All about Green Tara mantras

A person needs to hope for something, to believe in something, he needs protection. Then his general state of mind will be stable, and he will stop looking back. But how to decide on such an important question? It is necessary to study it. Then it will become clear to you that you can simply ask for help from someone from above, for example, from a light goddess. Her name is Green Tara. She will always help you find the right solution and give you strength for further achievements.

What does it mean?
The Green Tara mantra is a kind of protection and stronghold for many people living on earth. They turn to her when trouble comes. Or when someone wants to receive something cherished. The patronizing goddess Lakshmi is able to quickly come to the aid of any of us, because she has sincere compassion for all living beings on Earth. People refer to the goddess Lakshmi as their mother. And she definitely helps. Please note: This goddess is usually depicted as a very young and very beautiful girl. Her whole appearance expresses compassion and willingness to help.
A bit of history. Once upon a time, Tara made a vow to go her own right path until she reaches Enlightenment. When she succeeded, she began to show her generosity to people. Since then, the deity has always come to the rescue only in a female form. Moreover, the Protecting Tara does not choose her wards by gender and helps everyone: men and women. The main thing is that their thoughts are pure, and their requests are light and disinterested.
She is said to be the mother of all Buddhas in Buddhism. Therefore, Tara has 21 manifestations. This is what "lies" such a prevalence of its appearance.This is precisely why people receive protection from everything: both from their own fear, and from eight darkening misfortunes (this includes: protection from wild animals, from vices, as well as protection from natural disasters).

When to use?
The Green Tara mantra is universal. It applies to all life situations. However, remember - when addressing the goddess, you should experience only blissful feelings. The Green Tara mantra (the exact words are: "Om Tuttare Soha") has the following meaning: Tara is a guiding light, salvation from danger and a certain guiding Star leading to light and joy. Another word - Tuttare means getting rid of the suffering of the soul. In this case, a person can be saved from such dangers as hatred, greed, delusion, etc. Explanation: it is no secret to anyone that it is precisely such negative factors that pose the greatest danger, first of all, for the person who falls into the network of such manifestations. These same manifestations also often cause unbearable pain in the soul. That is why man suffers.
Sokha or Matchmaker is a fairly common expression that means the following: "So be it!" This expression can also speak of blessing and joy. The text provides 108 repetitions. Do not be lazy, say the Mantra exactly as much as it should be, and you will definitely succeed. What happens if you read the above mantra? In this case, you can easily get rid of the demons annoying you, as well as get what you want or overcome obstacles that have arisen in your path.
There is such a belief: a person will not blink even once, and the Green Tara will already fly around the Earth several times. It is believed that this is why all desires are fulfilled very quickly. Thanks to the appeal to Tara, a person lost in sins can return to the true path and begin to feel compassion for others again. You need to know: the path to enlightenment is impossible without compassion for other people. Tara is the guarantor of the following truth: every confused person can receive help from outside and achieve enlightenment of thoughts.
With daily reading of the mantra, he will be able to attract a partner into his life, as well as become a rich and harmonious person. So, let's look at each specific case.

In case of illness
Green Tara has a special favor with the fair sex. She helps them in the absence of children and during childbirth, heals women's ailments. However, this deity also does not bypass men. In case of various illnesses, it is necessary to pray very earnestly to the goddess for health, and she will willingly help. There were times when people begged her for health when even doctors could not help them.
The mantra of this orientation must be read for 21 days. This is how you can put protection not only on yourself, but also on your home and even on the household. For example, there are prayers for the protection of poultry. The mantra Om Tare Tuttare Soha is included in this list. In addition, with the help of these same sounds, you can protect your house from thieves and not even lock it. Thieves will still not be able to enter your home if you sincerely believe.
Also, a protective mantra will help you if any cataclysm happens or wild animals attack you. She also protects against fires. Miraculous words form a kind of cocoon in which a person and his environment are located.

From adversity
Any of us will find consolation in the Green Tara Mantra. She will save you from fear and adversity. It will cleanse your soul and calm your mind. You will become stronger in spirit and will not react so brightly to negative factors. With the help of the above words, a person will be able to get rid of stress and its consequences. For help from outside to come for sure, read Tara before going to bed.
Fulfillment of desires
A very powerful prayer addressed to Green Tara will definitely be heard. Your wish will come true. Nevertheless, one should not hope only for a miracle.We need to act! Then you will feel a surge of strength and give an impetus to the deity so that help is provided to you as quickly as possible. It is in this case that the mantra should be recited at least 27 times in one go. There should be 4 visits.
Travel amulet
If you are going on the road or are already on the way, be sure to contact the goddess and read the amulet "Protective mantra of the Green Tara." She will save you from enemies and from trouble in a foreign land. Your adversity will pass by, and the journey will be the most memorable.

Basics of handling
This item includes techniques such as meditation and visualization. Why visualization? Because when addressing a deity, it is necessary to represent his image, as well as praise and show devotion and love.
In this case, the person should be in a relaxed state, with his eyes closed. You can sit in the Lotus position. If meditation is carried out correctly, then emerald rays should emanate from Tara. They will directly penetrate deep into your mind and body. These components are miraculous and healing. It will also be correct to clear your mind of bad thoughts and not be angry with anyone.
The mantra must be read correctly and consistently in order for it to work accurately. Spend at least half an hour on the mantra. It is necessary to pronounce miraculous words 108 times. To pronounce the Mantra correctly, you must first listen to the audio recording. This way you will remember exactly the intonation and correct pronunciation. Speak Tara out loud, and not to yourself. One must also be aware of the meaning of the spoken words.
It is best to read the miraculous Tara early in the morning on the growing moon.

Behavior during meditation
Like all meditations, Green Tara meditation requires special preparation. Reading the mantra "Om Tare" also requires a special approach. Therefore, follow these rules.
- Do not gorge yourself before meditation.
- To cleanse your body of dirt, take a shower. To clear your mind, remove all unnecessary from your consciousness.
- Make yourself comfortable in a cozy place.
- Sit up straight and breathe deeply.
- Visualize the energy of Green Tara. It should be green or emerald green.
- Recite the Green Tara Mantra "Om Tuttare Ture Sokha" very slowly.
- In this case, it is best to imagine yourself in a green Cocoon. He must protect you and fill all your chakras with a certain energy.
- Light should emanate from this Cocoon, which reaches the place where Tara is. This is how she will hear you.
Tip: If you are a beginner, it is best to first take a course that will help you learn the magic words better.

Every believer has certain ideas about what kind of prayer suits him best. This feeling is inside consciousness, it is very difficult to confuse it with other feelings. Thus, the subject asking for a miracle has the ability to look inside himself. Thus, extraneous thoughts disappear from consciousness. Therefore, in no case should you read prayers, spells and mantras hastily. If you decide to pay attention to the other world, treat it with respect and reverence.
Thanks to the fact that you begin to recite the Mantra of Green Tara, you will be able to achieve tranquility in all areas. And this is the main point. If you don't fuss, then everything will turn out very quickly. You will be under self-hypnosis all the time. You will not be afraid of curses, damage, etc. that come from the outside. Please Note: Even Christians who are unfamiliar with Eastern religion may still benefit greatly from miraculous texts.
After reciting the Green Tara Mantra, you must also practice meditation. Therefore, it is worthwhile to devote a separate day to one of these reflections. So how should you proceed? On the first day, devote your thoughts to the essence of the goddess, namely her wisdom.After reading the Mantra, imagine how your consciousness is filled with the wisdom that is inherent in the Protecting Mother.

Next time, you can devote your thoughts to the source of divine radiance. In our case, radiance is universal compassion. Imagine that not all living beings live well on Earth. Think about their anguish and desires. Draw conclusions that will help you understand that you need to help everyone in need. In this way, you can clear your mind of bad thoughts, cruelty and filth. Next, you need to devote your thoughts to thinking about the light that comes from the deity. Emerald energy is able to guide people on the path of correction. At the same time, it is necessary to realize that everyone should seek their own destiny and their own path.
You also need to turn to Tara as much as possible so that your thoughts and body receive the necessary transformations. You need to understand that spiritual practices provide hope and pleasures that cannot be compared to earthly pleasures. The bliss that a person receives from practicing is incomparable with anything. Therefore, always be aware of the bliss you get from practicing.
You also need to consider the following points. If after reciting the mantra you feel aggression or anxiety, then this means that you are making mistakes. Think: what are you doing wrong? Correct mistakes and continue practice.
Open your thoughts and your heart to the goddess completely. Then you can feel all the power that comes from her. And along with the strength, you will receive her favor. These ingredients will help you become a very strong, wise and successful person.