
All about mantras to Jupiter

All about mantras to Jupiter
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Who needs a mantra?
  3. Text
  4. When and how to read it correctly?

In yoga practitioners, the chanting of sacred texts dedicated to heavenly bodies is widespread. Mantras are used to harmonize certain areas of life, to solve physical and psychological problems, as well as to open the chakras and internal self-improvement. One of these mantras is the appeal to Jupiter.


In the natal chart, Jupiter is the main indicator of children, their number, health and relationships with adults. Jupiter is important to girls and women as he sends them not only children, but also a spouse. In this way, the Deity forms the basic components of female happiness. Jupiter opens the way for men to fulfill their responsibilities to family and society. Jupiter is the planet of optimism, mercy and good luck. Her patron symbolizes prosperity and financial savings, personifies unexpected gifts of fate. From a medical point of view, this planet is connected with the human immune system, which directly affects the physical health of children and adults.

Translated from Sanskrit, Jupiter means "the one who teaches, the guru." It is no coincidence that he is considered the teacher of the assembly of all gods, a symbol of enlightenment, correctness and justice. As a true guru, he becomes an enlightener, a patron of psycho-emotional growth, the personification of consciousness and reason. The Sanskrit name for Jupiter is Vachaspati. "Vacha" originates from "Vac", which translates as "spoken words", "pati" means "the Most High."

Thus Vachaspati is the God of speech. This deity gives the gift to control the word and convince others that they are right.

Who needs a mantra?

Any mantra should be used when a person feels the need to make changes in his life. The main purpose of sacred prayers is to harmonize personal energy space and change some aspects of life. The patron brings the missing harmony to her and stimulates spiritual growth. Prayer to Jupiter has a positive effect on many areas of human life and activities. Mantra induces prosperity, improves well-being, brings good luck to life. The sacred texts contribute to the development of control over emotions, strengthens self-control and gives self-confidence. This prayer has a powerful effect on the social and social aspects of a person's life, promotes spiritual growth and raises personal authority and status.

However, this is far from the entire spectrum of influences that mantras can have. Addressing this planet has a beneficial effect on social and psychological characteristics. However, the physical body is not ignored either. In particular, mantras directed to Jupiter have a healing effect on health, prayer to the patron saint of the planet works wonders for the following ailments:

  • being overweight or obese;
  • liver pathology;
  • allergic diseases.

Individuals with a strong Jupiter are not susceptible to mental disorders, which is why patients with schizophrenia, epilepsy and other mental illnesses often turn to the planet. Jupiter solves problems in the relationship between children and parents, as well as students and teachers. Meditation eases a person's suffering from greed and self-indulgence. The sacred text reduces excessive self-confidence, which has a negative impact on relationships with people. The recitation of mantras to Jupiter influences the physical and social position of the practitioner.

Mystical sounds can correct a person's health, transform his mental state, heal from serious mental ailments... The most important thing is to address the universe sincerely and honestly. It is very important that all spoken words come from a pure heart, with the kindest and most sincere thoughts. Any wishes that pursue the goal of worsening the state of another person are not perceived by Jupiter, the person does not receive a backlash from the Universe. Only those who send their best, purest thoughts and sincere beliefs into space can await prosperity and an improvement in their situation.


The text of the mantra is as follows:




If you translate the text and prayers from Sanskrit, then it takes on the following meaning: "I worship the deity Vamanadeva." Vamanadeve is one of the avatars of the Indian god Vishnu. In appearance he resembles a dwarf brahmana.

The sacred text refers not so much to Jupiter himself as a celestial body, but as one of the hypostases of the cult deity. It is to him that the Practitioner expresses his respect and sincere worship.

When and how to read it correctly?

In order for the recitation of mantras addressed to the planets to bring the expected results, it is necessary to practice on the right days. The day of Mercury is Thursday. It should be understood that the planets replace each other not at midnight, but in accordance with cosmic cycles. Thus, a new day begins immediately after sunset and continues exactly until the sun sets on the next day. Accordingly, the day dedicated to the worship of the divine Jupiter begins on Wednesday immediately after the sun goes below the horizon, and ends on Thursday at about the same time.

The effectiveness of any yoga practice largely depends on how correctly it is carried out. The number of the planet is 19, which means that the number of repetitions of the mantra should be a multiple of 19. Most often, 190 circles of 108 repetitions are performed.Of course, it is physically impossible to sing so many sacred texts in one day, therefore there are several ways to perform meditations. You can start turning to the deity on Thursday and continue it every day. And you can repeat the mantras only on Thursdays until the moment when 190 circles of 180 turns are completed.

The practice has become widespread, according to which the execution of the sacred text lasts exactly 45 days. On each day, four rounds of repetitions are performed. Thus, the prayer is repeated 432 times daily. When reading, the voice should vibrate, since the vibrations multiply the appeal to the energy space around the person.

Correct visualization allows you to enhance the miraculous effect of the energy created when reciting a mantra. If the appeal to Jupiter is made in order to heal his physical shell, then while chanting the mantra, the practitioner must imagine how the flow of energy leaves space and dissolves all ailments. When performing a prayer to correct mental and psychological deficiencies, you need to try to imagine how in the place of an imperfect personality a person is born who has all the necessary qualities. Tip: For beginning yogis, it is best to listen to the audio recording of the mantra. This will allow you to place the correct stress and enter the required rhythm.

At first, the sacred text must be read in complete solitude. In the future, you can use any free minute, for example, while going to work or traveling. The presence of people around does not have any adverse effect on the end result. The lotus position allows you to concentrate as much as possible on the necessary energy message. This approach provides faster release from all existing problems and allows you to get an answer from the Universe to any question.

Correct appeal to Jupiter gives a person the ability and desire to listen to the sages, whose advice helps to achieve spiritual growth and allows one to find true happiness in all the breadth of its understanding.

1 comment
Mercury is Wednesday, Jupiter is Thursday !!! 02.09.2021 15:37

Mercury is Wednesday, Jupiter is Thursday !!!


the beauty
