All about protective mantras

Mantras of protection run away from unkind thoughts and protect from the actions of enemies. There are several options for different mantras, you can practice any of them. The most important thing is to carefully study the technique of reading the sacred text and strictly adhere to the rules. Today we will talk about the most common protective mantras.
How to choose a mantra?
Any mantra is a combination of sounds, syllables and Sanskrit words. They are designed to create special energetic vibrations, with the help of which the desired is brought into a person's life. In fact, this is a kind of way of addressing people living on Earth to higher forces. At the moment of pronouncing the mantra, it forms vibrations of the energy space. They seem to envelop a person's aura in a dense cocoon, making him impenetrable for any evil turned from the outside. Protection prayers can be used in a wide variety of situations. They cleanse from negativity, help to maximize the concentration of energy in the chakras, strengthen the mental plane and thereby repel any adverse external influences. There are many sacred texts created specifically to protect children, homes and loved ones from harm.

How to read it correctly?
Any mantra requires maximum concentration, awareness and concentration. Before you start reading, you need to carefully read the text, try to figure out the correct pronunciation of words, syllables and the subtleties of stress placement.
The rules for reciting mantras presuppose a complete cleansing of the body and mind - during the appeal to the higher powers, the practitioner should concentrate as much as possible on his sensations. Before practice, try to discard all unnecessary, no one and nothing should distract you from communicating with the deities.A warm relaxing bath will help you tune in to work with subtle energies.

The atmosphere in which the work takes place must be appropriate. It is advisable to practice outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. - in any case, it should be an inaccessible place where outsiders cannot interrupt the practice. It is better to choose loose clothes, always made of natural fabrics. It should not hinder movements, otherwise the energy will not be able to freely flow through the chakras. To enhance the effect, all kinds of incense are used, they create the necessary vibrations and relax the nervous system.
When addressing higher forces, you need to concentrate on your own feelings. You can work in three main ways:
- mentally filling the chakras with energy, starting from the pelvic area and ending with the space above the head;
- visualize a cocoon of golden threads that covers the body from any external influences;
- draw a mandala by redirecting its energy in lines.

While communicating with the Universe, you need to visualize what you are asking for. So, if the practitioner wants protection for himself, one can imagine a cocoon that covers the body from outsiders, or strong armor. When reading a sacred text to protect your home, you need to focus on forming an energy shield, if you are reading a prayer for a child, mentally create a barrier around him. In any case, pure thoughts are the most important. Conversion to the gods should be accompanied by sincere worship and veneration. Any mantra will be effective only if it is pronounced with a feeling of love, gratitude and admiration.
Practice involves repeating chants every day for a certain period. Yogis believe that the sacred text has the greatest power at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. At least once a day, you need to recite the mantra 108 times in a row, you can use a rosary for counting.
The first results of the practice will not be noticeable immediately, the effect makes itself felt a week after the start of work.

Examples of sacred texts
Vedic mantras can be addressed to different Deities. Yogis practice mantras in the name of Narisimha, Kavacha, Kundalini, Shiva, Krishna and Buddha. Let's consider some of the most common sacred texts.
Purification and sound protection
One of the simplest, but nevertheless powerful mantras is considered to be a prayer aimed at protecting your own energy field. Its peculiarity is that it protects not only from enemies, but also from their own mistakes. It happens that people, against their desires, do what others want from them. By doing so, they harm themselves. This mantra prevents such situations, gives willpower to refuse in time everything that can negatively affect the reader.
The mantra sounds simple enough:
Om Sri Para Maha Durgai Ayya Namah Jayam.
You should hum the text by stretching all the vowels; you can choose the rhythm yourself. This mantra protects a person from negative entities, protects from evil and cleanses from accumulated negativity. The formula allows you to find inner harmony, increase your personal potential and reveal talents.
A simple melodious text has a beneficial effect on health and has healing powers. People who regularly practice the mantra can significantly increase their energy potential, relieve back pain. The healing effect can be greatly enhanced by visualizing the flow of energy directed to a specific part of the body while reading. For example, if a person is experiencing heart problems, then it is in this area that energy should be directed.
For better visualization, you can even place your palm on the heart area and imagine how heat emanates from it.

Shiva's protective mantra
It is difficult to imagine protective mantras from unkind essences without the most famous and effective prayer to Shiva.It protects against mystical influences, negativity, failure and disease. The power of the sacred text acts as a "reflector" of enemies.
The text is very simple and easy to read:
Om Namah Shivaya.
In fact, this mantra symbolizes the praise of Shiva. It is known that the Supreme Deity never refuses to help the reader. Repetition of the Vedic text helps to strengthen the energy field. This mantra must be recited 3, 9, 27 or 108 times. During circulation, one needs to visualize warm energy that fills the entire body, and then flows through the crown of the head into space.

Sound "Ohm"
If the mantra seems too complicated, you can limit yourself to pronouncing the universal protective sound "Om", it is widespread in practice - it is with it that each mantra begins. The combination of sounds is regarded as the transfer of pure energy to the Universe, it stimulates the process of accumulation and production of its own energy in the chakras. A simple prayer protects from enemies and ill-wishers, makes it so that evil people, ghosts or entities are always bypassed.
The sound "Om" should be repeated vaguely and protractedly, best of all in the lotus position. While chanting, one should free the mind, mentally direct the flow of energy through the chakras, opening them and filling them with the power of sound.
"Om" is recited 108 times, the duration of each chant is chosen in such a way that during this time a person could mentally fill each chakra with blessed energy, moving from feet to head. Part of the energy is released into the Universe, and part is returned to its own aura, forming a protective cocoon.
Om is also practiced when necessary, for example, when an evil person is nearby. In this way, the mantra helps to avoid trouble.
Also, yogis believe that this chant reduces karmic debts and reveals personal potential.

Gate Gate's Universal Protective Mantra
Gate Gate is a powerful protective formula that is used in any dangerous situation.
The manta text looks like this:
Gate Gate Poro Gate Poro Som Gate Bodhi Matchmaker.
This prayer comes to the rescue when a black streak comes in life and a feeling is created that everyone around wants evil for a person. Sacred words surround him with a protective code, patch up gaps in his aura, fill a person's mind with wisdom and strength. You need to read the text in dangerous situations, It should also be repeated before leaving the house in order to protect the home from unwanted entry.

Mantra for troubles and envious people
If a person, by virtue of his activities, encounters envy, then the mantra helps to protect him from unkind thoughts or evil deeds:
Ari Nari Tunari Anaro Nabi Kunabi.
It must be pronounced 4 times, 27 times. In addition to running the practice out of trouble, it also makes it cleaner and better. Regular repetition of this text for 40 days can greatly improve concentration and intellectual abilities, increase creativity and open the way to achieve the goal.

One of the most powerful, but at the same time complex mantras. She helps protect herself from evil eyes, corruption, energy vampires and witchcraft. Protects from ill-wishers and enemies, contributes to the emergence of invulnerability.
It's not easy to memorize it:
Teyata Om Analale Anale Kasame Kasame Bayre Bayre Saume Saume Sarva Buddha Adishtana Adishite Svaha Om Sarva Teyata Ushnisha Sitata-patra Hum Pe Hum Mama Hum Ni Match.
The effect comes after a week. You need to repeat the mantra 27 times, preferably before sunrise. Reading should be accompanied by a mandala. It is drawn and filled with the energy emanating from the performance of the sacred text. Subsequently, this image must be worn near the chest - this will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the sacred text.

Tips for beginners
There are many different kinds of protective mantras. They differ not only in text, but also in their functional purpose.
- To choose the prayer that you need in each specific situation, you should listen to all the protective songs and feel the one that will resonate in your soul.
- You can try to read each of them, analyzing your own feelings and sensations while referring to the Universe. If, in the process of humming the text, a feeling of goose bumps appears or suddenly fatigue rolls over, then this is exactly the energy that will help you.
- It happens that the heart responds to several formulas at the same time. In this case, you need to either choose one of them, which is more to your liking, or practice everything in turn.
- Inexperienced practitioners are advised to begin their work by listening to audio recordings of security texts. Finding them will not be difficult - they are available in the public domain on the Internet. All that is required of you is to take a comfortable position and allow the sound of the text to fill your entire body, to conduct energy through each chakra. At first, the appearance of muscle tension and a feeling of fatigue is possible - this is a normal phenomenon, which means that the energy began to move and began to remove blocks.