaining knowledge and achieving harmony.

For success
Before starting any new business, the subject needs to tune in to success. A person must get rid of negative influences and recharge with positive energy. Many resort to such sacred words: "Aum Kassiyana Hara Shanatar." The phrase magically affects a person, activating his astral vision. In other words, the opening of the "third eye" takes place. Success is guaranteed.
For wealth
Attracting money to a house requires a certain attitude towards opening a financial channel. Money mantras invariably lead to new opportunities for enrichment. Especially well attracted to material benefits are the texts addressed to the gold-bearing goddess Lakshmi: "Om Hrim Shrim Lakshmi Byo Namaha" and "Om Lakshmi Vigan Shri Kamala Jirigan Svaha". Even with the help of these sayings, you can find a good job. The spells of Ganesha, a Hindu divine being who strives for the acquisition of wealth, prosperity, wisdom and clarity of mind, lead to a solid profit.
Some recommended texts are: Aum Namo Janadaye Svaha Namah Aum, Om Sri Maha Ganapataye Namah, Om Ganeshaya Namaha. There are numerical magic combinations. Reading a numeric combination 7753191 during the week will surely attract a financial flow. Pronunciation of each number 77 times a day helps to open 7 energy centers.
This will be followed by various monetary rewards: wage increases, unexpected additional benefits and bonuses.

For love and happiness
There are magic phrases with which you can find your soul mate and find family happiness. On a full moon, it is recommended to read the following text: "Toodoo Siiroo Anwaat Moonooraan". Magic words can help make a person of the opposite sex sympathize with you.
For energy
Some sacred texts help to get rid of unnecessary experiences that make it difficult for a full-fledged existence. The magic words "Ra Ma Da Sa Sei So Hang" cause a surge of strength and self-confidence... The list of the best sacred texts is headed by 9 golden mantras. They are great for any kind of meditation. One of the phrases "Klim Mantra" significantly enhances the energy flow.

How to choose?
There are Vedic, Tantric and Buddhist magic phrases. For beginners who do not have a personal guru, it is recommended to turn to Vedic texts, because tantric and Buddhist mantras require certain conditions, a special technique for performing. A person who does not know them can cause irreparable harm to himself. Vedic texts are general in nature. With their help, you can refer to your own consciousness. Tantric phrases allow you to solve specific practical problems.
When choosing a mantra, a person should be guided by his own feelings. If the melody and sacred words are pleasing to the subject, then you can safely put them into action. They will definitely activate energy flows and lead to the desired result.

How to use it correctly?
It is necessary to introduce mantras into your life gradually. The first lessons should not exceed 10 minutes. Do not rush to increase the time of working on sacred phrases, otherwise problems may appear in your personal life and work. Most of the texts are designed to cleanse, calm, and heal the soul. Abrupt changes in consciousness often lead to significant destruction in reality. Subsequently, practice should not exceed 60 minutes per day. It is best to meditate at sunrise, noon and sunset.... For magic spells to work, you need to retire. Extraneous sounds should not interfere with the work on the sacred text. Before starting meditation, it is advisable to take a bath with aromatic herbs.
Yogis prefer a contrast shower, alternating between warm and cold water. They believe it pumps energy, as hot liquid cleanses the body and cool liquid cleanses the mind. In any case, after taking a contrast shower or a scented bath, the mind perceives the magic phrase better. Purchase Buddhist rosary and incense sticks for meditation. You can use Orthodox incense. The rosary helps to avoid miscalculations. After reciting the mantra, it is necessary to move one bead out of 108. For better efficiency, it is advisable to pronounce each sacred phrase exactly as many times. It is allowed to make 3, 9, 18, 27, 54 repetitions. Speaking a mantra in groups strengthens the effect of the formula.
Long and regular repetition of the mantra in combination with physical activity helps to reveal the inner potential of the individual... Any strong mantra recited by a person in a natural reservoir multiplies its effect. Contact with the water surface of a lake, sea, river contributes to the reunification of the subject's energy field with the world pool. Before listening to or reading sacred texts, it is very important to say out loud a specific goal. It may relate to finding family happiness, good luck in business, financial well-being, physical recovery of the body, or some other desires. They need to be visualized. Imagine the result that you plan to achieve.

Listening to audio recordings is necessary for novice practitioners, because beginners need to understand the special rhythm of sacred texts and get a clear idea of the melody. The subject must learn to listen to a phrase in an incomprehensible language in which it is sung. It is very important for a beginner to catch the special vibration of sounds.
Experts believe that listening to sacred words without reading it is impossible to achieve the desired result. However, audio recordings with mantras are allowed to be used as background music to create a magical atmosphere during meditation.

Only by resorting to chanting or reading sacred texts can you achieve the desired effect. In this case, the mantra will begin to work as a mechanism. Sacred phrases can be read aloud. Loud speaking is reflected in the transformation of the physical body. Reading the text in a whisper has a positive effect on a person's energy. The repetition of the mantra to oneself has a beneficial effect on the human psyche.
- The sacred text must be pronounced loudly in a special way. The correct flow of the scale can disrupt the inhalation in the middle of the word. This is absolutely impossible to do. The phrase should be said strictly on the exhale. It is very important to breathe deeply during the practice. Each cell of the body must respond to certain vibrations. Only in this case the cell is cleared of the previously laid down destructive programs. After the destruction of negative information, the body is given a new setting.
- The second stage involves the transition to a whisper. In this case, the sounds will begin to affect the chakras and energy channels of the subject. Disruption of the activity of any chakra leads to various diseases. A lack or excess of energy must be brought into a balanced state, because a deficiency provokes a decrease in the functionality of all organs, and an excess leads to inflammatory processes. The aligned energy field also has a beneficial effect on the physical body. As a result, the human body is completely healed.
- Not everyone can immediately learn to chant mantras in their minds. It is difficult to free your consciousness from extraneous reflections. You need to thoroughly concentrate on the mental pronunciation of the phrase. Internal focus on sacred words erases negative thoughts, helps to remove various blocks and clear the mind of stereotypes.
Try to work on an exercise that can help you get rid of a particular fear. First, you need to choose a sacred expression aimed at cleansing your consciousness, and say it 12 times in a row. Then name the word for your fear. After the appearance of a mental image that terrifies you, say the chosen mantra 12 more times. Perform these actions until the anxiety finally leaves you.
The procedure can take from one day to several months. It all depends on the person's perception and the level of fear.