Who is an asphalt paver driver and what does he do?

Each profession has its own subtleties and nuances. Let's try to figure out - who is an asphalt paver driver, what he does, where to study and where such a specialist will work.

Working as an asphalt paver driver is not as common or honorable as the profession of pilots, sailors, military personnel, architects or even electricians. But still without the efforts of such necessary specialists, one of the fundamental pillars of modern civilization - the main and local highways - will collapse. It is even difficult to imagine when it will be possible to do without covering roads and sidewalks with asphalt. That is why people who lay it from scratch or during repair will always remain in demand. But road work is not for the mentally and physically weak people.
You have to go to work regardless of the weather and time of year. It may be extremely rare, but you have to lay asphalt in winter. A normalized schedule is not common, but night shifts are common. Indeed, with the onset of darkness, the flow of cars weakens, which means that roads can be repaired more efficiently and fully.
Of course, there is a specific range of knowledge and skills, which we will discuss below.

A list of the main responsibilities of the asphalt paver driver is described in the ETKS. This specialist:
controls various machines and devices used in the construction and repair of roads;
maintains his car;
carries out its preventive and general repairs;
checks the serviceability of the asphalt paver before going on a job;
fills it with fuel, lubricants and other technical fluids.

Knowledge and skills
This point is also spelled out in ETKS. The asphalt paver driver knows:
the device and the main capabilities of the machines entrusted to him;
requirements and instructions for their use;
methods of laying work;
basic requirements for the quality of the roadway;
consumption standards for fuels and lubricants, asphalt;
labor productivity standards for paving;
safety requirements;
principles of safe storage of the substances used;
Traffic Laws.

The job descriptions also mention such requirements:
knowledge of internal regulations;
knowledge of current management orders;
first aid skills;
environmental, sanitary standards and methods of their implementation;
additional provisions added at the request of the management of the organization.

Of course, you don't need to get a college degree to work on an asphalt paver. However, it is still necessary to undergo secondary vocational training. Appropriate education can be provided in specialized technical schools and training courses... You can find them in any region. Suitable:
training center "Perspective" (Moscow region);
Omsk Motor Transport College;
Khabarovsk Automotive College;
Kostroma Highway College;
Yakutsk Road Technical School;
Tomsk Automobile and Road Technical School;
Yekaterinburg Automobile and Highway College;
Novosibirsk Motor Transport College;
Petrozavodsk Motor Transport College;
courses "Marstar" (St. Petersburg);
training center "Amulet" (Moscow);
"Educational Combine" (St. Petersburg);
training and personnel center "Machinist" (Vologda).

As already stated, asphalt paver driver's job is not easy... And it's not just about significant physical exertion (even the best machines cannot roll everything out correctly by themselves, they have to “help” using a shovel and other devices). Asphalt and asphalt concrete get very hot, and it is a dubious pleasure to work in summer with building materials, the temperature of which reaches 160 degrees. No wonder no one under the age of 18 is allowed to work on the pavers.
Laying machine operators go to work in special clothing and shoes. There is no other way to protect yourself from possible contact with the heated mixture. It is also worth considering that this is also a sedentary job, and not just physically loading. In addition, the mechanisms of the paver paver generate harmful vibrations.
And to top it all off, the products of bitumen evaporation are not at all good for health.